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<br /> ��A�� �--+�V�'+1�]'�fRI3+
<br /> 7� V I , '.'� .. . .7"»r '„i- ..
<br /> Barroucr �hall rom tl �ve Lender written notice of an invest�ation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any ����� ` �`� `is' *� �_-
<br /> P P Y &� Y B _ •�: • ...,.t..s�__
<br /> gocemmental or regulato�r agency or pri�•ate p�rty involving the P ropeny an d any H a z a r dous Su bstance or Environmen ta! L a w -`,"::�-�,-,�
<br /> ofµhich BornKCCr ha�actual knowledge. If Borro�ver learn�.or is nutified b} an} governmental or regulatory authority. that _, ��
<br /> any rcmural ur��thrr femctifiati�m uf any Hazudous Sabstanre affectinr the Property is r.e�;es.cary.Borroaer shaU prompdy take � .•.�.., .,.. • . -_
<br /> all nec�h.ary rcmedial acti�in�in arrurdanrr with Environmental L:iw. ' � . •��•;:`+'�
<br /> A+w��i in thi, paragraQh 2U. "Hatard��us Substance+" an: thase substances defined a. tazir or hazardous�ubstance+by . -
<br /> Envirunment:il l.au• ;tnd the foUuwing tiub�tanct�: ga«�line, kerosene, other flammable ur toxic �troleum products, toxic '_a
<br /> pe.ticideti•rnd herhicide,. �ulatile sulvent+,material+cantaining axbrsws or formaldehyde,and radioactrve materials.As u�ed in =`�,t.o:.4=�.=.�s==
<br /> this p:tragr:�ph 30. "Environmental !aw" means fixleral laws and laws of the juri,diction where the Property is located that , _ _._ __ _ -
<br /> relate tu hcalth.�afety ur cnvuonmental protection. � . • • � _
<br /> NOh-UNiFORM COYENANTS. Borrower and L.ender further�ovenant and agree as tollows: .�• ° � . � _
<br /> 21. Acceleeutton;Remedies. Lender shaU�i�e aolice to Sarrow•er prior to ucceleration follo�ring Borro�rer's brearh
<br /> of�ny cuvenant or agrcement in this Securtty lnstrument lbut not pr�or to acceleration under para�raph 17 unl�cs . . - -_.-..._.:_..•._:"�,�,
<br /> �
<br />-� $PPtIrable la�r pror•ides atherwise). Thr�tut�cr sltall s�ecify: (a)the defaalt; {b) tt�e acttoa reyutred to cure the defanit; _';; _�_--�,__,
<br /> (c)a date. not less than 30 aays from the datf the rtotIce is�ven to Borroti�er,by which the default must be cured;and `�j,.,_. , �. .
<br /> . ' (d) that failure to cure the default on or before the date specified in the notice may result in acceleration of the sums ; -�.` � ` ' "
<br /> . secured by thLs Secur[ty lastrument and sate of the Propert}�. The notice shall further inform Borrower of the right to '"'""`�"°''"��:
<br /> i retnstate after 3cceleration and the rip,ht to bring a rnurt action to asserl the non-e�cistence of a default or any other �"_.:::.�-�,���M�;=��
<br /> ��--����•- -.
<br /> �} defense of Barra�rer to acceleration and sale. If the defaut4 Ls not cured on or before the date SpeciHed in the notice. ;� w..._.�-�=--�-Y=a���
<br /> ,� Lender, at it�+opHon.may re�ulre immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument �il6out .�`.."'-��.�'�_-
<br /> # further de�And and may Invoke the power uf sale and any oiher remedies permitted b} applicable ta�v. Lender shall be '_.;�•.---- ` _
<br /> entitted to collect all expeiue+incuned in puisuing the remedies provided in t6is paragrap9�21,includtng,but not timited •}� �;,'`�`'
<br /> - to,reasonabte attorneys'fees aud costs of tltle evidence. ,•� ��'`,"-j,_.' __
<br /> ' If the pawer of sale is invoked. Trustee shall cetord a ao4ice of default in each rnunty [n which s�ny part oY the ' k`�
<br /> .:f �_ �..,-�_,
<br /> Property is tocated and shaU mail oopies of surb notice in the manner prnscribed by applicable law to Borrower and to - _
<br /> the other petsons pr�cribed b�applIrable taw.After the time required @y appl�ca6le law,Tn�stee shall give publlc nolice ..;;.;�;;� �.�„�:,�-�.;;,,� "'
<br /> of sale to the persoas and in the manaer prescribed by appfics6te la�v.Trustee,without demand nn Borrowee,shall sell j�_-�-� -�_-
<br /> � the Property at publlc auction to the highest 6idder at the time and place and useder the terms designated In the aotice nf ' � �_�
<br /> ': sole in one or more parcets aad in any order Trustee determines.Tnistee may postpone sate of all or an} parcel of the _; y���.;K=�
<br />,:�; P�nperty by public announcement at the time and place of any previousl} scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may �.;,:'_,:l��au�..,��, ____
<br /> `;; purchase the Aroperty at any sale. - -
<br /> ,�i Upon receipt of payment of the prIce bld, 'II're:52�e shall dPliver W the parc6aser Trustee's deed conveying ttee _ ._ _
<br />, .,.� _ ��
<br /> Property. 7'he recitals in the'd'n�stee's dced shall be prima facie es�idence of the truth of 6':�e statements made thereio.
<br />;"".�� Trustee shall apply the proceeds oP the sale in the following order:(a)to all cas-ts and expe�sQS of exercisiag the power of : wr;�-��;;,:.. �"
<br /> - sale,and the sate,including the payment of the Tnutee's fees actually incurred,not to exceed �e�of $50 or 1/�° '
<br /> of the principal amount of the note at the time of the deciaration of defautt,and reasonable attomeys'fee5 as permitted r��`y
<br /> C!. ��.,.�' . . I.;'' . �� �°�'�...,
<br /> : by law;(if)to all sums secured by thIs Secucity Instrument;aad(c)any excess to the person or persons legally entttled to •^�:s:
<br /> r� it. � ... ..3
<br /> , 2 2. E 2�nveyaace. Upon payment o f a l l sums secur e� by [his Securi ty I n s t r u me n t. L e n d e r s h a l l r e q u e s t T r u s t e e t o � ��
<br /> reconvey the �roperty and shall surrender this Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security -- �;��
<br /> Instrument to Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the person or persons legally ��
<br /> entitled to it.Such person or persons shall pay any recordaUon cosu. '"�':��' •�.'J '-
<br />• 23.Substitute Tnistee. Lender, at its option, may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee to � .-, � � ''".��; _ �.
<br /> any Trustee appc�inted hereunder by an insuument recorded in the county in which this Secvrity Instrurnent is recorded.Without i � _--
<br /> conveyance of the Property,the successor[rustee shall succeed ta aU the title,power and duues canferred upon Trustee herein � . ` ��!�"_:
<br /> and by applicable law. f�`�" ` �
<br /> 7A.Request for Notices. Borrawer requesn chat copic�of the noticeti of default and sale be sent to Borrower's addre,s ,
<br /> �.
<br /> which is the Property Address. r -�'�:,•�•-r,�
<br /> TS.Riders to thls Security Instrument. If one or mom riders are exer.uted by Borrower and recorded together with this . '-;:;_�'���`:'�
<br /> Securit Instrument,the covenants and a reemenu of each yuch rider shall be inco orated into and shaU amend and su lement ' '' -�`y�T° �-�--
<br /> y S *P PP -�-,:�.,.,� :.�.,�,r•
<br /> the covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument a,if the rider(s)were a part of this Security Instrument. �.�_,_
<br /> � (Check applicable box(es)1 - - ------ - - _
<br /> - - :�.,:-
<br /> 0 Adjustable Rate Rider 0 Condominium Rider ❑ 1-4 Family Rider �="'_r�=-T--�= �-=' -
<br /> : []Graduated Payment Rider �Planned Unit Development Rider �Biweekly Payment Rider ,� �.�- -
<br /> ❑Ballaon Rider �Rate improvemen[Rider 0 Second Home Rider __�� `��.;,.��,•' a
<br /> ❑V.A. Rider [�Other(s)IspuifyJ -_° -
<br /> �., _--
<br /> Notice o£ Default �--.�v_��
<br /> "zr . —r
<br />. 6ii�MenF*f�+'�'��.
<br />' +w.r,++��, - —_.
<br /> '�':.
<br /> BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security lnstrument and •t :� �'•
<br /> in any rider(s)eaecvted by Borrower and recorded with it. �•.
<br /> Witnesses: �3 �,v• �fj�,�� �.�:_v.�„-__._.
<br /> .2%�n (Seal) . •'�'w`-
<br /> '!•Q'p�,:: r.�::,;��,,.,.
<br /> Darrel W Harders •B"n°we� -• � •�.
<br />. �.�-_—
<br />.. � � f{ -
<br />�. D d (Sea!) .� .• ;�.�:.
<br /> . Pamela F Harders -s�,RUwer
<br /> ...� ,;T- .-�;:
<br />.. �T� . . � `..
<br /> . (SP��� �5�� . �.'�'�+ �'....�.� �
<br /> , �BO((IIKCI �BnifOWCI • . � . - . . �_.
<br /> -. . �.:-.
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA. County ss: .' �,�`. ;� :
<br /> Hal l ''• '.
<br /> The foregoing instrument was acknuwledged before me this 3rd day of Maich ' 1997 '
<br /> �Y Uarrel W and Yamela F Harders, jsusband aad Wife � ''' '{- `--`-�°--- 4
<br /> Witness my hand and n�tarial seal at Grand Island, *Iebra in�aid County.the date aforesaid. • •�-
<br /> �
<br /> My Commission Expires: �_ ^ : : � .
<br /> �"'TinPrry Puhhc • _
<br /> A E�RAtH�Taflr�s�a:�•� ,::�::�_ �.
<br /> �� JUOITH L RI..'- I --�-_--�------°-•"—" �
<br /> htYCOmm iu'• i . � � �
<br /> _ _ vaoa+�e�a Form 3028 9/90 , �
<br /> . , .
<br />, '" ,� ......: ......r_._..�.�.. .. .�. .
<br /> ,.. . . . .. � , . .
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<br /> .. . . .
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<br /> . �.
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