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� �V . <br /> DEED RECORD I�IO . 54 <br /> _�__ _ _ � _ _ _ _ __--__� ____ _-=- _ ��.�__�_ _ _ _ <br /> ___ _ _ <br />_____r_ _ . :� _ _ _ __ . __� ___ __------ -- --�- <br /> � Q,UIT CI,AIT+R �EED:- '� <br /> ; KNOW ALL A�1EN 13Y THFSE PFt'�SENTS: Tnat �Iaude F . Rhodes and Seth C. Rhodes, �iPe�l <br /> � ; <br /> ` and hus�and of tne c;ounty of S�lt L�.ke and Stat� oF Uta,h for the consideration of One and no�100- !i <br /> ; ! <br /> ; Dollars,h�reby Quit-claim and Convey to Jena Andreas Andersen of tne County of Hall an�. State of ' � <br /> � Nebr�,�ka tne followin� described Real Estate, situate in L�r�.nd Ialand in the Caunty oP Ha11 �.nd <br /> State af N'���araska, to-�vit : <br /> I,ot five (5 ) , in block �i�ht (� ) in Rollins Aadition to the City of Grand Isl�.nd, Nr�bra�ka, <br /> as surveyed, Flatted and recorded. <br /> To�ether witn dll and sin�;ul�r the riereciitaments and a�apurtenances tnereto belongin�; To <br /> ' : have and ta holcx t11e a.bove uescribed �?remises unto the said Jens Andreas Andersen, his heirs and � <br /> � <br /> c1S S�F�I1S ; <br /> IN WITNESS WHERFOF, We have set our hands this 2nd day of April, 1917. <br /> In Fresence of <br /> Artaude E. �2ho dea <br /> S.C.Huston As to Maude E.Rhoc�es . <br /> Setn C. Rhodes <br /> A.V.Peterson Witness As to Seth C.Rhodes <br /> The Sta,te of Nebrask�) �' <br /> ( ss. Re It Rememberau, That on the llth c�ay oP A�ril 1917, bef or8 me the ; <br /> xall County. ) .� <br /> undersigned S. C. Hu�tnn a Notary PuU1ic in anci for sa,id County, �� <br /> � ��r. sonall,y eam� Maude E. R?�odes t� me known ta be tne identicaZ Ferson described in and wilo execu�- <br /> ed the fore�oir�g Deed as Grantor and acknowled�ed said instrument to be her voluntary aet and <br /> � deed. '� <br /> WitnF�ss my hand and Not�rial seal the day �nd year last above written. ;i <br /> S.C.xuston ' <br /> ��y commission expires July 25-191�. ( S�AL ) Idotary Public. �' <br /> State o� Utah ) <br /> (ss. �3e it rememb�red, t.h�t on tn� yth day of April, 1917 before me tne under- i! <br /> ` Sa1t Lake County) �� <br /> signed a nota,ry Fu�lic �n and for said county, personally came Seth C.Rriod�s <br /> to rne known to b� tne identical g�raon wno si�neci the within deed as one of the �;rantors ther;�in- ii <br /> natned anct nG acknowl�u�ea trie said instrument to be his voluntary act and dee�. <br /> Witness my hand and Notaria� ��ea.1 trie day anci year last above written. <br /> Cnas A Root <br /> P.Zy commission expires Oct 27- 1919. ( S�AL ) Not�ry Public. <br /> ' �'lled Por record tne 13 day ot' AFril, 1917, at 9:30 o'clocx A.M. , <br /> egister o Dee . ��' <br /> -o-o-o-n-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o--o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- ' <br /> � <br /> ;, <br /> ;� <br /> ,; <br />� � � ;� <br /> �; <br /> ., <br />, , <br /> �� <br /> ; <br /> :� <br /> i <br /> ; !; <br /> �i <br /> i'i <br /> 3 i) <br />_ i �i <br />