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� . . . <br /> � ��� <br /> DEED RE�CORD NO . 54 <br /> _ - -- - �- - - -- - <br /> �� - ,, - <br /> II ��C IAL WARRANTY I�EED:- <br /> ;. KNOW AI,L �tEN BY THIS� PRESENTS: That Asahel Hutton (Widower) of ------- <br /> '� County, State of Indiana in consiaeration of the sum of Thirty Five and no�100- - - - -Dollars <br /> : in hanci paia by Charles R. Healey oP Hall County, State of NebrasKa do riereby sell and convey un- <br /> to tne said Charlc�a R. Healey the Pollov,ring described premises, situa,ted in the county oi Ha11 an <br /> State of Nebraska to-wit: <br /> A One-thira undividea interest in Lota Three (3 ) and Four (4) in Block Eight (S ) in Loans <br /> Subdivision af West rialf (W� ) of' the Northwest quarter (N.w.�) in Section Numbered Ten (10 ) in <br /> , TovPnshig Number Eleveri (11 ) Nortri of Range No. Nine ( 9 ) West oP trie Sixtri (6 ) Principal Meridian. <br /> together with all a��purtenances tnereunto belmr�ging, and I hereby covenant that trie said premises ' <br /> fare free and clear from all liens and encumbrances anc� I covenant to warrant and defen d the said <br /> ' premises a�;ainst any acts of said parties of the first gar�. And the said Asahel Hutton hereby <br /> relinquishes all His rigrit title and interest in ana to tne above described premises. <br /> Signec� trie �econd day of January 1917. <br /> !' In Fresence of Asahel Hutton <br /> Henry Hut�on <br /> �fartn� E.Hutton <br /> ; State of Ind. ) <br /> (�s. On this 2 day of Jan. 1917, bePore me Jacob w Boring a Notary Public duly <br /> Har.ncock County) <br /> commissioned an�i qualified for ana resic�ing in said Caunty, Fersonally cam <br /> ` Asariel Hutton to me known to be trie icientical person ciescribed in ana who executed tne fore�oing <br /> instrument as gra,ntor anci ha� acknowledgea saia instrument to be his voluntary act and deed. <br /> � Witness my rian d anci Notarial seal at Fin1y Ina in said County, trie day and year last above <br /> �'written. <br /> J. W. Boring <br /> My commission expixes the ly ciay oP Jan 1919. (SEAL ) Notary Public <br /> �il�:d for record the 13 day of April 1917, at 2 :30 o�clock P.M. ��!���� � <br /> Register of Dee . <br /> -a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- <br /> SPEC IAI, WARRAIJTY IlE�D:- <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That M�randa and William E. La�.enstein <br /> 'Hu�band and WiPe of Crook County, State of Wyomir� in con�ideration of the sum of One Dollar and <br /> E xchange of Properties in han d paia bzy Charles R. Healey of Hall County, State of Nebraska do <br /> Ihereby sell and convey unto the said. Charles R. Healey the followin�; described premises, aituatecl <br /> ;' in the count,y of Hall and State of NebrasKa to-wit: <br /> Two Tnirds undivided interest in I,ots Three ana Four in 131ock Ei�rit in I,oans Sub-d3vision oP <br /> West h�1P of #:ne Northa�est quarter oP Section Number Ten (10 ) in Townshig Numbered Eleven (11) <br /> � North of Range No Nine ( 9 ) West of the Sixth Principal l�eridian. <br /> ;' to;�etrier with all appurtenances t��ereunto belon�in�, and I hereby covenant tnat the said premises <br /> ;; are free anu clear from all Iiens and encumbrances anci I covena,nt to warra,nt ana aefend tne said <br /> � <br /> �,! premises against any act� oP saici �jarties of' trie first part . And tlze said adaranda Laue,nsteir� here <br /> iby relinquisnes all Her ri�ht title and interest in ana to tne above ciescribed gremises <br /> � Signed t.�.e ---- ciay or ----- i9-- <br /> In Fresence of Maranda Z�u�nstein � <br /> , <br /> � <br /> _ <br /> J. E. F <br /> or d <br /> William E. LaL��nsteiri <br /> �"' A.H.Bowman <br /> , State of Wyoming,)�s. On tnis 22nd day of Mar�ri 1g17, before me J.�.Ford a Notary Purlic duly <br /> Crook County ) commisaioned and qualified for and residin� in said County, personally came <br /> .', Ma,randa anti William E Lauenstein to me knov�n to be tne identical persons described in and who e�c- <br /> �I ecuted tne f'oregoin� instrument as grantor� a.nd they acknowleagec� saici instrument to be their vol <br /> � untary act dnd deed. <br /> witness ir�y nand and Notarial seal at Sunctance in saia County, trie day and <br /> year last above written. <br /> ( S�:AL) J. E.Ford--Notary Public <br /> i' ��y commission exgires '�he 23 day of June 191g. <br /> �� <br /> Filed Por record trie 13 day of April, 1917, at 2 :30 o'clock P.�. . � <br /> ' Register oP Deecl <br /> '�� <br /> �� <br />