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<br /> �l1Lll.l�IJ� U � ��LS� � �O � aad� (�O�G�1��1
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<br /> _ ___ _—_— _-- - - — _� _ _. _ -
<br /> �_�,��_�_ _- - -- - -_- — _ _ -- --
<br /> __ _.___ __ _ _ _ _ _
<br /> r�ol�� �he-�tate of 'i�ebrasha, ) � �
<br /> ss.
<br /> Levi Halstead & wife �atC ¢ount�, I,
<br /> 7`p I hereby certifp that this instrument �vas el�tered on Numerical Index, and '
<br /> filed for Record this ,�0 day of AL1gU8'C 1917 , !
<br /> at 2:j 0 o'clock P NI. .
<br /> I,ucy E. Keesecker '
<br /> Register Deeds.
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> F"ees, $ 2.10
<br /> '�2no� aIr �IISen �� these lpresents:
<br /> Tn�t xe I,evi Halstead �.nd Jane Halstead (husband & �iPe )
<br /> of H111 Cotrnty, and ,4tate of Nebr'38ka�
<br /> in consideratron of the sum of OY18 Thousand & no/�.�0 DC)LLARS, ,
<br /> in hand paid b�y Lucy E. KeeseeKer
<br /> of H311 County, and State �f I�ebraska, do Ilereby �rant, bar-
<br /> �ain, sell, convey, and confirm unto the said Lt�C� E. Kesseeker
<br /> the follo�ving descri��ed premises, situated in the Cout�ty nf Hall, and State of Net�raska, to wit:
<br /> I,ot nvmber One, (3� in B1ocK Eigtlt, (8 ) ir� Bonnie Bra�a Addition to Grand islat�.d Nebraska
<br /> as surveyed platted & recorded.
<br /> Together �-uitFi all �tenemel�ts, hereditaments, and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all the Estate, Right, 7'itle, Interest,
<br /> Claim, or Dem�nd whatsoever; including Do�er, Curtesy and Homestead Rights, of the said j,Bpl H318t@2id & J322f' Ha,lSt@a,t!
<br /> of, in, or to the same, or anp part thereof.
<br /> TD HAVE AIIZD TD HOLD the above-descrihed premises, ��ith the ap�urtenances, unto the said j,uC� E. xeeseexer
<br /> and to her
<br />�
<br /> � heirs an�� a.ssi�ns forever. flrid We hereby covenant witl� the said j,t,iCy E. $'8@SGCkBI' �
<br /> that �@ hold said premises bp �Sood and perfect trtle; ,
<br /> that �� h�t7'� �aod rigllt and lat�>ful authority to sell and conve3� the same; that they are free and clear of all liens ar�d
<br /> iucumbrar�ees whatsoever.
<br />� And We covenant to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of persons whomsoever. �
<br /> SIGNIS'I) tl�is 29th ���' of' ALi$t�,�t :�1. D., 1.9],7
<br /> � IN PRIsSENCI,' nF �
<br /> I,evi Halstead
<br /> S. C. Huston Jane F�alstead
<br />�
<br />�
<br /> �be �tate of 'i�ebras�a, __
<br /> ss.
<br /> I� H311 County. On this 29tn day of ALigll$t 19 3.7
<br /> ,
<br /> I
<br /> before me, S. C. HLi8�021 , a �totary Pub].,ie
<br /> I within and for said Coul�ty, personally came Levi Halstead & Jane Halstead (husband dc W1r@ �
<br />�
<br /> to me personally kr7own to he the identical person 8 whose namc6 3P6 affixed to the �bove rnstrument as grantor $ and
<br /> severally ackno�vledhed the execution of the same to be t$GSx' voluntary act and deed for the pr�rposes tberein expressed.
<br /> II� �tt �Irt1e8$ �heC�Of, I h�ve 1�ercunto sul�scribed m�r name arid a�xed my of�'ici�l sea1, �r Grand Is2and, Nebraska,
<br /> j on the da.te last above Fvritterl.
<br />�I � (S � c7. 1 } S.C,Ii118�021. . . . . . . Notary Public. ,
<br />� A7y commission expires suly 25tn i91g.
<br /> ;
<br />'� .. ;� �
<br />