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�l�)�s <br /> DEEQ RECORD NO . 54 <br />_______ _ __ _ _ __ -- ___-_- - _--- -- _- _ -- ---- - - - -- <br /> _-_ -�- ,-- _. __ ---- _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ <br /> � __ _ _ ___ _ __ _ __ _ _ ____ <br /> �__ �__�-�._���_ _._ __ _�__-_ _ <br />__ _ - - _ ___M._ : _.__��_ _�___ ----- - <br /> ---�---- <br /> � abave ��rritten. ' <br /> � Walter Rau�rt I <br /> Clerlc� of tne vis�rict �ourt i� <br /> (S E A Z ) of rIall Ccunty, iJ"e�raska. ;' <br /> ' Filed for rec�rd t'Ze 2� da,y of �2arch, 1g17, at 11 o�clock A.1��. <br /> i .� � <br /> Re�ister of veeds <br /> !; <br /> —Q—J—O—O—O—O—O—O—fl—O—O—O—O—�J—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—Q—O—O—O—fl-0—O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0—O—O—G-0—O-0-0-0-0-0-0—'I <br /> LrIT CLAIM DEED:- <br /> KNOW ALL p�EN BY THESZ P�ZS�,NTS: T+Zat I , �dVinfield a. Hayman, (�,n unmarried man) �: <br /> ' and bein� one of the heirs-�.t-1�.�� o� P�.ul H. Hayman, � aec�aseci, of the County of Hall and State o� <br /> ' Nebraska, for the consiuer�.tion of' One Doll�r an�. other kood considerdtions hereby �,uit Claim and <br /> -� <br /> convey unto Jennie H. Hayman, th� otner heir-at-l�.w of :�aid Paul i�. Hayman, deceased, of the Cour�� <br /> t.,y of' Ha11 an� State of Ne�raska., all of our riFht , title and interest of v�natsoever nature, in !� <br /> �ncl to the followin.�; described Real Fs�ate, situated ir� t;�e County of Hall and State of i��ebraska,;, <br /> t o-!�.'�.t : '; <br /> Lc� Numk�er Tour ( �- ) in �lock Number Tti�rent�r-seven (27 ) , in Russel Wheeler� s Addition to ;; <br /> „ <br /> Grar.d Islana, �Terr��,ska, a;� s'no�r�n by *rie r�cordeci Flo.t of said addi.ti�n. i <br /> ���� <br /> I1V `NITNESS ���iEREO�, I h��ve hereunto �et my hdna triis 2�+�� day of Pti��.rcri,lgl7, i; <br /> �J�1�.t I'lE,'S S: i <br /> Wirl�'ield S. Hayman <br /> Cnas. CT. �;yan. ' <br /> :; <br /> ii <br /> ii <br /> � <br /> St�3.tE; 0�' i•�E,-'bY'ciaS�Ci3.� � <br /> (sa. On t:iis 2�+�� c�ay o� T�Tarcn A.D. ,lgl7, b�:fore rne, the unaersi�ned, a No- ; <br /> Iial1 C�unty � <br /> ta,ry Public in an� for said caunty, ��ersonally canie `Ninfield S.Haym�.n �'� <br /> � <br /> an unraarrieci ma.ri who is persori�lly �.�ior�n tc rne to be the icientical Ferson whose name i� affixed '; <br /> � <br /> ' to the above instruni�rlt aa �;r�,ntor ax:d t�ie �ev�;rally acknowledged t�ze said instrument to be riis ;; <br /> . <br /> a, <br /> �� <br /> volunt�.ry act and deed. � <br /> �� <br /> - !I <br /> N arial Seal the date afore�ai�, <br /> Witn�ss my h�.nd and ot , <br /> Chas. G. Hyan '; <br /> ' h4y �ommissinn Expir�s �'ebruary, 1�' 191y. ( s�L ) �ot�ry Public. �' <br /> �i <br /> Fi 1 ed for record tne 26 da,,y of Mareri, 1917, r�t 10 0'clock A.�4. / ;i <br /> ������ � � <br /> �, <br /> Re�;ister of' Deeds <br /> � - <br /> �i <br /> —O—O—p—O-0-0—C—O--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0—J-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0—n-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-!+ <br /> ' ti�iAR!Z�iu TY T,�k�i:- �i <br /> � K1JU��d AI,L M�r:J nY Tti��SE PRESI+,N'�S : 7�hat We, Amelia E 5heaf'f arrd T!�om�son l.? Srzeaff;"; <br /> her husb�,na; Jacob �,ui;le ariu T��artt�a 2?zi�;le, nis truife; '�nery Q,ui�;le and. Elizabetn. �,ui�le, nis <br /> 'i <br /> v�Tife ; Elcy F Hd�;eman ana Henry IIageman, her husband; ��Tary E Kreid�r anu George Kreider, her nus- <br /> ,; <br /> iba�nd; Le�nris �,uic;le ��.rlci NeTlie �,ui�;le , his wife and Leti�is �uir';l� Trustee f'or Mary E Kreider, L°�a- ;' <br /> ;� <br /> tees unuer tne Wil1 0�' Arin Quisle, ci�ce�:LS�d, f'�r �.nd in con�i�zer�.tion of tile sum of- - - - - - - -�I <br /> - - -- -- -- -Twent,y T!�ous�,nu (�20,U00.UO )- - - - - -Dollars in h�Lna ��;�i d do hereby �rant , b�,r,�ain, ; <br /> 's�11 , comrey and r,�nfirm unto George 1�I 3?olen of t�ze County of Gos�,er ana State of Nebraska, the �; <br /> }follo�+�in� described real �s�ate aituateci in Hal1 County, anu State ot' Ne�:rask�, to-wit : � ' <br /> , � � <br /> The S��ut_�-�ast �,u�-�rte.r (�4 ) of, Section Twelve (�12 ) in Townsh�p Nin� (9 ) iJort�1, RanFe Ten <br /> � <br /> ( 10 ) �'1es� of �he oth I'.T�.�. '' <br /> i� <br /> ; <br /> i'; <br /> TO iL'�VE AiVV TO HOI,D t�.e prernises ��bove desCribed, *o�;etller w1*n all� tr�e t�:ne- :,; <br /> 'ments , Heredi*„ament5 ana A����urtenarices tk�ereunto belon�;ink;, unto trie aa,id Geor�e T�� 13olen and to � <br /> ' i <br /> I�is n�:ir� ariu �,asi�;:�s , f'or�ver. Aria ��e do ri�reby coveriarit �ritri tn� aa.i� Gran*ee, anu ��it;h hi� <br /> ! h�lY'S cLT1CY F�a:�l��ria t�1�:�,t Vd8 �1z't' 1��W�'l.illy S�7.Z8i1 0� S�z7.(X �:�r�mise� ; ti1�:i,t tt'l�y a,r'� f'Y'�� f2'G7R encumrra,nc�j6 <br /> �nat ��e ?za,ve �;ora .ri:��it ar�a l�.�ti�ful autnority to sell the ;�arne ; �,nd we do �er�i�y c�vena.nt to war- ii <br /> �;� <br /> r<.�.nt ana aefenu t,1e *i�1e to s,�,ia �:�r�rr�i�es �,,�;ainst the lawful claims of all persons wnornsoever. ' <br /> Ana �':ze ��,ia Gr�,ntors ?zereby r�lin�uisn.�s ari� convey all thea.r ri�;nt , �itle anc�,l <br /> ;; <br /> intc� .r�;st, eitn�r v�stec� or �ontin�erit in �zna to tne a�ove described �?remises. ! <br /> �; <br /> ,,i <br /> Si:;n�d triis 31st a��y of' Octob�r, A.D.1916. ;'; <br /> ;I <br /> ; �i . <br />� � . _ _ _ _ __ __ . � <br />