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p.. _ . ._ . . . ..._ _ . . . ._. _ .._ . _ . . ._. . . ..; ...... . ... . _ <br /> �._�� i. <br /> � D � ED RE � CJRD� N0 . � 4 <br />-- �-`.- AC'1lQA6,11F5A-� - - <br />�� .�_ ' _ ' -s=y.�= _ <br /> _ � �� Sass , his wife, wrio are ��ersonally known to me to be the identical persons whose na,mes are affixe <br /> � to the abovz instrument as �;rantor� and triey severally acknowlec3�ec� ttle said instrument to be <br /> ,' theix voluntary act a.n� deed. <br /> � Witness my rianc� and iv�otarial �eal, tne �ate aforesaid. <br /> Jahn Allan <br /> 11�y commission expires .7an. 5-1918. � ( 5EAI, ) Notary Publi�:,. <br /> ' Filed for record tlze 22 day of TL�arcri, 1917, at 4:30 0'clock P.1�. <br /> ��� � <br /> , <br /> Regist�r of Deeds. <br /> i; -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o <br /> ' ��T_.�I,,A�A�-�:- <br /> KNOW AI,L MEN 33Y THESE PRESENTS: That , I, Mary Axt, widow, (aole owner of Lot <br /> B of the Subc�ivision h�reinafter named) of Hall County, Nebraska, Grantor, in eonsideration of <br /> Three Hundred & i�o�100 Dollars, hereby quit cl�,im and convey unto North American Hotel Company, <br /> ; Incorporated, Grantee, all of my ri�;ht, title and intereat, <br /> of whatsoever nature, in and to the follawing described real estate, situated in the County oP <br /> Hall and State of Nebraska, to-�vit : <br /> � Tne Westerly ei�ht feet of tn� open apace, lying easterly from and ad�oinin� Lot ��C�� of Gil- <br /> . • bert � s Subdivision of trie Northly two-�nirds of I,ots Triree (3 ) a.nd Four �(4), in Block Seventy- <br /> _. <br /> Nine (79) of the original town of Grand Tsland, Nebraska. <br /> Also the easterl�r eigrit feet of Zots "D" , °E �� and ��F° of said Subdivision. Said two tracts . <br /> � �'ormin�;, to�etner, a rec�an�ular strip of ground having a Northerly Prontage of eigrit feet on <br /> ' h ei t -ei� t feet and 1 in �arallel to and eighty f'eet distan��°'fro <br /> � Second Street and a dept of � y ,n , Y � � � <br /> Lacust Street ; an�i it is trie intention of trie Grantors nerein to her-�by give to the Grantee riere- <br /> � in, the ri�rit t� close said striF as an alley and open space, and to use the same as additional' <br /> �round on wnien to �rect a Hotel "�uildin�;. �ated March l�+th, 1917. <br /> witness: 1�.Rar.y Axt <br /> .T. L. Clear�` <br /> State of Net�raska, ) , <br /> (ss. On triis 14th day of A�[�rch A.D.1917, before me, the undersi�ned, a No- <br /> Hall �ounty. ) <br /> tary Public, in and for said Caunty, Fe�^sonally canie Mar,y Axt, �vidow, <br /> w�zo �is p4r�onally knowr: ta me' to be tne iuentic�.l �.�erson ���nose name is affixed to trie above in- <br /> strument �s ;rantor and slze ackno«rledged tne said instrument to be her voluntary act and deed. <br /> Witness my hand and P�otarial Seal, the c�ate aforesaici. <br /> J. L. Cleary <br /> � I My commission expires April lg�� lgl7. (SE�L ) Notary Public. <br /> F�.led �'or record th� 22 day of March, 1917, at 4:30 0� clock P.M. � <br /> Register of Dee . <br /> -o--o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o--o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o <br /> � CO�POrtA�'ION '�VARRANTY DE�;_ <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made triis 6th day of �arch in the year of our Lord, <br /> � One Tnousand Nine Hundred and Seventeen, between Realty Investment Company of Grand Island, Neb- <br /> -- raska a corporation or�anized and. existing unde.r axid by virtue of tri� laws of tne State of -------- <br /> -- �art,y of the first part , a�nd Nortn American Hotel Com��any, IncorporateQ, �artles oP the sec�andi- <br /> (��,rt. � _ ; <br /> WITNESSETH, Triat the aaicl party of tne first part , Por and in consiiieration of trie sum of <br /> ! Twelve Txlousand Five Hundred and no�100 Dollars in riand paid, receigt whereof is hereby ackno�r�le - <br />'i � ged, rias sold arici by th°se presents c�oes grant , convey and confirm unto the said parties of tne <br /> I' <br /> sscond part , the following described Fr•emises , situated in Hall County, and State of Nebraska, <br /> i� to-wit: ' <br /> All of Lot ��Fu of Gilbert �s Subdivision of tne Nortrierly two-tnirds (N.2/3 ) of lots <br /> � <br /> three (3 ) and four (4� in block seventy-nine (79 ) Ori�inal Town, Grand I�land, Nebraska, <br /> , <br /> ' as surveyed, platted and recorded. � � <br /> ,, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, togetriar witri all tne Tenernent�, Heredita <br /> ,, <br />