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�_`_� <br /> DEED RECORD NO . 54 <br />_.____ _..� _ _ _ . ___�,_-----�. _. _-- --- - - <br /> _ _.____ _ _ _ <br /> n . un, <br /> i CE��Z:N�,IERY v��U:_ No. 23 Ii <br /> �; <br /> DOi�1IP1-Il'iN CEiv1E`1'l+:�Y ASSOCII�'I'I�N ! <br /> ';� <br /> Ki;�Oi� ALL :P,�EN �3Y `T'HESE P??�l{;�FNTS, �' We '�Im f�. ?�arsh Sr ancl 33.�'. Scudder and A.J�. Smith Trustee� <br /> ��f D�anipn�n, N�;crasi��z, in consideration oi S�venteen and fift,y, �17. 50 Dollars , in hand paid, do ; <br /> h�reby �;r�nt , bar�ain, sell and crnvey �nd cont'irm unto �%m h. i��iarsh Sr, the follotitiin� described <br /> real �st�te situate in tne county of Ha,ll, anc� state of' Nebr�,ska, to-vbit : , <br /> I <br /> L�t Number Nort�1 z of 17g ]31ock Num�er �+5 in tne DO��IPH�id C�:�TERY, situate on tne North-eas� <br /> �,uarter oi the iJortn-Fast Quarter of Sect ioii Five ( 5 ) in To��nship Nine (g ) , Nortn of I�an�e Nine �. <br /> (g ) �!Iest �f tn� Sixtiz Principal T�feridiari, as t�e same is laid do�Tn ancl describec� on tnelpl�t of <br /> sai,d CET.'!�TFRY now an file in tne County Clerk' s oi'f'ice of aaici H�11 Caunty, Nebrask�,. To�ether ' <br /> �n�rit� �11 t�e 'I'eraements , H�reditaments ancl A�.}��urten��nces to t��i�: same b�lon�,in.�, and all the Estatei� <br /> � <br /> ,; <br /> �ti���t , Title, Int�ra�t , vower, Clairn or 7��rn�,nc1 v��n�ztsoever o�' t,he saicl Grantors , or of t�ze�; <br /> of, in, o.r to �FZ� s�, or any �.���rt t;n�r�of, to h�,ve �,na to t�iold t�ie above c�escribed gremises ,witl� <br /> t'°1� �.�:�pU.Y'tE-'.T'ic3S'iCBS � Uf1�0 t11r: S�.l(X GT�:i.I'1t�2 �3.r'ii1 t0 �I1S heirs �1,11ti c�,�:iS�>>11:i f'orever. A21C1 WE,' d0 Y1�T'�b�l' ` <br /> co�,=eriant Gtiitil t�1�v s.�id G���ntee �,rid His rz�:irs and a,ssi�ns , t�1�:zt we �,re la�Jfully seized of said '� <br /> � r�;.��rii:�eu ; tiz�.t t�eyr are free f'ror;l ericumbrar.ce ; tlzat we :��,v� �aod ri�lzt anc� lav�Tful authority to ;� <br /> �: <br /> seil t�.�l� �a�ne; ariu �e ao rl�r�b,y coveriar�t to warr�.r�t �.nd u�fer�a tii�; said premises against the law-;; <br /> fu1 cl�,i;rls ot �11 ��ersor.s w'!zomsoever. � � <br /> S i:�;rie d t t1 i s l�t�� da.y o f Nov.� A.D. , 1 y 16. , <br /> In ��rf�;�ence �f' Wm H. 1tilarsh Sr <br /> � F. F. Scudi�er �� <br /> �c��ar Ta;�;g�rt <br /> Earl �ollstin �. �. Sraith � <br /> i <br /> T�e St�zt e of Ne�rasKa, ) <br /> )ss . On *=�is 13 day of November �.D. ,1916, before m�, a Notary Pu.blic <br /> �i��l l "oun�Y ) �' <br /> in �.nd Por s�,ia c�ur�ty, personall,� came t}Ze above named Wm H.Marsh�! <br /> Sr anu t3.�'. Scudder ard A.7?. S�litn Trustees �Nho are �eraorally kilown to tne to be trie i�.en�ical p�r-�; <br /> 'i <br /> :.�ons ;���lose naxnes ��,re af�'iYed to t�z2 a,bove De�d as Grantors , aria tney sevQrally ackn�t�ledged the '! <br /> execut�on o�' tize sa,rr!�; tC) bE', t��i�ir vo:Lunt<�,ry a,ct �.r�d dee�. for t:ie pur�,oaes tnerein st�tec�. <br /> ��itr�e�� my 1z�znd ��na notari�,l seal, at Toni��:nan, on tne ciate aforesaid. � <br /> Cn:�s, itT. Redman <br /> iVotary Public, xall Caunty, ' <br /> ( S�-�L ) Nebraska. <br /> i��2y cor�nrrii�Nsion e?���ire:� L�c.i3-lql7. ����i <br />�, �'ilea for recor� tne 17 d��y o.i ivov�r.iber, lylb, at y o'e1acK A.I�. � <br /> � � <br /> � <br /> e <br /> R iater o�' e <br /> � D s. <br /> ti�� <br /> —C-0—U-0-0-0-0—!�—G—O—O—J—O—O—J—O-0-0-0-0-0-0—O—U—�J—O—O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0—Q—O—O-0-0-0-0-0-0—Q—O—'�—n_ <br /> ;� . <br /> Wr^�Z:li�:i�'lY & +" 'Ct1TUR' S DF�''D:- <br /> KN`OW ALL R2EN .�Y TI�SE PRESEN�I'S: T:�at , F,liza K�therine Pyne, (Former� <br /> ly ��'liza Kat:��lerine Carr ) in ner otiv�n ri�;rit , �.nd ti�illiam �. Pyne (her husband) of the Golanty of <br /> Goouin�;, St�te of Iaaho; a,nd J'orin F. Trzom�:�s�n anci A. �I. F��,rn�wort�l, County of Hall, �na State of '! <br /> P�ebr��slca, execu�or� of trie last wi7.l axid testarrlr�rit of John R.��son, late of the same place , <br /> dec�lased testate. i; <br /> No�ti t}zerefore , knc��ti� y�, tn��,t by virtue a,nd aut7zority to us given by tne s��.id .Tohn R. Thomp- ;j ' <br /> ' uon :ir hi� l:a�.t mTill ana test�.ment , we, t11e said John P. 'I"hom��spn ana A. II. �+'arnsworth, execu�ors '; <br /> �s •:�.:fores�.i�., ir. consideration �f the sum oi' �1.00 arid other valuable consideration, to us <br /> ; <br /> paia '�,y Anna G_r. �,ce Jones of tne said Caunty and State ( The receipt w�.ereof is her�by acknov�Tled�ed� <br /> and t!�.e ���zic� �"ai2a Katlzerine �yne , in ner own iruiviclual ri��t in oonsicter�,tion of Sixteen Huncire� <br /> ;� <br /> (�1600 .00 ) vollar� , ( s��e, tr�e sa,id �liza Katnerir,a Pyn�, beirl�; �, d�u��;hter of the deceased and one ' <br />�� ' �. <br /> of ±Y�e le;;atees narn�d iri tr�e ;�aid will �,rlu t:�iere�y anu by reason th�r�:of became �nc� ia tne owner <br /> 'ee ��.m �le �na erlti�led to corivey tile un�ivicied one-fifth ( 1� 5) interest in anct to lot four (4� <br />----J i.n f � � _ _ II <br />