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�� � <br /> DEED RECORD NC� . 54 <br />�____.___.__ __.�:�_�___-___.___ __-_- ___------__ ____ __ <br /> �,�-- <br />��_- -�-_._ -____._ -- <br /> ,� <br /> I� WARRANTY DELD:- <br /> �; KNOW ALL �EN BY TH�E PRES''���TS, That N.P.Dodge Jr. and L3ura W. Dodge, husban�t <br /> „ <br /> ' and wi2'e, in consic�eration of Tv�o hundred and fiPty-eig�t- - - - - - -Dollars in hand paid, do <br /> hereb,y �rant , bar�ain, sell, convey and conPirm unto Jacob Shriner the Pollowing described real <br /> estate, situate in the County of Hall and State of NebrasKa, to-wit : <br /> Lots Nos. One hundred a�nc� seventy-eignt (17g ) and One hundred seven�y�n��e (179) Belmont, an <br /> addition ta the city of Grand Tsland as surveyed, platted and recorded. <br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belnnging, and all <br /> trie estate title, c�ower, rigrit o2' homestea�, elaim or demand whatsoever of the said N. P. Dodge <br /> ' Jr. and Laura W. �odge of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof; <br /> TO HAVE A1�'D TO HOLD the above described premises , with tne agpurtenances, unto trie said <br /> Jacob Sririner and to his heirs and assi�ns Porever, anci �re, the s�.id N. P. Dod�e Jr. and Laura W. <br /> ;Dodge, f'or ourselve� ana our heirs , executors and administrators, do covenant with the said Jacob <br /> ' Shriner and �ith his rieirs and assigns , that we are l�.wfully seized of said premises, that they <br /> are free from encumbranee except the regular ta�ces Por trie year 1g17 anu subsequent ta.xea antl all <br /> , �pecial taxes levied or assessea on or after June lat 1912 ; tnat we have good rig�it ar�d...�.awful <br /> authority ta sell the same, anc� that we will and our h�irs , executors and aaministrators shall <br /> warrant and de�'end tne same unto tne said Jacob Shriner a,n.0 his heirs a.nd assigns forever, again$t <br /> the 1aw1'ul claims of a11 per�ons wriomsoever. <br /> Thls lct, is �.old and deed �iven on the express covenant that no d+�elling shall �.t ar�y time b <br /> ��plaeed th.ereon oP less trian four rooms, sh3ngle roo�'ing, drop sidin�, painted and plastered, or o <br /> briek,cement or stone, and triat �aid premises shall �never be occupied by a colored person or Por <br /> any immoral use. It is understood �n.d� agreed that triese restrictiona shall. run with the land,and <br /> any violation thereof sha11 cause the title nerein conveyed to reveat in tne grantors. <br /> In Witness Whereo�', we have riereunto set our hancis tnis Sixteenth day of �arch A.D.1917. <br /> In presence of � N. P. Docige J'r. <br /> �� L. M. Kroyer <br /> I,aura W. Dodge <br /> �. H. sagert <br /> State of Nebra�ka, ) <br /> (�s. On tnis 16tri day of �[arch A.D.1917, bEPore me, a Notary Public in and <br /> County of bpu�las. ) <br /> for saic� County, personally car�e the above na�ned N.P.Dodge Jr. and I,aura <br /> ' W. Dodge, who are Fersonally known to me to be the identical persons whose names are afPixed to <br /> the above instrum�nt as grantors, and they acknowled�ecl saia instrument to be tneir voluntary a,ct <br /> , <br /> and deed. <br /> WITNESS tt�y hand ancl Notarial Seal trie date last aforesaid. <br /> - L. �. Kroyer <br /> � ( SEqy ) Notary PubliC <br /> ; l�y commission exFires on tne 26 day of June A.D.192Q. <br /> F11ed fcr record the 2 �iay of April,1917, at 2 :30 o�clock P.M. - <br /> ; . <br /> Register oP Dee . <br /> -a-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- <br /> WARRANTY_IaE ED:- <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRFSENTS: TY�at W.Nevin A�cCantllish, a single man, of the Coun <br /> ty of I,os An�eles and State af California for a.nd in consiaeration of the sum oP Six Hundred Fift <br /> and no�100- - - , in hand paid, do hereby Gran�, Bar�ain, Sell, Convey, and Con�irm unto <br /> ; Julius R« Bentz. of the County of Hall anct State of ivebraska tne follovring described Fremises sit <br /> ; uated in Cairo in trie County oP Hall ancl State of NebrasKa �o-wit: � <br /> I,ot� numbered Five ( 5) & Six (6 ) , Block numbered Four ( 4), of the Second Addit ion to the town o <br /> Ca�ro, as shown by the recorcled plat thereol'. and I W.Nevin McCanfllish do hereby covenant v�ith <br /> `` the said �rantee ana his heirs anci assigns, that I am lawfully seized o�f said premises ; triat they <br /> , <br /> are free Prom incumbrance triat I W.Nevin McC���.7.�.sh riave good right and lawful autriority to con- � <br /> ; vey the same ; and I cio nereby covenant to warrant ana defena tne �aid premi�es against the lawful <br /> j! • <br /> i, ,. _ - -- <br />