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��/`/-•�' <br /> DEED F� ECOIRD N_0.; 5 �- � <br /> .� _��_--_ _ .- �: , . _�_ <br /> ; grante� :ierein all trieir ri.grit , title ar�c� interest�in �.nd to the Easterl,y Fi�;�t f�et of Lots D, ; <br /> i� <br /> ) �, 8c F, oF said Subdivision, ana the We�terly Eignt feet o�' the Q,ne�n_S�ace, adjoinin; s�,id Lot C, �I <br /> ; on ti�e East , as snosnrn on tne Flat of � Subdivision. �� <br /> �; <br /> To�;etner wit!� all t;n� tenementa , herec�itaments an� a��purtena,nces tl�.ereunto belon�in�, and all <br /> tne Est�.t.e , Rigrit , Ti�le, Interest , Dower, Curtesy, Claim anu Demand what,soever of the saia Gran- ; � <br /> i;ors af, in or *o +,ne ��ame, or any part there�f. <br /> TO �i�VE Ai�D TO HOLD trte �,bove described �remisea, witr the �.��purtenances , unto the said Gran� <br /> ' tee and *o i*s successors and assi�n� for�ver. Arid tney h�reby covenant witn tne said Gran�ee <br /> tn��t they hold s�,id ��r�:rnises by ,�oo� and Ferfect title ; triat tr�ey n�.ve �ood ri�ht anci lawflzl au- ;; <br /> tnority to sell �,nd conv�y tne �arne ; that they are Pree �.ric� clear of all liens arid incumbrances ;� <br /> wh:�.tsoever. ' <br /> And t�zey covenant *o warrant �.nri aef�ncl t!�e said premises a�;ainst tne lawful claims of all �� <br /> persor�s wrlomsoevE�r. . . <br /> L`at�� tile 1�tn day of March A.D.ly17. ;i <br /> Witn�a:;: John Allan <br /> L. G. Allan Fannie L.Al1an <br /> : Floren.ce Schatzley , � . <br /> ' St at e �f Ne�a raska, ) � <br /> )ss. pn tnis l�+tcz uay of .T�arch, A.D. ly17, before me, trie unaer� i�rlecl, a Notar�t <br /> . Hall County. ) w <br /> Public, witriiri a.r�ci for said County, �.�er�anally came J�hn Allan, �.nd Fan- <br /> • � �� � ;' <br /> ' ni� I,. A11�n, his wif�, to me �er:�oi�all,y kno�,�n to be t�� iaentical persons wnose names are �,ffixe�. <br /> , <br /> I to ±,ne above inst,rument aa Grantors �.nu t�ie�T severally ackno�ti�led�ed �am� to l�e their volun- ' <br /> � <br />,li <br /> ` t��,r�% :��+ and deed for tr�� purg�o�e t�erein expres5e�. .: � <br /> I�r ?�rI`.[';TES� ;�J�II�'�{'0�,, T '�ave n�r. eunto subscribea my name �,nd ��.ffixed my o�ficial seal at °' <br /> Grand Island, in :���.id County, on ti1e date last a,bove v�rritten. <br /> " L. G. A11ari <br /> ! r�7,yr comrnission ex�ir�s 2,Z::�,rc�� 9, 1923• ( SEAL ) i�otary Pu�lic. � <br /> i Fil�a i'�r recor�z t,ne 22 day of 1��arcn, 1917, �:�t 4:30 o�clock P.r�. <br /> � � j <br /> ; � `�� <br /> � e�ister o�' Dee� � <br /> ' -0-0-0—O—U—O—Q—O—�-0-0-0-0-0—Q-0—O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0—O-0—Q—O—O—Q—O—O—O—Q—O-0-0-0-0—O-0—p—n—� <br /> ;-� ZJI�' CLAITd DEED� <br /> , <br /> , <br /> , . . <br /> � , r, tZ o n <br /> KNOW ALL I.q�.11 HY .iHES� PL.ESEI�TTS. Triat we Johrl Sas� (owner o�' Lot A of the ; <br /> Su�division hereinafter na,n�ei�j �,ric� T�qinnie Sas� , nis wife , of Hall County, Nebraska, Gr. antors, <br /> ' for tize considerdtion of F'ifty 00�1.U0 Dollars nereby quit claim and eonvey unta 1lortn American <br /> I�iotel �am��any, Incorporated, w Gxa,ntee, all of our right, '! <br /> ` title and in�erest of ��natsoever nature, in anci ta the fol:lo�vin� describecl Real �;state, situa+:ed ' <br /> ; iri tne County of Hall and Stat� o� Neb��,ska, towit : <br />� � � � � <br /> Th� Westerly Ei�,ht feet of ti�e O�en Space, lyin� Easterly from and adjoinin� Lot ��C�� of Gil- � <br /> i <br /> ' ber. * � s Subdivis ion of' tile Northerly 2�3 of Lots 3 & 4, in Rlock 7y, bf t�ie ori�inal town of Crrand ' <br /> ' Island, Nebraska. <br /> ; � � � <br /> ' AlSOi t.!10 F��StBr'l,y I+'lr�ht Pe�t Of LOtS "D" , '�E" & ��r+'�� Of said Sub�ivision. 5aid tW0 tr'aCtB ;� <br /> � formin�;, t��;ether, a rect�,n�;ular strip of �round havin� �, Nort�zerly fronta�;c� of $ feet on Second ' <br /> � Street and a dep�h of go feet , and lyin,� parallel to z�,nd g0 f eet �istant Easterly f'ram Zocust ;;, <br /> E Str�et ; anc� it is t�ze intention of tne �;rantors �ner�in to here�?y give to tri� �rantee her�in, the !i • <br /> � <br /> ; ri�nt to cloa� a�i� �trip as dn a1:1ey and open space, ari�. use tne s�.me a:� addition ground on �rnict�; <br /> ; <br /> , <br /> � to erect a Hotel 13uil�iin�. !i <br /> 1 <br /> � Tn 'yJi*ness Wh�reof, we na�r� h�:r�;unto aet our hancl5 tnis �,!}�� c�ay of March, 1917. �! <br /> iW�itness: John Sass ��� <br /> J onn Al l an '` <br /> � lt�innie Sass ;; <br /> i State of jvebr�,ak�,, ) ;, <br /> � f ss. On tni� l�-th d�y o�' T4Rarcn A.�.1917, b�fore me, tne undersigned, a Nota� • <br /> j Hall �ounty. ) ' �; <br /> i Public in anci for sa�.d county, ��r�anall,y c�,me John Sass and A�innie " <br /> 4 <br /> i' I� <br /> I � �! � <br /> i � il � <br />