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��� y <br /> / <br /> DEED RECORD NO . � 4 <br /> . �.____�_��_ ___=�___ _ <br />^_� �:, � __� _�_�� �. , �:_ __ <br /> _ �_:: -_.____ <br /> I;year last above written. � � � � � � <br /> � (�ea1 ) J. Clyde Hoffman. . .Notary Public. ; <br /> ��.y Commission Exgir. es February 3,1g21. ; <br /> �I <br /> � I' <br /> �Filed for rec�rd t��e 25 day of July, 1917, at 9 o•clock A.M. <br /> _ ����� ��� <br /> Register of Dee . �i � <br /> `-O-�J-�J-4-0-0-�J-O-O-0-0-O-O--0-0-0-0-0-0-O-fl-0-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-O-O-U-�O-O-fl-O-0-0-0-0-0-0!f- <br /> WARRANTY I�EED'- <br /> � KNOW AI,L MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Emma L. Cha�man and Horatio P. Criapmarl,wiPe � <br /> and husband, and eacri in ner and his own ri�ri.t, (the said Hor�,tio P. CriaFinan,beint� the surviving <br /> husband of Hopy A. Chagman, deceased,wrio died intestat�,, a re_s�:dient af Hall County, Nebraska on the!; <br /> 1S, datr of February 1894,� for and in consideration of Nineteen �riousand five hundred Dollars in <br /> �� <br /> hand paid, do hereby �rant,bargain, sell,convey and confirm unto Jorin J.Price,of York,Nebraska, ii <br /> � <br /> ; trie f�llowing described real estate, situated in the County oP Hall and Stdte of Nebraska to-wit: '� <br /> Trie Nortrieast Quarter (NE� ) of Section four (4), Township ten (10 ),Nortn Ran�e eleven (ll),W�at �' <br /> 'i <br /> ` o�' �t,ne 6tn P.M. c�ntaining one huncired and sixty and eighty-five one-hundredths acres according tt� <br /> i <br /> government survey. to�ether witrl all tenements, rieriditaments and a�purtenances to trie �ame belor�� <br /> , <br /> ' in�;, and all the estate, ri�rit, title inter�st, inheritance, pr��erty, dower, curtesy, right aP <br /> � <br /> ; hornestead, claim and demand whatsoever of �rie said Emma L. Chapman and Horatio P. CnaFinan of, in, ,. <br /> � or to the same, or any part tnereo�': ;i <br /> TO HAVE At3D TO HOLD trie above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto tne said John <br /> ;; <br /> ;, <br /> J.Price and unto riis neir� and assigns forever; and we trie said �2nnia L. Chapman and Horatio P. '� <br /> i� <br /> 11 <br /> i <br /> '; CriaFinan for ourselves and our rieirs, executors and administrators, do covenant witri the said d'ohn �j <br /> � J. Price and witn nis heirs and assigns, that we are lawfully seized of said Fremises, t�.at �ri�� <br /> '� are free Prom incumbrance tnat we have �ood righ� and lawful authority to sell trie same and triat �', <br /> ; <br /> ;i <br /> ;we vrill and our heirs, executors and administrators, shall warrant and defend the sa�e unto trie saii�i <br /> J�hn .7. Price and unto his heirs and assigns forever, against tne lawful claims aP all persons !I <br /> ; <br /> 'whomsoever. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our ha,nds this - �Q day of July A.D.1917. <br /> Wi�nes s: E[nma L. Chagman �� <br /> �� <br /> ii H.P.Burmood Horatio P. Chapman '� <br /> ': C.W.�ercer <br /> ; State of Nebraska) ' <br /> � <br /> )ss. On this 30 ctay of July A.D.1917 before me H.P.Burmood a notary gublic duly <br /> xall County ) ii <br /> commissioned anci qualiPied for and residing in said county, personallv cami� <br /> � <br /> !trie wi�hin named ':; <br /> ��tnma I,. Chapman and Horatio P. Criapman, wiPe and husband, tho are personally known to me to be thei; <br /> identical gersons wriose names are aPfixed to tne wi�hin instrument as grantors, and they and eacri '�' <br /> of them acknowlec�ea �aid instrument to be their voluntary act �.ild deed. ; <br /> , !i <br /> WITNFSS my hand and notarial seal tha da.te 1ast.: aforesaid. <br /> H.P.Burmood. . . .Notary Public, <br /> (sea,l. ) <br /> ;i <br /> 'My commission as Notary Public will expire, ion the 5tri day of Apl A.D.1921. <br /> , �. <br /> :Filed Por rec�rd the 30 day oP �Tuly, 1917, at 11 Q�c;lock A.M. '! <br /> , �� i <br /> .., <br /> Register of Dee . <br /> ,i <br /> �-O-O-�-0-0-0-O-Q-O-O-O-�J-O-O-O-O-�J-�J-0-0-O-J-O-O-O-0-fl-0-O-0--0-0-O-�-Q-O-O-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0�0-0-�- <br /> „ <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � �� <br /> f � ;; <br /> 1 �i <br /> j <br />. I _ � _ <br />