� ��
<br /> DEED RECORD NO . � 4
<br /> . _ � ._ u_�_-�--�__ ��� -_=_-__-.�: _ - - - --
<br />__�w��� - _., _�_�_ _ _ . _ ,;
<br /> i SH.F'�R IFF' S DEF�:- �I
<br /> KNOt� ALL �KEN .�3Y THESE P��ESENTS: That W!zereas, in an action in trie District Court�;
<br /> �
<br /> � of the Fleventn Judicial District �f Nebraska, witriin and for Hall County, wherein Nebraska State;!
<br /> � Buildix� anc� L��.n Association was Plainti�'f, and Fugene �eland anci Armedia A. Beland, A. S. Tharp;
<br /> G� William Gillnam, J�nes T. Noonin�;, Mag�ie Nooning, G�or�ina A. Fay and James H. Fay, G. N. Talboty
<br /> � gnanuel Snafenberg �,na l�rs. Jessey Sriafenberg were Defeciants , it was by said Court at the January!�
<br /> Term tnereof, A.D. lyl7, to-wit , �n the 29t:� ciay �f .Tanuary A.D.191�, considered, ad,jud�ed, . and
<br /> ' decreec� ttiat in default of tne payment to th� Clark o�' the Diatrict Court of tne eosts of said ac�-
<br /> tion, ancl to Neur�,ska Stat� .BUildink; and Loan Association the sum aP -#143g,00 so found due them
<br /> witn int�re�t trier�on �,t the rate o�' nine per centum per annum from the date th�reof witniri twent�
<br /> . �ays fror� tne date of sucn jud�ment and decree, that tne equity oP redemption of eacn and a11 of '
<br /> I said defendants in anci to trie l�.nds and te�ements riereinafter de�cribed be foreclosed and Porever 1
<br /> barred, ana that trie Sx�erift' of said Hall County cause tne l�,n�is a,nd tenements hereinafter descri'�-
<br /> ;�
<br /> � ed ta ��e advertiseci, and sold accc�rdin� to law; an� whereas t�.e said ctef_�n�i�,nts ha.vin� m�.c�e de-
<br /> ;
<br /> .
<br /> fault therein, Gustav Sievers, as Srieriff o�' s�,id County, uncier and 'by virtue of the order of sail�
<br /> C�urt to riim directed, did, on the 2Sth day of ��arcn A.D. ly17, at the main front door of the cour�
<br /> ; nouse in t,he Cifiy af Grand Island, in s��id County of Hall, (the same bein� th� place wherein the
<br /> ' �istrict Court wa.s last neld in said County), havin� �'irst given due anc� le�a1 notice of the time '�,
<br /> . ,,;
<br /> � and place of s�,i d sale, for not less tnan thirt,y da�ys prior tnereto, in the The Grand Isla,nd In- '�
<br /> ;'
<br /> ' dependent , a le�al news�aper printed a,nd in �eneral circulation in :aid County of Ha11, sell the !.��
<br /> said pr�mises at Fublic auction to trie Nebraska, State Buildin� and I,oan Association (they being '
<br /> �
<br /> ' the hi�hest ana best biader trierefor ) for the sum of Twelve hunured �nd no�100 ��1200.00 ) Do1la,rs,�
<br /> wtlich s�,1e was aPterwards at tt�e January T�rm of �a,i� Court , A.D.ly17 exarnined and confirmed, and,;
<br /> the sa,id Gustav Sievers, as Sheriff of said County, wa,� ordered to execute a seed of said �remise�
<br /> ` �o th� said Nebraska St�,te .Builsin,� ana Laan Association
<br /> NOYJ TH�Ei�'0� +', I , t�ie �ai ci Gustav Sievers, as Sheriff of Hall County, Net�raska, in ��ursua.nce '!.
<br /> iof tne orcler of said Court , a.s aPoresaid, in consiaera.tion of tn� premises, ancl by virtue of tne '.
<br /> ' powers in me vested by l�.w, do herc�by �iv�, �rant, and convey unto trie s�.id Nebra:�ka. State Build- !.
<br /> ' in� and Loan Association, tneir successors and assigns, trie �;.r�;mise� sold �,s aforesaid, t�-�it :
<br /> All of Lots fifty five (55 ) and Fifty six (56 ), Hawthorne P1aCe, Grand I�lanu, Hall County, N�b- ;!
<br /> iraska witn all anci sin�ular the appurtenances tnereunto belonginb, to nave aria to hold unto t�em ''
<br /> ; tne :�ai d Nebar�ska State ruildin� anc� Lo�n A�sociati�n, their successors and assigns forev�rr.
<br /> �';
<br /> ',�
<br /> IN WITNEiSS vJHE�EOF, T have, as such SherifP of Hall Count�r, N�braska, hereunto set my hand '
<br /> �. tnis 12tn cta,y of .7anuary A.D.lyl7.
<br /> Gustav Sievers
<br /> ; �ecuted �nd Deliver�d 3.n Presence of Sneriff of Hall County.
<br /> ;;
<br />� � ;;
<br /> Walter �I. R�uert i'
<br />� � � Herman F. Duckow � ��� �
<br /> ii
<br /> ,
<br /> ;;
<br /> ''The Sta.te of Nebra:�ka, ) '�
<br /> (ss. On ttzia 12tri day oP January A.D. 1917, b�;fore me Walter H. Rauert '
<br /> i ' Hall County ) !.
<br /> a lerk of District Court dul elected and ua d '�
<br /> C y q lifie for said
<br /> ', County, pzrsonally a,ppeared Gustav Sievers, Sn�riff oP said County, to me known to be tne identic�,l
<br /> �i
<br /> ;; person �escribea in arict wrio executed the foregoin�; instrument as �rantor, and a,eknowled��d said ir�-
<br /> ; strument to be nis volurit�,ry a.ct and deeu as such Sheriff.
<br /> ' Ii'V `JVITNESS WHET�EOF, I h�:a,ve hereunto set my riand �nd o�'f icial seal at Ctranci Isl�.nd, in ��i d ,;
<br /> i
<br /> ;;
<br /> �,
<br /> ;Count,y, the day and year last above written.
<br /> (SEAL ) Walter H. Rauert i'.
<br /> s Clerk of the District Court.
<br /> �Filed for record the 14 a�,y of April, lyl7, at 10 :20 o�clock A.M.
<br /> �
<br /> i �/1-�-�//r-�iu-� ��c-� '
<br /> i!
<br /> Re�;ister of De d�.
<br /> �i
<br /> �:
<br />�_. i _ i;
<br />