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<br /> DEED F� ECORD N0 . � 4
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<br /> '' _ RRAT�fTY I�E�D:�
<br /> WA IE
<br />� �� KNOW ALL ��u�EN BY TI�SE PRESENTS, T}1at N.P.Dodr�e 7r. and Laura G�. T�odFe, nusba.nd
<br /> and �tiTife, in c��naic�eration af T�inety-f�ur and no�100 Dolla,rs in hdnd �aid, do nereby �rant , bar�;ai ,
<br /> sell, cor�vey and confirl�� unto Leonard Crouch tne .follovbin�; describ�d real estate, situ�,t� in the
<br /> -County o� Ha11 ar�u State o�' i�e�rask�,, to-wit :
<br /> Zct two hundred arla one (201) in in_ Belmont , �n addi-
<br /> tinn �.o t�i�; city of Grana Isl�,nd, �,s surveyed, pl�,tted and recorc�ed. To��t'_zer ti��iti1 a�ll/�ne tenement ,
<br /> r
<br /> 'heredit�mer�ts a,ria a�:���urteri�.rices to the sa.me belon�in�;, ancl �.11 the estate title , dower, rigtzt of
<br /> izamestead, cl�im or derc���iz�i �vn.�.tsoever of tne s�,id N.P.Dodge Jr. and Laura W.Dod�e of, in, or to t11
<br /> �same, or any ��art t;nereof;
<br /> TO HI�VT Ai�D TO HOLD tne above de;�cribed Fxemises, with the a��purtenances , unto trie said
<br /> Le�nard Crouch an� to her heirs ancl assi�;ns forever, �nd we, the Uaia rd.P.�Dod�e Jr. and Zaura W.
<br /> _ �aa�e, f.or ourselves anu our heirs , executors arid ai�iiinistra,tors, do cavenant witn tne s�,id Leonar
<br /> Crauch ��,rd witn her heirs ancl assi�;ns , tha.t we are lawfully seized ot' saia ��reli:ises, that they are
<br /> free fr. om encumbr�,nce exc�-:Ft tn� re�;ular tax�s for tYle y�ar 1917 and subsequent taxes and all sFec
<br /> ial taxes leviei� or assessed on or aft�r .Tune 2gth 1912 ; t',zat we ha,ve �ood ri�nt and lawful auth-
<br /> ; ority to s�11 the same, and tnat we �vill arid our heir� , executor� �,nd adrninistrators shall w�.rrant
<br /> ''and def�nd t��e sa��ie unto the sai�. Leonard Crouch and her heirs and assi�ns forever, against the
<br /> � lawful claims of �.11 �ersons wrlomsoever.
<br /> Triis 1ot is solu ana deed given on t�le ex�ress covenant that no. dwellin;� shall ��t any time be
<br /> '�?laced t�ler�on of less tn<a.n four rooms, shin�;le roofin�;, drop sic�in�;, �aintea ans glastered, or of
<br /> brick, ce�r�ent or st�n�, ana that s�id ��remises sna11 never be occugied by a colorecl xerson or for
<br /> ! an,y imm:oral use. It ia unc�er�too� ari� agree� tn�,t tnese reatrictions snall run with the anci, and
<br /> �
<br /> , �,ny violation th�r�of sllall caus� tne title herein conveyea to r�vest in the �rantors.
<br /> In bYitnes� '�V:Zereof, we 'ri�.ve hereunto aet our hands tnis 6t;� d�.y of November,A.D. l91b.
<br /> In Fresence of N.P.vod��e Jr
<br /> I,. ��2, Kroyer
<br /> - Zaura W.Do d.�e
<br /> E x. sa�ert '
<br /> ;!State of N�-oraska,, )
<br /> ' :ss . On tnis 6tn ctay oi' Nover�ber A.D.1916 oe.fore me, a Notary Public in and
<br /> C ounty of' Douglas. )
<br /> ; fox s�id County, personall,y c�.rri� tile above naiiied 11.�.Dod�e Jr. a,rid Laur
<br /> �1J. Dod�e, wno �.re �ersonall,y knatitin to me to b2 the identic�,l per�ons w�iose na,mes are affixed to t�
<br /> abave instrum�nt as t�ranY.or. s , ana ttze,y ac�n�tivlecl�;e� said instrurnent to be tneir voluntary act and
<br /> de e d.
<br /> 'v`�IT.NFSS my hand and N�t�,rial Seal the date last aforesaid.
<br /> L. M. KroYer
<br /> ;,'�JIy commission expires the 26 �a,y oP June A.D.ly20. (SE.AL ) TJotary Public.
<br /> Filed �'or record tne 16 da�T of November,191b, at 1 0'cl�ck P.M.
<br /> �
<br /> Re�ister of Deeds
<br /> -a-o-o-o-o-o-o-c?-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o
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