�1 "
<br /> � � ��
<br /> DEED RECORD NO . 54
<br /> -=_= - ----___--- __ __ , _ ___ ._______.
<br /> � U z T cLa zr�� nE�•_ -
<br /> � THIS INDENTURE, Made this first day of June , in tne year one tnou�and nine nund.�aci
<br /> ;
<br /> ;i
<br /> ; and Beventeen, between �Ioetta Wilburn, wife of Cnarles ;N. `�vilburn, of the first part, and Nebraslc�
<br /> ��
<br /> ; ,
<br /> ' State Blzilc�in� and Loan Ass�ci�tion, of trie second part,
<br /> S�ITI�'ESSFTH, that tne said Fart,y of the first gar�, in cons3deratlon oP the sum of One and
<br /> No�100 Dollars *n her duly paid, tne receipt wnereof is Y�ereby acknowled�ed ha��re remised, relea��;d
<br /> ;
<br /> ' and quit-claimed and by triese �resento do, for rnyself, my heir�, executors ana administrators, re-�
<br /> mise, release a.nd forever c�uit-claim and convey unto the said p�rty of tne second p�.rt and to its ',�
<br /> as�i�;ns forever, all my right, title, interest, estat�, claim aricl demand botri at law and in equity�,
<br /> - �
<br /> of in and to all
<br /> ' � Zot Numberecl 'I'hree (3 ), in �1ock l�umbered Four (4�, in Wallicria� Addition
<br /> to the C3ty of Grand Islanri, Nebra,ska, accordin� to the recorded ��l�,t tt�ereof. To�ether witn all ;,
<br /> ;i
<br /> an� singular tne ner��.ita,ments th�reunto belon�in�.
<br /> TO �TAVE Ai�L 'I'G iiOLD tn� above describes premises unto trie said Nebra�ka State Buildin� and ''
<br /> Loan Association ana its assigns; �o tlzat neither tne said r�rantar, or any �erson in her name ��
<br /> ar�d behalf, sriall or wi11 .�ereaft�r claim or demana any ri�rit or title to th� sai�. premises or an�
<br /> part triereof but they and every one of tnem �hall by th��e gresents be exclu�ed and forever barrec�.
<br /> IN' WITNESS WHERF�Ok', The s�icl party of tri� first �art h�� riereunto set ner riand anc! seal the :;
<br /> tiay and y�a� �,ba�te written. '�
<br /> � � l�oetta �ilburn i'� �
<br /> 5i�ned, sealed and delivered in presence of '�
<br /> :i
<br /> �
<br /> Claude A. Davis
<br /> State of Nebraska) �I
<br /> (ss. On t�is 1 day of June A.D. ,1917, before me tne und�rsi�nea Claude A. `�
<br /> Valle,y County ) I
<br /> Davis a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residin�;;'
<br /> ;;
<br /> in waid Count,y, per�or�ally came n2oetta '��1lburn, wif� oP Cnarles '�. '�tilburn, to me known to be trie'!
<br /> iaentical �?erson wno�e na�me is affixeci to trie fore�oin� instrument as �rantor and ackno�ledged' tn� - . �
<br /> �. ,
<br /> ,
<br /> same to be rier volunt�ry act and deeci. '
<br /> �;
<br /> Witness my �ana ana l�ot�,rial Seal tne day a.n�t year last �,bov� written. ,
<br /> Claude A. Davis �
<br /> T�y commi ssion exgires the 3, day of �'ebruary 1 19. ( SEAL" ) Notary Pub11c.
<br /> -
<br /> �'iled f or r�cord the 4 clay of :�une,1917, at 9 30 0'clock A.M. .
<br /> �� ,
<br /> ���,��✓ � '�� ,•
<br /> � Regi.ster of Dee ' . '�
<br /> -p-O-O-fl-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-O-U-O-O--O-�-�-O-0-0-0 0-0-0-0-0-O-O-f�-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0�
<br /> i�
<br /> ! CORPORATIOi�T Il�;�:-(SPECT� � j
<br /> KNOW ALL MEIy BY HESE PRESE�TTS: T!zat tn� I1ebr�.ska State Building and'�i
<br /> ii
<br /> I,aan Association, grantor, a corporati�n, of remont, Nebraska, in c�nbiaeration of One D�llar an�
<br /> ,; _
<br /> ot:rler valuable c�nsicieration in h�.na �aia, a.o s nereb3� Grant, Barga,in, Sell, Convey and Confirm �'
<br /> i
<br /> unto B. F. Croughwell �rdrltee of Sar�dr�t , �ve r. tne following uescribed Real Estate,sl.tuate in .
<br /> ;�
<br /> t!�e Count� of Hal1 , anc� State of Nebraska, to v��it: '�
<br /> '�
<br /> ,;
<br /> Lot Triree (3 ), in. �lock Four (�+), in Walli h' s Addition to Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br /> To�etner witn all trie Tenements, Heredita���ent and A��purtenances tc� the same belon�in�, and all
<br /> ' tne Est.ate Ri�nt , Tit.le, Interest , Dower, Courtest Claim or Demand wizatsoever of trie said grantor�
<br /> of, in, or to the same or an,y F�,rt thereof, To Have And To Hold tne above flescribed premises,
<br /> ;�
<br /> � wit�1 the appurter�ances unto the said �rantees and_ to trieir heirs and assigns forever. ;'
<br /> �i
<br /> ' And the �rantor dces hereby covenant v�ith the �aid grantees a,nd their heirs and assi�;ns that'�
<br /> �
<br /> i;
<br /> trie �rantor will warrant and defend the said gremises ag�inst the lawful claims or' any and all :,
<br /> ,�
<br /> persons claimin�; by or tnrou�,ri the �r�,ntor. I,�
<br /> ; ii
<br /> In yti�itness `N!Zereof, s�.ia �rantor h�s caused these presents to be si�ned and its official gea�
<br /> � to be a.ttdched tnis 12th day oi A��ril, 1917. i;
<br /> Nebraska State �uil�in� and Laan Association
<br /> In Preserlce �f (CORP ) ;'.
<br /> (�Ay ) �y T.L.11�dtnewa Presiaent. ��
<br /> G. A. Olxristed ij
<br /> ` ��. ,
<br />