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� <br /> �s�� <br /> DEED RECORD NO . � 4 <br />�- . _� _: - _ :=��____-�--.__�_____�_-.__ _=V . _ =-- <br /> -�_�_� ^:�_ _ ___ --=- , � _ _ <br /> �—To Have �nc� to Holc� The said ��rem�.ses anu p�reel of �.a,nci above ���.rtic:ularl,y dese�ibed, with I� <br /> I <br /> � the appurtenar�ces th�re�n, unto th� saiu Patrick Iirett Jr, his heirs an� a,syi�ns in fee simple ;� <br /> ' forever. ''� . <br /> " In M�itness ��1!�ereof, I , the Governor o�' the State of Nebraska, have hereunto si�;ned <br /> � <br /> �my name ana caused the Crr��at Seal of trie St��te to be hereunto affixed triis lOtri day of April <br /> �A.7J. ,1�99• <br /> (GREA'I' SEAL) �3y trie Governor: <br /> ( OF S'rATE ) W, A. Poynter <br /> ' '�N. F. Porter '' <br /> Secretary of' St�,te <br /> Attest: <br /> J. '�. "Nol�e - (St�te Land :) <br /> ' Ccmmissioner of Publie Lands and 73uildings (Offiee �LR.Z� <br /> i <br /> ;Recorue� hook �� Pa�e 6�+ Zetter 2 Olfice of Comrni�sion�r o�' I'ublic Lands and Buildings,. ;; <br /> ; �'iled for record tne l� aay of Apri1, 1917, at 1:30 o'clock P.i��. <br /> �tic�� � ;I <br /> Re�ister of Deed <br /> --U-0-0—O—U—O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0—O—O—Q-0—O-0-0-0-0—O—O—U—O—O-0-0-0-0—O—G-0—O-0-0-0-0-0-4-0�— <br /> ;� <br /> ` WARRAiV"rY I�1.+;EI:i:- <br /> , KNOW �1LL T�dEi� BY TFIES� FRES�NTS : That We, Mabel Van CamF, a sin�le woman, of <br /> ' fiiverside County, State of' Calif'ornia, anci Edwin 7?. Van CamF, unm�rried, of Denver Coun�y, and <br /> ! State of Colorado in consideration of t�e sum of Vin� T�ousan�i- - - - - -Dollars , in n�.nd �aid � <br /> ; <br /> ` b Ja��ries A. �Ritenell of Hall Count and Stat� of Nearask��, do nere�b , g• � � �, <br /> y �, , y �rant bar �.in sell con- , <br /> vey,arid confirm unto th� said ?�.mes 1�. �,�irchell trle f'ollowin� uescribe� Fremises , situated in the ii <br /> ;, <br /> ' County of Hall �.nd St�te of ldebraska, to-�vit : i� <br /> II <br /> Th� Soutnerly one-half of ttle nortnerly one-thirci of Lot Nurnher Eigrit (g ), in }31ock Number <br /> , Sixty-four, (6�+), of the ori�inal towri, now city, of' Grand Island Togetner witri all the tene- <br /> 'ment5 , neredita��ents ��.na a�purtenances to trie s�n�: belan�in�;, and all the Fst�,te, Ri�;ht , Title, ' <br /> Interest , Claim or Demar�d v���atsc�ever; �.neludin� �ower, Curtesy and Homesteac� Rignt� , �f the said ':' <br /> R�abel Van Cam� a�d Edwin 1�. Va,n Cam�� of, in, or to trie same, or any part thereof. <br /> , <br /> To Have And To Hold trie a�ove described gremises, with tne ag�:�urtenancea, unto tne said James <br /> A. ��itcilell ana to ni� h�irs ar�cx assit;na forever. And we riereby covenant witn tne saici James A. � <br /> :3�iitcilell ±rzat r���e hold s�.iu �remises by i�oo�x dnd Ferfect title; triat we nav�e good ri�;ht an� lawful � <br /> a.utt�ori±,y to s�ll an� convey trie s�n� ; tnat they are free ana cle�,r of �11 liens and incumbrances � <br /> �� <br /> ?wh�,tsoev�r. And we covenant to warr�.nt an� defencl �ne said Frernises �,�ainst the lawful claims of:' <br /> . <br /> ;� <br /> �,11 p�:rsons wh�tn:�oever. ' <br /> Si�nea tnis 6+.h d�.y of Agril A.D.ly17. <br /> In �resence of ?�abel Van Ca,mp �i <br /> �� <br /> Edna P. Arnes As to ARabel V'an Ca,mp Edwin �3. Van Camp <br /> L.R.Brininger As to Zclwin A.Van Carnp <br /> '�he St�.te o2' �•alifornia) '' <br /> )ss. On tnis btri day o� Apri1 1917 before m�, Mabel Parkin, a Notary ' <br /> Riverside County ) <br /> Public witnin an� i'or aaid County, personally came �abel V�.n Ca�rip I � <br /> � <br /> to me pers�nally kn�:vn to b� tne ia�:ntical person wnos� narne is �,ffixea to tne above instrument as'',': <br /> �� <br /> 5 <br /> II <br /> ;�ra�ntor, �x�� severall,y a.cknov�rlea�ed tne execution o�' the �ame to be her volunta.ry act and deed Porr � <br /> !the pur�oses therej.n exgressed. � <br /> In Witness v�nereof, I n�.ve hereu.nto subscribed my r��.me �n� affixecl my official seal at Riverside,; <br /> ;on �he date last above ��ritten. <br /> ; (SEAT,) r2abel Parlcin � <br /> ���y commissian ex�ires Ju1;,� 10 1917. Notary Public. '� <br /> �, <br /> ;. <br /> �tate of C�.lifornia, ) '.' <br /> ( ss. I , �1. 73. Pilch, C1�rk of trie Superior Court of trie State of Cali�'or- '�� <br /> � Counuy of Riverside) '! <br /> I r�ia., in ana for trie County of ��iverside, t,�e 5�ia Court Y�ein� a Court ii <br /> � <br /> � of Law a,nd �ecord �nd na�ring a Seal, u� by tn�se presents c�rtify t►�at �2abe1 P�,rkin before wham <br /> F t'�e fore�oing ackno��l�agrnc;nt was tal�en anu wno has trier�unto in iler own pro�er rianawritin� sub- ;; <br /> � scribed .Zer n�ne , wa� at tnat tim�; ar�� is now a I�fotary �u�blic in and for the St�.te �f California i� <br /> I _ : - i <br />