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6",;. ' <br /> . <br /> � <br /> DEED RECORI� NC� . 54 <br /> �� � <br />_� ______ ___�_ __-_ <br /> - - __ __ _ _ _ _ _. ---- ._.__,__u ._ <br /> - -- - <br /> - - <br /> �u <br /> � <br /> ��� The,� o�" I�eUrasx�., ) � � ,� � <br /> : �s. On t�is Thirct ciay of' Nov�mb�r A.D.1916 b2for� me G.C.Raven, a, N�- i� <br /> � Hall Count.y, ) � �� �) � <br /> tdr�r Public duly commissionec� ana quali�'i�;d for�ana resi�iing in �ai�. <br /> Count,y, F��%aonall,y c�.rtie Rov ��.Pa�e and '��inni� T��. Pa�e, his wife t� me known to be the identical j; <br /> peruona deucribed i.n �:�nd tiv�io executec� t�2 �'ore�oin� instrurn�;nt as grantors �nd each acknoia��led�ed <br /> t_Ze s�,i�l instrur�i�;nt to �� �Zis volunt��ry ��,ct and deed. '' <br /> ;� <br /> ��itnf�s� my nana ana Z�otar. i�.l Seal at Ca�iro in s�,id County, t12e ci�y and year l�,st above writter�. <br /> ; <br /> G. C. Raven <br /> TRtr Commj.ssion e�?ires �TUly 27" 1�22 . (N�;)TARIAL SEAL) - - - - - ,� <br /> Fil.:a far r�:cor� the � aay of' �ov�mh�r, lgl5, at 3 o'clock P.M. <br /> �2� ���r e�- '' <br /> �Re�;is*;�r o� Dee � i', <br /> -o-�-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-n-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oi' <br /> Wl�I�RAl�TY D�;ED:- <br /> T�T�O'uV ALL MTN I3Y THES� PRESF��VTS: THtiT We, Peter Todsen and Emma Todsen, husband an�. <br /> wife, ol' trie County of Hall arld State ot Nebraska, for and in cc�nsiaeratfon of the sum of Eight �` <br /> II <br /> Thous�,nd & ido�00 7)o11ar:�, iti riana �>aiu, uo her�by �,rant , bargain, �ell, co�vey and confirm unto ''�� • <br /> ,� <br /> ,; <br /> �' .r�,nk A.Hitcizler of tne Coun�y of Hall and Sta,te af Nebr�.ska, tn� fallov�rin�� deseribed real estate!; <br /> �� <br /> situated in H��,11 C�?unt,y, ana State of Ivebra.ska, tc-ti�it : I; <br /> ( <br /> L�t s nu�r��ered Sev�n (7 ) , Ei�;ht (S ), Nine (9 ), Ten (10) , and Eleven (11 ), in �lock Number {; <br /> �� <br /> Fleven (11 ); also Lets Fleven (Il ), Tvc�elve (12 ) , anu Tizirteen (z3 �, i.n I31ock Ten (10 ) ; also Zots �� <br /> l� . <br /> Twelve (12 ) arld Thirteen (13 ) , in Llock Fleven (11 ) ; also Lot Three (3 ) in I�lock Twelve (12 ) ; al-jj <br /> � <br /> so Lots rvumberec� Twelv�: ( 1.2 ) , Ttlirteen (13 ), Fourteen (l�+) , ��ifteen (15 ) , Sixteen (16 ), S�venteen;'�. <br /> ;f <br /> (17 ), Ei�;hteen (l� ) , in Bi�ck Number�a iJine ( g } ; Lots TJumbered On� (1 ) , Two (2 ), Trire� (3 ), Four � <br /> ' (4) , 1+'ive °( 5 ) , Six (6 ) , Seven (7 ), ]±1ig:rit (� ) , Nine ( y ), Ten ( 10 j , Fourteen (14) Fifteen (15 �, Six�- <br /> 4 �� <br /> � ±een (16 ) , Sev�;nteen ( 17 ) , Ei�nte�n(�.S ) , Nineteen ( :Ly ), Twenty (20 ) and Tc�-enty One (21 ), in l�loek�� • <br />� � � � I� <br /> Numberect Ten i 10 ) ; Lots Ivucnbered one (1 ) , T��c� (2 ) , Three (3 ) , Four (�+) , Five (5 ), Six (6 ) , Four- ,'i <br /> ;, <br />� � te°n (l��) , Fifteen (/5 ) , in :F31ock i�umberec� �leven (11 ) ; Lots Nurnbered One (1) , Two (2 ) , and Four !� <br /> i <br />�` ! ( 4) , in :�lock Tvu�:n'r��:reu Twelve (12 ) ; all bein� in t�e Town of Abbott, a� shoRTn by tne recorded pla� <br />'P on fi1.e in t:i� county c3erk's office af i��.11 County, Nebraska. i� <br /> i� <br /> All th�.t part of tY�e Soutri Half of the Southwest Quarter (S� SW�) of Sect ian Num�ered Triirt,y;� � <br /> (30 ) , in Towns'�zi�? I�umber�a Twelve (12 ) NOx'th, o�' R�.nge numbereci �en, (10 ) West of' the Sixth Prin- �� <br /> i I <br /> ; cipal T.�eriuian, 1yir1� Sout:�. of the Ri�t� -of-w�y ana Depot Grounus of the Chica�o, �urlin�ton and{i <br /> ij <br />� Quinc,y Railroad Com�}any , exceFt d tract of lana One Iiuriured Si�cty Five (165) feet wiae East and ji <br /> i� <br /> West by T�nio ��undreu Sixty Four (26�) feet l�n� l�ortri ana Soutri conveyea by saict Lincoln I.and Com-�� ` <br /> i, <br /> �� F��,ny io School I7�:�trict Number Fifty Four (54), of Hall County, �debr�,sk�, by Deed dated the 20thl; <br /> .� <br /> ' day af December, A.D. ,lg��. Su�ject to le�;�l i1i�;nways. �I <br />, ;y <br /> TO HAV�; AND TO HOLD tlle premises above �tescribed, to�ether w�.th �l� the Tenements , Heredita-�� <br /> , ; <br /> menfis , and Appurtenanees triereunto bel�-n�ing to the s�,id �'rank t'�, riitchler, and to his heirs and ': <br /> j! <br /> ` assi�-rns farev�r. <br /> And �we uo hereby coven�nt witti trie saia Frank A. fiitchler and with t1i� heirs ana assi�;ns, th�.t <br /> �i <br /> � w� �re lati�rfull seized of.' ���id pr. einises ; that they �,re fre� frc�nl encumbrance ; triat we have gooc� �i <br /> � ;i <br /> � ri�ht ��r,d ldwful autnority ta ae11 trie �arne ; anu we ao riereb'y coven�nt to warrant and dePenci the ��� <br /> � <br /> ,� <br /> �t it;le to said x�remises a��,inst the lawful claims of all person� whomsoever. ' <br /> ;�I <br /> Ar�u tn� :���f� �;�z�ma Tods�n riere�by relinc�uisnes a11 ner riF�nt, title and inter�st of whdtsoever;� <br /> i. <br /> '� na.ture in an� tc� trie �bove �iescrilaeu ��remises. � • !'� <br /> 51�;r�ea this 21st a�.y of Se�atember, 1916. �i <br /> In presence o�' Peter Todsen . <br /> ;, <br /> T.J.Hansen k�nma Todsen <br /> �; <br /> 5tate of NebrasKa: � '' <br /> : ss. On tnis 21st aay of' SeF�tember, 1916, bef'ore me, T.J.�iansen, � Notary Pub� <br /> ,! <br /> Hall Caunty . ,, <br /> �. <br /> n <br />� , _ _ I� . � <br />