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�,�� <br /> DEED RECORD NO . 54 <br />_-- _-- -�- - - <br />�_ -._ �__-�_ _ <br /> !' Q�t1IT CLAIM DEED:- <br /> �! KNOW ALL MEi'V I3Y THESE PRESENTS: Triat We, Williarn Cosh and Ellen 0. Cosh, hi� <br />- '!wi�e; Ricnarc� Cosh anc� Neva Cosh, his wife; Also, Jessie Cosh; l�2ary Cosh; Andrew Cosh and Margret <br /> Cosh, all unmarried, in consideration of One Dallar, and otrier consiaerationa, riereby Quit Claim <br /> and convey unto John Nicholson o�' the County of Dou�las and State of Nebraska, all oP our right, <br /> title and inter�st of whatsoever nature, in and to tne Pollov�ing described Real Estate, situated <br /> � in the County of Hall and State of Nebraska, to-wit : <br /> I,ot Eight (S ) in �lock Thirty-two (32 ) of La.mbert � s Adc�ition to `trie City of Grand Island, Neb- <br /> � raska, as surveyed, platted and recorded. <br /> (Tne said Wi1lia.m Cosh, Richarc� Cosh, Jessie Cosh, Mary Cosh, Andrew Cosh and Margrett Cosn, <br /> 'all of legal a�e, being trie only children and only heirs at law o� Andrewr Cosh v�rio died, intestate, <br /> April 1,1907, seized of an unclivided half interest �.n �.bove described lot ; and his wridow, Mar�aret <br /> Cosh, who had only a life interest in same, having cieparted triis life , April 13, 1917, and the said <br /> Jonn Nicholson �ein� tne owner of the other unciivided half interest in said lot , the ob�ect oP <br /> :�this deed is to make tne said Jorin PJicholson sole owner of said lot. ) <br /> In Witness W?�ereof, �re have hereunto set our riands triis 18th day of Agril 1y17. <br /> Witness ; William Cosh <br /> Ellen 0. Cosri <br /> � ,Tohr, Allan Richard Cosri <br /> Neva Cosri <br /> Jessie Cosri <br /> � <br /> Mary Cosh <br /> , A <br /> ndrew Ccsn <br /> • Margrett Cosh <br /> ';State of Ne�rask�., ) <br /> i. )ss. On this lgth day of April A.D.1917, b�fore me, the unciersigned, a �'otar <br /> H�11 �ourzty ) <br /> Public in ana for said county, personall,y came William Co�h, Ellen 0. <br /> Coslz, Richard Cosri, Neva Cosri, Jessie Cosri, Mary Cosh, Andrew Cosh and I�2ar�;rett Co�h, wrio are per- <br /> ;sonally knov��n to me to be trie id�ntical persons wnose n�nes are aPfixed to tne above instrument as <br /> ;��;rantors anu triey severally acknov�°l�d�ed trie said instrument to be t�leir volunt�.ry act and deed. <br /> � <br /> Witness my haria and Notarial seal, trie ciate aforesaia. <br /> i, .Tohn Allan <br /> I��y commission expires Jan.5,1918. ( S�,AL ) Nota,ry Public�� <br /> rF�led for record trie 19 day of A��ril, 1g17, at 11 o'clock A.R2. <br /> � ���� <br /> R��ister of eds. <br /> '' -U-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-0-U-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-U-O-O-0-0-0-0- <br /> 11EED: <br /> . S T A T E 0 F N E B R A S K A <br /> ' To A11 To Wriom These Pr. esents Sriall Come, Greeting. Whereas, on tne 7tri day of April 1$99, <br /> all that tra.ct or parcel of Common S�hool Lan d of tne State of Nebraska, n�reinaPter mentioned <br /> anu Farticu.larly described, was sold in the �anner provicled by law to Patrick Brett , Jr. of the <br /> ! County of Hall ana State of NebrasKa for the aggregate Friee oP Eleven Hunccred Twenty ancl �To�100 <br /> ' Pollars. <br /> And Whereas, The said sum of Eleven Hundred Twenty and No�100 Dollars has been fully <br /> �aid to the �roper receiving officer for trie State of Nebraska, by Patrick Brett Jr. as shown by <br /> ; tne Records in tne office of tne Commissioner of Public Lands and Builciings, the said sum bein� <br /> �rie whole a.mount oP tne purchase price for trie said tract or parcel of land hereinafter de�cribed <br /> Now, Know Ye, T�at the said State of Nebraska, in pursu�.nce of law in sucri case made and Fro <br /> vided �xad in consideration of the Fremises aforesaid, aru of' trie aforesaici sum of Eleven Hundrea <br /> Twenty and No�100 Dolla,rs to tne saia StatE of Nebraska p�ia, dotn by tnese ��resents Grant, Bar- <br /> �a,in, Sell, Convey and Confirm, i.n fee, unto the said Patrick Brett Jr. riis neirs a,nd assigns,all <br /> the said tract dnd paxc.el of land situatea in the County c�f Hall and State of Nebraska, and des- <br /> ' cribed as follou�s , to-wit : <br /> The North West Quart�r (NW�') of Section Thirty-Six (36 ) Tov�nship Ten(10 <br /> RanFe Twelve (12 ) West of the Sixtn Princip al Meridian, containin� One Hundred Sixty (160 ) acres� :� � <br /> ;imore or less , accor din� t� the Gov�rnment Survey, <br /> ;; . <br /> i _ _ _ <br />