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..A..V� <br /> DEED RE�CORD NO . � 4 <br /> -_ -- -.===. =-___ __ __ . <br />_ : _µ_ �____��_.---=�__ <br /> �___--- <br /> ____ � _._� ���-� __ <br /> i a Nota�ry Purlic , c�ul,y eommissioned �.nd qualified fc�r a,iid r�si�in� in said County, personally eame � <br /> i� <br /> � 'n�ary �;. Kreider an� Geor�e Kreider h.�r riusband ta me kno��n to b� tne iu�:ntical persons whose name� <br /> � <br /> , <br /> i ar� af�fi.x�d t� tne �'ore;�eint� instrument as �rantars and ackno�ti�leci�ed t�e same to be tneir v�iunt��,�jy <br /> � act a,nd d�ed. ;�� <br /> '�itness rr�y hand ar.d Notar. ia:1 Se��,l t.�1e d�,y ar�d ,year 1�.:�t at�ove written. � <br /> '��m T�I Lor�7nan �i <br /> ' '�,�y cpmr�li:�sion e���ires tri� lst u�.y of' �eb. 1922. (�AL ) IVota�;� Publie. <br /> �� of IJebr�,ska) � � <br /> ( :;s. On tnis �t'rz d��,y of N�vember A.D. lyl6, be�'orc; m�; trie unciersi�;n�d vd A ; . <br /> t�u;�tis �cunty ) � ; <br /> Krtic�ly a iJotary Pu�lic , �uly commissioned anc� qu�lified for an�. rzsiclirl; <br /> � ir� ���ia .",oanty, �:��r�onally carne Le��ris c�ui�le ana Nellie Qui�1e, !zi� w�ife ta me knawn t� be the !' <br /> iaenti_cal �:�eraons w�lase names are affixed to tne fo�e�oinr; ir;s4rurnent ��,s �rantor- a.nd ackr.o�fled�e� <br /> tne a��rne to be t}Zeir voluntar.y act ar�i� �eed. <br /> �ditne�s rny nand anc� Tdat��rial Seal the a��y aric� ��ar. Iast �,bove written. <br /> 'uY A Knicely <br /> Agy commission expires the 24 day o� i1ov. 192_1. (SEAZ ) 3aotary Public ;; <br /> �; <br /> i; <br /> ' Stdte of Nel�raska. � ) � � � <br /> C ss. On this �t1z aay or Novemrer A.D. 19i6, before me the unaer�iFnea �'J A � <br /> Ad�,rns County ) <br /> Kni.cely a ��otary Public, auly commissioned ana q�a,lifi�d for and resid-� <br /> � <br /> in� in s�,id Count,y, �?ersanally c�me Lewi$ Qui�le Trustee far r,�ary E Kr�iderto me known �o be ; <br /> tn� i��ientical Fc�rson v��tlose n�.m� is a�'fixed to t��; for�t;oin5 instruiuent a� �rar�tor a�.d ackno��led- ' <br /> '. �;e<:i ±ne same to be �nis v�lunt��.r,y �,et �,n� ��eed. i� <br /> '�litness my n�.nd c�nu �v`ot�,ria,l Seal t�ze day ana year. la,�t above written.. � <br /> W � Knicely <br /> ���Y ec�rnmissi�n exFires the 2t�- a�y of l�ov.ly21. ( S�:AL ) Notary PuY�lic. ' <br /> ; F11�c� fc�r record. tne 2� s�y of 1,iarch, 1)17 , at �:30 0' clock �.�.�,. �f ; <br /> �����n-�-V✓�-�-�- <br /> Re�ister of De . <br /> —0-0-0-0—O—O—Q-0—a-0-0-0-0—J—O-0-0—O—U—O-0-0-0-0-0—O-0—Q—Q—O—O-0-0-0—Q—O-0-0-7-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0—'. <br /> ! �C,tTI'i' CL�=�Ii�j IiLED:- ; <br /> �; Ki�OW �L ��;Iv BY THESE PRESEivTS: 'rnat we Elula L. Gilbert ana L. C. Gilbert, ! <br /> , <br /> ' hez• husbana, o�' Fiall County, Nebraska, GrarLwors , for the consideration of Fifty & No�100 Dollars <br /> � h�reby quit cldim and convey unto Nortn American �Iotel Compa,ny, IncorFora,ted, Grantee, a.11 of <br /> � <br /> � our ri�;ht, title anci int;erest of wha,t�oever nature, in anu to the Pollo���in� described Real Es- <br /> ' tate situated in tYie County of Hall, anu State of rJebr�.s:ka., to-ti��it : �' <br />�� Tne westerly Ti�;ht f�et oi' tne OPEiu SPACE , 1yin�; East�rly �'rorn anu aa�oinin�; LDt "C" of �� <br /> � ;! - <br /> , Gilbert � s Sul�diviuicn of the Nortn�:rly 2�3 of I.ots 3 & 4 in Llock 79, of t�e ori�inal town, of <br /> .' <br /> Gr�zric� I�land, Nebrask�., <br /> i� <br /> , <br /> . + n u o <br /> ii - u u <br /> Al:,o, t?�e F�:as �:erlV ?a'iFnt feet, of Zats D , E X � of said Subdivision. Said two tracts '; <br /> , } � <br /> 1I <br /> , �J r �, li <br /> � r �round .Zavin� a ortn�,rl f ont e of � feet on Second . <br />' formir.�, to�;et�ze.r, a rectan�;ala,r striF o , _> Y � <br /> ;� <br /> Street , anci a, dept}� af ��� feet , an�i 1.yinF, parallel ta and �0 feet distant E�:sterly from I,oc.ust f'� <br /> + Str��:t ana it is t�e intertion ef �ne k;rantcrs herein to here'�y �;ive to trie gr�.ntee herein, tne <br /> ;; <br /> ,; <br /> rik;nt t,o close s�a,ia stri�:� as an alley ana oFE:n space, anc� use the same as ac�dition�.l �;rouna on �� <br /> wnicn to erect � Note1 �uil�iin�;. • <br /> �, <br /> �� <br /> Ir '�Jitness ��kler�of', w�; h�.ve n�reur�to set our na.nas t}Zis 2� i�ay of M�rch, 1917. <br /> ��'itne�s : Elula. L. Gilbert <br /> S. C . Huston ' <br /> L. C. Gilbert <br /> ; State of Nebra,ska)��� <br /> s Hall County ) On tnis 2g u�,y of' �ti��rch A.D.1917, before m�, the undersl�;ned, a T�ot��.ry Pub� � <br /> lic , in �,r�a for s�.ia C�unty, person�lly came Elu1�. L.Gilbert �,nd Z.C.Gilbe�t, <br /> " h�r. husband,wrio �re p�rsonally kno��n to me to be tne identical pers�n� t�hose n��r¢es are affixed to ; <br /> tr.e above instrument as �rantors ana trie,y s�verally acknov�led�ed tize said instrument to be their '' <br /> volunt�.r,y act and deed. <br /> e Yvi�ness my hatia ana Notarial Seal, tne �a±e aforeaaicl. <br /> ; r�y commiasion expires July 25 lylFS. S. G. Huston ;, <br /> ( 5�+.:aL ) No t a,ry Pub 1 i c. ;, <br /> � Filed for record trie 29 day of R��.rcxz, 1917, a�t 11 o'clock a.M. ! '''' <br /> '� <br />� � � � �,; . � . <br /> ; Re���ter of De s �� <br /> j� <br />� i _ ,� <br />