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� �� � <br /> DEED RECORD NO . 54 <br />=__ ___ _ _: _ _ : __.________�___ �-____ _ _ <br /> i WARRANTY DEED:- � BY THESE`.P1�ES�NTS :That N. P. Dod�e� Jr. ar�d L�ura W. Dodge, nu�band �' <br /> � KNOW ALI, 11� , - <br /> ;� <br /> ± an�. wi�'e, in cons� de�ation of Eigrity-nine (�9)- - - - -Dollars in riand paid, do hereby �rant, ba�l- <br /> ; <br /> ! �ain, sell, convev and confirm unto John Hultgren tne follawin� de�cribed real estate, situate �i <br /> : in the Count,y of Hall and State of Nebraska, to--wit: � <br /> Lot 'Twc� Hundre d tlni rty-f ive (235) in �3elmont� <br /> an Adc�it, ion to tne City of Grand Island, a� surv�yed, glatted and recorded. !? <br /> Together witri �.11 tiie tenern�nts, nereditaments and appurtenance� to tne :�ame belon�ing, and all <br /> the estate title, dower, ri�;ht of riomestead, claim or clem�,na wnatsoever o� the �aid N. P. Do�ge ! <br /> ; .Tr. and T,aura W. Doc�;� of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof; <br /> TO �IAV� AND TO HOLD the above described premises , with th� agpu.rtenances, unto �rie s�,id <br /> ; <br /> John Hultgren a.n�i to his neirs anc� assi�ns forever, and w�, the said N. P. Dodge Jr. and Laura W� <br /> �od�;e, for ourselv�:� a.n� our h�irs, executors and administrd�or�, do �ovenant witn trie said John <br /> ' Hult�ren and witn his heirs and assi�ns, triat we are 1aw.fully seized of g,aid premises , that trie� ;„ <br /> are free �'rom encumbrance except the r�gular taxes for the year 1915 and subsequent t�es and al�.�; <br /> ;, <br /> sgecial taxes levied or asse�s�d on or a,fter June 29tri, 1912 ; tha,t we hav� �ooc� right and lawful '; <br /> '; <br /> ' autnority to sell tne sarrie, ana th<�t we will and our neir� , execlztors and aclministrators snall <br /> warrant and defend tne �ame unto the said �'orin Hult�ren anc� his rieirs and �ssi�;ns forever, a�;ains;!t <br /> the la.vrful claims of a11 persons �nihomsoeverr. � <br /> : This lot is -sold and deed �iven on ±he express covenant �hat no dwelling shall at any time <br /> be placed thereon o�' less thar� four roorns , sriingle roofin�, drop �iding, gainte�. and plastered, <br /> or of brick cement �x stone, �,nd that said Fremises shall never be occupic�d by a colored person j' <br /> or for an.y immc�ral us2. It is understood anci a�re�a triat triese restriction� shall run with trie <br /> �, .. <br /> ` land, and any viol�.tipn tn�reof sna11 cau�e the title her�in conveyed to revest in tne grantors. I! <br /> In �Titness Wtaereof, we nave nereunto set our hands tnis 3pth aay o�' December A.D.1915. <br /> In presence of �. P. Dodge Jr <br /> L. M. Kroyer . <br /> � Laura tN. Dodge <br /> E. �i. S��ert <br /> St ate of Nebraska, ) <br /> )s:�. On tnis 3otn aay af Dece�nber A.D.1915. before me, a Notary Pub1iC in , <br /> ' C aunty of Dou�la:s. ) <br /> and for sa,id County, Fersonally came the above name� N.P.Dod�e Jr. and�� <br /> ' I,aura W. Dodge, wh�a are ger�onally known to me to be trie identical persons who�e names are affixe�. <br /> �, <br /> � to tne above instrument as �rantors , anc� tney acknowled�;ec� s�,id in:�trument to be their voluntary !� <br /> act and deed. '� <br /> i <br /> WITNESS my hand dna Notarial Se�.l the date last a.t'�resaici. <br /> L . M. KrQ,yer <br /> (SE1�L) Not ary Pub 1 i c. <br /> My commission expires on trie 26 day of June A.D.1920. <br /> Filed for record tne 10 ��.a,y af April, 1917, at 11:45 a'clock A.M. � <br /> , <br /> �� . <br /> Ftegister of D da. <br /> ; <br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-0-Q-O-Q-O-O--0-0-0-0-�•-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-0-Q-O-O-O-0-�-0-0-0-0-O-O-Q-O-O-!' <br /> , <br /> ' i� <br /> i! <br /> , r <br /> : <br /> �; <br /> ii <br /> ii <br /> ti <br /> I� <br /> 'i� <br /> i, <br /> ' i <br /> . <br />��_ . I .. . .... ._ .. . _ . ..:.... . _.___- .. ... . . . . . . . . � � <br />