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� �� <br /> DEEQ REC � RD NO . 54- <br />-�_ -_- ;,� - _ _ _ <br />.��- -_- ; �ARRANTY I�;ED•___�--- <br /> ! KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PR'ES'�NTS, That N. P. Dodge Jr. and T,aura W. Dodge, husband <br /> and wife, in consideration o� One riundred and nineteen Dollars in hand Faid, do hereby grant , bar <br /> gain, sell, conve.y and con�'irm unto J. A. Fiultgren the Pollowing described r�al estate, situate i <br /> � <br /> ' the County of �all and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> Lot No. Two hundred and thirt,y six (236 ) Belmont, an addition to the city oP Grand Island, <br /> : as su.rveyed, pl�,tted and recorded. Together with all the tenements , heredita,ments and appurtenan <br /> �' ces to Lhe same b�lon�in�, an�. all the estate �itle, dower, rigrit of homestead, claim or demand <br /> whatsoever of tne aaid N. P. Dodge Jr. and I,aura W. Dodge of, in,or to the same, or any part ther - <br /> ; oP; . <br /> To Have Anc� To Hold the above desGribed Fremises, witri the appurtenances, unto the said J.A. <br /> �ult�;ren and to 2�is neirs and assigns forever, and we, tne said N, P. Dodge Jr. and Laura w. Dodg , <br /> , for c�urselves and our rieirs, executors and ac�ministrators , do covenant with the said J.A.Hultgren <br /> and wi�h hi� heir� and assigns, that we are lawPully seized of said premise�, that they are free <br /> from encumbrance except tne regular taxes Por the year 1917 a.nd subsequent taxes and all special <br /> taxes levie d or asse$sed on or after June 1912 ; tnat we have �oo d right and lawful authority to <br /> i; s�ll the �ame, and that �re will and our heirs, executora and administrators snall waxrant and de- <br /> fend trie same unto the �ai d J. A. Hultgren and hi� he�rs and assigns forev�r, against the lawful <br /> clsaims of a.11 persons whomsoever. <br /> This lot is sold and deed given on the expres� covenant that no dwellin� shall �,t ar�y time <br /> ' be placed triereon of less than four rooms , �riin�le roofing, drog siding, painted and plastered, r <br />' , o�' bricK, cement or stone, and that saifl gremises shall never be oCcupied b,y a colored person or <br /> , for ar�y immoral use . It is understood and a�reed t�.at triese r�strictions shall run with the land <br /> - a�d any �riolation tnereof snall cause the title herein conveyed to revest in tne �rantors. <br /> In Witness �lhereaP, we have hereunto set our riands tnis Sixth day of February A.D.1917. <br /> . In Fresence of N. P. Dodge Jr. <br /> L. ?��. Kroyer I <br /> Laura W. Docige <br /> E. H. Sagert <br /> ' State of Nebraska, ) ' <br /> )ss. pn tk�is Sixth aay oP February A.D.1917, before me, a Notary Public in <br /> C ounty of Douglas. ) �� <br /> ar�cl for saicl County, �ersonally came�N. P. Dodge Jr. and I,aura W. Dodg , <br /> ' who are personally known to rne to be the iaentical persons wriose names are a�'i'ixed to trie above <br /> instrument as �rantors , and triey acknowl�dged said instrument to ba their voluntary act and deed. <br /> Witness my riand and Notarial Seal the date last af`oresaid. <br /> - L. �I. Kroyer <br /> Notary Public. <br /> ( SEAL ) <br /> . ' My commission expires trie 26 c�ay of June A.D. 1920. <br /> � � Flled �'or recor d tne 10 day of April, 1917, at 11:45 0�clock A.M. <br /> � <br /> �� Register of Deeds <br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-O-p-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- - <br /> t ' <br /> i, <br />