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�V� <br /> DEED I=� ECORD NO . 54 <br />__�____ � _i_- ______ <br /> _ _ _. _________-_--_--- <br /> _ --_- - --�------ _ ____ _----__--- -_ _.-- ---- <br /> a�u .�n�h6TS�TA6;Wlfn, — –_— <br /> Es�_' _'_':�..__� � '__._._.._._ .__-._.� _ <br /> ;! IN �►ITNES$ WHEREOF, the said Realty Investment Co. has hereunto caused it� corporate s�al ta be <br /> !� affixed and theg� presen�s to be signeci by its President the c�y and year Zirst above v�ritten. <br /> � Signed, sealed and delfvered in presence of <br /> _ John Allan (CORP ) Realty Investmen�t Cos� <br /> � (SEAL ) <br /> E.I..Gilbert Sec'y,, Attes�C By L.C.Gilbert Pres�,dent� <br /> ' State ot' Nebraeka <br /> ' �ss. <br /> County oP Hall ) �n triis 17th day o2' July, 1917, bePore me the undersi�ned, a Notary <br /> Public in and for said County, pereonal�ly came L.C.Gilbert, President oP the Realty Investmer�t Co <br /> to me peraonally known to b� the President and tne identical person w'hose name is arfixed to �rie <br /> above conveyanee, and acknowledged the �execution thereof to be riis voluntary act and deed as �uch <br /> mfSicer and tl�e voiuntary aet and deefl iof the saici Realty inv�stment Co. , and tnat the Corporate <br /> ' Seal ot' the said Realty Investment Co. was tnereto affixed by its authority. <br /> Witness my hand anfl Notarial Seal at GranQ IslanQ in said county the day and year laat above <br /> wr i t t�n. (SE;AL) Js,hn lA 1an <br /> Notary Public <br /> ' ]�y Com�nission expires the 5tn Qay of Jan. , 1918 <br /> F ile d tor recor d on tne 19 day of J`uly 1917 at 4:50 0�c1ocK P.�t. <br /> ; <br /> Register o1' Dee� <br /> -0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-O-U-4-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> ; <br /> �arranty Dee d: <br /> , <br /> Bho� all Men by these Presents,, Triat N.P.Dodge Jr. and Laura �V.DoQge, husband and wife, <br /> ;! 2n conaideration oP One Hundred Fifty-eighL (#158 ) DOLLARS in riand paid, do hereby grant, bargain <br /> ;: sell, convey arid eonfirm unto Thos.F.Po�.zel the Pollowing deacribed real eatate, situate 1n the <br /> ; County of Hall and State of Nebraska, to-�rit: Lots Nos.214 and 215 Belmont, an additian to �he <br /> � <br /> �� cit ot' Grand Island as surve ed <br /> y y , platted and recorded. <br /> Together with all tne tenements, nereditamenta and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all <br /> the estate title, dower, right oP homestead, claim or demand whatsoever of the said N.P.Dodge Sr. <br /> ;�! and Laura W.Dodge o2', in, or to trie same, or any part thereoP; <br /> TO HAVE A2�'D TO H�ZD the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Thos.F. <br /> Polzel and to heirs and assigns Porever, ana we, the said N.P.Doclge Jr. and Laura w.Dodge, t'or <br /> ' aurselves and our heirs, executora and �dministrators, do covenant witri the said Thoa.�.Polzel <br /> �, and with his heirs and as�igns, that we are lawPully seized o1' said premises, that they are free <br /> ' from encumbrance except the regular tax�s Por the year 1917 and subsequent taxee and all special <br /> taxea leeied or assess�d on or af�er Jur�e 1412 1912 ; that we have good right and la�r1'ul authorit <br /> to sell the same, a.rid that we will and aur heirs, executora and administrators sria11 warrant anct <br /> defend the same unto the said Trios.F.Polzel and his heirs and assigne forever, against the lawt'ul ' <br /> �� <br /> claima of all persons whomsoever. <br /> Thia lot is sold and deed given on the express covenant triat no d�elling ahall at ar�y time be pla - � <br /> �; ed thereon of less than four rooms, shir�gle rq�Q�ing, drop siding, gainted and plastered, or of <br /> � <br /> brick, cement or g�one, and that said premises �nall never be occupieci by a colored person or for <br /> � �,n,y immor�l use. It is understood and agreed that tnese restrictions shall run with the land, ancl <br /> ` any violation thereof shall cause the title herein coneeyed to reve�t in the grantors. <br /> � In �itness V�liereof we have riereunto se� our nanda this Twenty-fiPth day of June A.D.1917 <br /> In preaence o�` <br /> N.P.�od�e Jr. <br /> I,.M.KroVer <br /> „ E. �'a ert _,,_ Laura W.Dod�,e <br /> ' State ot' NebrasKa, <br /> ss. pn this 25tri c�a,y oP June A.D.1917 be1'ore me, a Notary Public in and for <br /> County oP Douglas„ ) <br /> said County, personally came the above named N.P.Dod�e Jr. and Laura w.Dodge, who are personally <br /> iKnown to me to be the identical persons �'ho$e names are af'fixed to the abo�e inatrument ae granto s, <br /> liiand they acknowledged saia instrument ta be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> �� WIT�SS m�y hand anQ Notarial Seal the date �.ast aPoresaid. L.M?�royer _ <br /> 'My commission expires on the 26 d�ay of' J'une �A.3�,1920 t SFAL ) Notary Public � <br /> ; Filaed t'or record �n the 21�� day of July 1917 at 2 0�clocg P.M. . <br /> � <br /> '� egister of Deede <br /> �; <br /> ,, <br /> �! ; <br /> , I <br />