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<br /> � ;,� ------- ------ S ee abave this line for roeordin data ` `- r-
<br /> � � F �o�rtr�ee���� 11�ORTGAGE — C�Ila�t�e�a� �, �.'_ �r'.
<br /> .�` � �ede�a/Bank Fi�al Estate Mortgage \ � . -__�-.
<br /> , � ` �,� :�-�� -=`
<br /> : � .
<br /> MaUUity Date in'rtial Inu�est Rate
<br /> �. '7 NaWreoficsdebtadnesa LoanAmount 7.990 �=-��--:-�--
<br /> � Consumer Loan 10,600.00 "�'-�'=`
<br /> , . .�
<br /> � I�iI�'N I�I . -
<br /> .�_ hemhy 8iva Commercial Federal Bank a Federaf Savings Bank('Commereial Federat7 a mort9aSe.with power oT aate,of the foilawing property togather with �' :�.:r:=---
<br /> � ail improvemenb naw or hnreafter erected on 1he Propevr/.and all easemenm.riahb and appurtenanees thereta _..�, -r--—
<br />. Tp�j�g����'1'PiRS9 S�IV9ItN'10 '3'� Q'PX OF�' --.=•,s,�•a�.i��`�
<br /> (,�,q,ID , HAT+L �i7i. N�. ��;,�.��-_
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<br /> .�-,
<br /> , Ii mora tfian one penson aigns this Mottpage,the wottJ'P means"we.` _
<br /> This Mortgage secures a�oan made by Commercial Federal,as brietly doscribed abow.A note dated the seme date as this Mortgage containa tha terms for ` ' .
<br /> re�yma;t e}thet�oan.R that note is ever changed or replaced by a new note,it wiil be saeurad 6y this Mortgaga �- „
<br />• � p;c,-v�fhefoltawiog things: ,rl �
<br /> . ��� •�er , .
<br /> 1. NI payments on any note cr other dabt secured CY 1hi.s Mortgage wili be paid vfien duo. ' ' - `� ' _
<br /> , ).• .;' -
<br /> 7
<br /> 2 M ina�aaruo policy for fira end�ctendod covera�a wi��be kept in force on the proparty in an amo�mt at leaat eq+�a�to th@ debts secured bV this :
<br /> � MoRgage plus any other mortgagas listod in paragraph 8 below.The inauranee eompany must 6e ca6�actory w Commorcial Fadaral,and �;�y_-_
<br />' Commereial federal will be a named ins�ued on the pdicy. �
<br /> � e wiii bo pa�d hefore they heeortso dolinquani nI�r�� . .
<br /> 3. A!I taxas and assessr►�ents on tha prop nY . ,
<br /> . •�rs�r-1'• .
<br /> . ' 4. No waate wifl be committed on the property,and it wili be kept in good repaic �,.'i�
<br /> 6. The proyerry wi0 not 6e aold(including by land conVact),Ieased,and no interest^•�itwiil be auigned in any wz� ____ _
<br /> �� -T'1_T
<br /> . 6. 1 awn ffie proAen7f free en�elear oi any other mort9a4es u encumbrances IXCEVT _ --
<br /> `�!_-,
<br /> :I:;.' . --_-_
<br /> 7. No other rtwrtpage or Iien on tfie proparry will ever bo atlowod to bo in default or tre tarectosed. �-��--
<br /> . y,� c
<br /> , •.1 . � - .. .� '.
<br /> .;,'•� H any oi theso Promisas aro not kopt thon Commereial Foderal can deelara all of the debt immodiatoly due and payable without advanee notiea The �'
<br /> interest rate wiU irtcrease to 19.04%or any flreater rete altowable 6y law at that time,and thia mortgage ean be forselosad in accordaneo�vlth apalieable IaN II ,,��-�.�I '
<br /> tha debt is acceleroted,thon 1 atao aui8n any mnt or other ineome irom the properry to Commeroial Fedcxal.THE PAATIES AGAEE THAT THIS CONS77MES ;y�sy_ �--
<br />' ' p CQ:IA7ERAL flEAI FSTATE MOflTf31►GE PURSUAM TO 50.DAKOTA C.L 44&29 (FOR SO.OAKOTA�`rSIDEIYTS ONLIl�. In the event oi any default in the
<br /> � ,� ma7m;g of any paymant a in keeping any covenant he�eia,thia MortIIape mey bo fornelased bY actlon,or try advertisement oa provided by atetute or Ute tules �i -
<br /> :�; 01 prachce refating thereto.and this paragroph ahalt bo deemed as authonang and constituting a power ot aale aa msntioned in aeid atatuta a rule�and eny Y-���L_,
<br /> ::..'� amandmant thoreto.and may retain etatutoN costa and attomay faea(SO.VYV.MU,OK,and MI residente only).
<br /> � Cerqin amoimts ca�6e paid by Commcrcial Fcsderol and added to tha debt aacured by thia Mortpaga They nro c�;l�9s or insurance 1 hars agreed to ' .�1�;�;,��_i�"'
<br /> . pay bti.�t fail tc any attomey tees or court�enses Commercia!Federal paYa if it is msde a party et any lepat ecbon t:a�j�i Oy wmeone elae coneeminp the � • ". �
<br /> n�ey which the Isw mi ht altaw if Commeroial Fedaal has to yo to court abamst me to���e dobt w *�'���. � �
<br /> . '., praperty,and ony ettomey teea or court�pe a ,��. � , . .
<br /> toreetose thia mortpese.�1 any o1 these thinpa happon,then the addittonaf deht will aecrue interest at tho eamo rate es tho rest of 4e daL-.and must bs paid
<br /> immediatdy. . .:�"��;"�"�`��'�.:
<br /> H thia proparty i�evar condemnad under the power o1 emi�ent domain or any aimilar method o!takinp property ta Fub lic use,ar.y p r a c e e dn c11he takin 9 •'iT.�;;.:;,,4•^.:,•.•.
<br /> ' vuill bs paid to Commerclal Federa�W to thetull amount of tho dabt aocurod. � :
<br /> . �,:�;.'
<br /> I�loties to Borrow�r(far Oidahom�P�W►Nk A pow�r_of�a{�has bNn yr�ntad in thia Mortpa0��• A PamT�t�msy eftow tho N!o ape to Lln 1h� . �. it�'.�
<br /> � O���LIi D 6v�iswR�ti�aw • p�• "�7�R.'
<br /> ' i mn�p�y� W an s� w Qo cou n• or�e su»�a�n upw� Y .
<br /> � �/1�J� P/L� -
<br /> ' TodaWe�ato � 8� 1497 eorr !e Signaturo l�l1�3T�I�1T � �E
<br /> 8ortovuor o Signnturo �
<br /> STATE Of � � � .
<br /> � .'� COUM1IfV OF HAL�I+ 1 . ' , �
<br /> On this 0�dey ot ��'I .19 97 ,boforo mo,a no!ary publ�c in end for naid county, peraonatty eame
<br /> .- �T�iY� S�••�g r�s�n,te hw thoidantical oeraon or parsons whose __ _^__ __ _,_.
<br /> . name ia o►are affixed w tho abaw mortgago,and thoy,ho or afie sovere�ty aeknouNadBod tho aaid inatrument and the exeeution tharaol to bo thair wlwmry •
<br /> • act and dood. � ' � ' _
<br /> WiTNESS rtry hand nnd n °bOVO. 1 / 7J�D�� / ' -
<br /> � My eomm�ssion o��ro� �';���� � 'A „�11.1//.�it,�/l /'� ✓ '. -
<br /> CONSTANCE K.SLOAN Notary Pubhe a Signaturo �
<br /> . .� NE-IN-WY-IL-�D- AIM�I'R.E�.,Pan.2�.t999 Dt�-i 077 i i 8l95i � ---- - �
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