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� �.�.„ .. ° ___ __ _ <br /> p <br /> �g: � <br /> � �Q� <br /> � DEED RECQRD NC� . 54 <br /> � <br />==�-- = -- -� <br />�=_-�--_ - -- -- = <br /> �. <br /> I; successors and �,ssi�ns ; so Lh�,t neither the said first parties, nor any person in our name and be <br /> i�'half, shall or will nere�,f ter claim or der:��a,nd any right or title to trie said �remises or any part <br /> ther�of �ut triey and every one of them shall by the�e presents be excluded ancl forever barred. <br /> i , ' IN WITNESS VrHEREOF, Tr�e said parties of tne first part hwve hereunto set our hands and seal <br /> . �- <br /> r. <br /> trie aa,y and ,year �:bove written. <br /> Sign�a, Seale� �.nc� Deliverecl in presence of Harry Bernstein <br /> Artnur C. T�2ayer Zeporah Bc�rnstein <br /> 'State of Nebraska) <br /> , )�s. On this 19�� day of July A.D. ,lg16, before me the unc�ersi�ned a Notary <br /> Hall County. ) <br /> ; Public, auly commissioned an�i quali�'ied for and residin� in said Caunty, <br /> personally ca�me Harry Eernstein anc� Zapora_ Bernstein, husband anu wife to me known to be the <br /> i�entical persons whose names are affixed to t11� foregoing eonveyance as grantors arici acknowledge <br /> �it�.e execution of trie same to be their voluntar,y act and deed. <br /> t�uitness m,y hanc� anc� Notarial Seal t!�e c�ay and year last above written. <br /> John A. Ferguson <br /> , ( SEAL) Notary Public. <br /> ;'T�y rommission expires the 24 day of MarciZ, 1919. <br /> �! Filed for record tne 23 da,y of T.2arcn., 1g17, at 10 o�clocK A.rJ[. �i J�1��/�� V✓ <br /> ��___._ <br /> Register of Dee <br /> , <br /> -0-t�-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> ADr4INISTRATOR' S IIEEED:- <br /> KZJ�OW ALT� MEiv BY THESE PRESENTS: Triat, in pursuance to an order of James R. <br /> ;Hanna, one of th° .7ua�es of the District ��ourt of Hall County, Nebraska, made on the 1Sth da,y of <br /> , <br /> . "";December, 1916, I was licensed by said Jud�e to sell at public auction in the manner provided b,y <br /> _ + <br /> ;law, �ne r�al estat�: hereinafter aescribed, sub�ect to the life estate tner2ln oP one Po;lly Sgrou ; <br /> .. th�,t thereupon I �dve notice of tne time and place of- said s�,le, as required by l�,w, ana at the <br /> ' time anci �1ace tnerein specified, after said sale had been hel� open one hour, sold s�.id real es- <br /> ta,te �.t public auction to Po11y Sproul, � she being tne highest biader tnerefor;. that said sale was <br /> thereupon reForted to the said Jucige of the Distriet Court, anc� said sale was by him in all t�iing <br /> c�nf��'med, and I v�Tas ordered to make a cieeci of conveya.nce of saia premises to tne purenaser. <br /> Nqw, therePore, I , 13en,� . J. Cunningriam, a�rr,inistrator of trie estate of Charles P. ?�feyera, de 1 <br /> ; ceased, in considexation of Lhe pre�nises, ana of tne sum of Seven Hundred (��t�0 ) Dollars so bid , <br /> a,nd paid b,y the said Polly. S�roul, and by virtue o�' the powers vested in me by said order and pro <br /> ceedin�;, do by these presents , grant, bargain, sell, and convey unto the said Polly Sproul and to <br /> 'ner heirs and assigns , tne real estate described as follows: I,ot Four (4) in I�lock Eignty-nine <br /> (��) of V�'neeler & :�ennett � s Fourth Addition to *.he City oP Grand Tsland, and Lot One (1 ) in Cotta e <br /> � Place in tr�� City of Grana Islana, all in Hall County, Nebraska, subject to tne life estate there'n <br /> :�of one Poll,y Sproul, witri all the appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, to have and to hold trie same <br /> ;, <br /> I unto h�r, the said Polly Sproul, a.nd ner heirs anci assigns forever. <br /> In �Vi�ness Nh.ereof I ri�.ve riereunto set my riana tnis 2S" day of Februaxy, A.D.1917.. <br /> '' In Pr�sence OP Ben� . J. Cunnin�ham <br /> R. R. Hartri Administrator oP tne estate of Charles P. <br /> r;2eyers, deceased. <br /> I' State of Nebraska , ) <br /> ;; ( ss . On tnis 2gtri day of February, A.D.1917, before the undersigned, Clerk <br /> Hall County. ) <br /> ' of trie District Court , in and f'or Ha11 County, Nebraska, personall,y <br /> ;�app�ared Benj . J. Cunningkiam, ac�uinistrator of trze est�t�; of Cndrles P. �eyers , deceased personal <br /> ; ly known to me to be the identical person whose is subscribed to the foregoin� deed as �rant r, <br /> ; and acKnowledged tne �xecution tnereof to be nis volunta.ry act and deed as sucn administrator, fo <br /> � <br /> : the purposes t►lerein ex�ressed. <br /> �� ., <br /> In Witness tJ�nereof I have hereun*o set my riand and�seal at rn� office the c�ay and year last <br /> , <br /> �. <br /> , <br /> ; <br /> �: <br />