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���� <br /> � <br /> [� � � D F� � � CJ I� C� N � . � �- <br />�__----.`_--__--- ---__ <br /> _-----------____-.----___--_____ <br /> _ __ ,��-,�-- ____ _�_-- ____------- -. ---_--�--.-- <br /> . ---- <br />�-- --._..�-,�,. - <br /> II Q.UTT CLA��[ DEED: ._-.___._ --- -- <br /> , THIS INDENTURE, �dade triis 26th day of July, in the year one thousand nine hun�- <br /> � <br /> red and seventeen, between Clarence W. ,Cole, Xidower, Grantor oP the first part; and �daggi� <br /> ' Henra.ingsmeyer, Gran�ee of tne second part, <br /> '' WITNESSETH, �riat the aaid party of the Pirst gart, in consideration of the sum o2' One Dollar <br /> to riim duly paiQ, the receipt whereof is riereby acKnowled�ed --- remieed, released and qui�- <br /> ; <br /> i claim�d and by these gresents does , for himsel, riis rieirs, executors and administrators, remise, <br /> ' rel�ase and Porever quit-claim and convey unto the said party of the second part and to her heirs <br /> and assigns forever, all my right, titl�, interest, estate, claim art�i demand both at law and in <br /> ' <br /> ' equity, �P, in, and to a11 of lot eight (S ) in block ten (10 ) of Gilbert�s Addition to Grand <br /> Islanfl, Nebraska, aa surveyed, glatted �,nd recorded. Grantor herein agrees to pay trie tax�e for <br /> � tne year 1916 amountin� to $15.12 and iMterest thereon amounting to .45, total $15.57 taxes. Part <br /> : o�' tMe Pirst part also a�rees to pay �16.63 toward trie interest on the mortgage upon said propert . <br /> '� Grantee herein assumes and agrees to pa�r the mortgage and encumbrances now against said property <br /> �'herein deacribed. Together with all and singular the hereditaments thereunto belonging. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD trie above described premises unto the �aid Ma�gie Hennin�smeyer her heirs <br /> and assigns; so triat neither of tne sald Clarence W. Cole, or any person in riis name and berialf, <br /> ' shall or will hereafter claim or demand any rignt or title to the said premises or any part there <br /> of t�ut they and every one of them shall by triese �resents be excluded an�i forever barred. <br /> IN WI3'NF�S WHEREOF, �he said garty oP the Pirst �art has riereunto set his hand and seal the <br /> ' day ana year above written. . <br /> ' Slgned, sealed and delivered in presen�e oP Clarence W. Cole <br /> ;; T. P. Boe�.m �,^ <br /> � - <br /> ,, State of NebrasKa� <br /> (ss. On thi� 26" day oP Tuly A.D. ,1917, before me the undersigned Theo.P. <br /> Hall County ) <br /> Boehm a Notar� Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residing <br /> 3n said O�unty, personally came Clarence W. Col�., �didower, Grantor to me known to be trie iQentical. <br /> ger$on whose name is af�ixed �o tne fore�oing instrument as grantor and acknowledged trie same to <br /> be his voluntary act and deed, <br /> �itn�ae my hand and Notarial Seal the daY and year last above written. _ <br /> (Seal ) Trieo.P.Boerim. .Notary Publi <br /> �,y commi.ssion expir�s the 26tn day of March 1919. <br /> F11ed for record the 31 day of July, 191:7, at 9:15 o�clock A.�d. <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> ' -O-�J-O-Q-�J-O-O-O-0-�3-0-0-4-4-0-0-0-�-0-4-0-0-�-�-O-O-O-U-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-U-O-O-O-O-O -0-4-0- <br /> Q,,UI T C�LQI�+I DEED._ ' <br /> KNOW ALI. MEN BY THES� PRESENTS: Triat W�, Bayard H. Paine and Grace Bentley <br /> , <br />' Paine, his wife, of the County of Hall and State of Nebraska, for trie consideration of Ten 00�100 <br /> ' Dollars, here�y c�uit Claim and convey� unto Frank J. �alek of the Coun�y of Hennepin and State of <br /> � <br /> ! Minnesota, all of our right, title ana l�nterest of' whatsoever nature, in and to the following <br /> ` '! de�cribed Real Estate, situated in the County oP Hall and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> Lot F�urteen (14) oP "Garland Place� in Hall County, NebrasKa, being a Subdivision o�' the �Torth <br /> �.'halP of the Soutrieast Quarter of Sectio� 23 in To�rnanig 11 Nortri, of Range 10 West oP the 6th P.M. ; <br /> ' the 3.ntention being to convey hereby a11. o�' thE interest o2' the grantors in and to said lot, and <br /> ; esgecially, all of their interest acc�uired by virtue oP a certain Quit Claim Deed recorded in Boo <br /> 49, pa�;e 310, of the records ot said Ha,�l County. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we riave hereunto set our riands thi� 27tri day of July, 1917. <br /> Witness: Bayard H. Paine <br /> Jorin Allan Grace Bentley Paine <br /> , <br />� � <br /> ,_. II �I <br />