� :-.�.__..__��____._�..� � _.:_._....� ' � ---.---�__ ���. � _
<br /> 9? i���� . � ` � 4�
<br /> � ,:..
<br /> ���. �
<br /> �} ..
<br /> � The Fund+ +hall he held in an intititution whose deposi�s are insured b�• a federsl agenc}•. in.trumrntafiry, or entity •. ; , . .
<br /> �including l.ender. if I.cnder i,tiurh:ui in.�titutioni ur in any Federal Hume L,c�an Bank Lender tih:all appiy th�Fund.tu pay the , �-
<br /> Exrow ltcmti. IAnder ma}•nut rhargr Burruucr ti�r hulJing:uid applying thr Fu�tdy. :u:ntwlly .�nai}�ring thr c.cmu a��:uunt.ur .__ . �
<br /> vrr�fying the E.rrow Item..unle„Lender payti Burrouer intere+t un thr FunJ+and appl�rablr law permit.lAnder tu m:il.c:u:h �
<br /> a charge. Huwc.�er, l.�nder ma� r�yuwrc Borrawcr tu pay a une-time rharcr ti�r an indrpendent reai �.tate tax rcportin� �rnirr • -
<br /> u�rd b� Lcitdrr iu cunnrrtiun w�[h thi, lusn. unle�, applirahle law pruc�de� uthen�i.c. l'nle.. an agretiment �. made cir '. . � �
<br /> ;�pplirahlc la�• reyuire.mtrrc�t t„h�p:ud. L�ndcr.h.ill nut h�rryuircd tu p�� Burtuwcr any mtcre.�ur r:�rnm�;,on thr Futtds. +'
<br /> �,� k�a�ru«er and l.�nder may a�:r�ti in wnt�ng. huur�rr. that �nterc�t tihall hr paid un tlie Fund.. Ixndrr�hall gi�c to B��rrawer. " . , ,�','�z, .
<br /> Kuhieu[iharge. an annual a�eoun[ing al thr Fu�J.. .huwinE rrcdit+and dcb�t. tu thr FunJ. and th� purpo,c ti�r �rhirh qch . ° ,
<br /> Jehn u�thr HuuJ+��a+madr. Th�FunJ.arr pleil�,rd a�•rdJ�uunal.erunty ti,r all.um..�cured h� thn tircunt} In.trunxnt. ; � � . ,
<br /> - If thr Fund,hclJ h�• Lrndrr�xrrrd thc:unuunh pennittc�l tu hc helJ h� app6rablc law, lA�drr,h�ll acruunt tu B�rrmacr •
<br /> ti�r the rxceti. FunJ� in accurdanrr �rith [hr rryu�rement+ «f appliuzblr lavv�If the:utwum ut the Fund. hrlJ h} Lendrr st am � ._ ,
<br />- umr�,n��t,uftir�ent tu Pay the F:.cruw Item.when dur.Lrnder may .0 n�,tif}� E3��rr����er in�cnung. .�nd. in,uch ra,r B�,rro��•er . �
<br />;:� ,haH pay tu LenJcr the amuunt necti��ary lu n�akr up thr detii�riicy. S��rro����r .hall make up thc drt►cirttcy in �zu ►ru�re thsn —.---.
<br /> 1 twelve monthl}payment,.at L,enJcr\.ule Jurrrnun.
<br /> l;pon paym^•nt in full i�f all �um, .ecurrd by thi. Srcur�t} In�trument. L.ender ,h:�ll pn�mpth rcfund tu B��rcuwrr any `��
<br /> Funds held b} L.ender.If, under para_raph 31, Lender,hull acyuire or,ell the Proprrty. Lxnder.pnur te�th�araw�ition c�r.alc . _ . -
<br /> of the Prupen}�, ,hall applc any Fund,held b} Lendrr at thr umr uf aryue.ition or,:ste a�a cr��lit again>t thr.um,.exured by -. :;s��.;�=; -
<br /> _ thi,Sc�urity In,trument. ���_ � ^�� ` .� :. ".
<br /> 3.A{�plication of Pa�ments. Unl�w.applicable law prucide�othen�ise.:sll payment.rrrei��Yi h}� Lender under paragraFh� -'� �""'"-"--
<br /> '=;��"`�=
<br /> I and_'.hall he applieJ: tint. tu any prepsyment charge. .lue under the Nute: �erunJ. tu anwunt,pa}ablc under paragraph '_: •== - --
<br /> �=—_
<br /> thud,u�interest Jue;tiwnh,tu principal due:and last,to any late charge�duc under the Nute. �°��=�_�.-.._
<br /> 4.Charges;Lieris. Borrower �hall pay alf taxes,assessments.charges, fines and impositions attribuwbl�tu the Property `."��'�'=---r�==-. -
<br /> w•hich may attain priority over thi� Security Instrument. and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any. Borrower shall pay � e
<br /> these ohligatiuns in thc manner pro�ided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner. Borroaer shall pay thcm on time directly . '��-:
<br /> to the penon owed payment. Borrower shall prumptly Eurnish to Lender alI notices of amounty to be paid under this paragraph. -
<br />`. If Borrower makes theae payments di�ertly. Borrower s6a11 promptly furnish to Lender receipt,evidencing the payments. ���.�
<br /> Borrotver shal!promptly disrharge any lien which ha.s priority over thi,Seruritp instrument unle�.+Borru�ver. �a)agree�in ��`- � !'------
<br /> , writing to the payment uf the ohligation�ecureci b�•the lien in a manner acceptable,o Lender. (b)contest�in�ood Faith the lien •^~'-.-
<br /> by. or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal prnceedings uhich in the Lender'� opinivn uperatc to prevent the ,,,.., ; ;`�:'�' �
<br /> enforcement of the lien: or tcl.ecure+frnm the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to .'t-� .- � s``�
<br /> thi, Su:urit}• Intitrument. If Lt:ndcr Jetzrmines that:uiy pan of the Propert} i+subject ta a licn w•hich ma}�attain priority o�er i�'w'''"�;��'
<br /> �u7 .,u�
<br /> this Security Instrumert. L.ender may gi��e Borrower a notice identify�ing the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien ur take one or ":. .'r�� '
<br /> more of the actions set fonh ahuvc within 10 dayti of the giving of notice. -� -:,,:� .�. y•• . .
<br /> � 5. Hazard or Propert}� Intivrartce. Borrower �hall keep the imprrnements now exi�ting ur hereafter erected on the
<br /> Property insured a�eaintit toss by tire. huard� includeJ withm the term "extended cuverage" anJ any other haiard�. including .:
<br />' floads ar flooding, for which L.endcr requires insurance. This imurance tihall be maintained in the amounts and for the periods -
<br /> that Lxnder requires. The inwrance carrier providing the in,urance�hall he chosen by Borrower rubject to L.ender's appraval � ;.. ;. �.
<br /> �chich shall not be unreasonahly withheld. If Bom�wcr failti tu maintain coverage de,cribed abuve. L.cnder may. at Lender's i • `°�.' '
<br /> � uption,obtain coverage t��protect Lender's rights in the Prupeny in accordance with paragraph 7. � " �-• . `
<br /> - All irourance policie+and renewals shall be acceptable te� Lender and �hall inrlude a ,tandard rreortga�e clause. Lender ' �•
<br /> shaU have the right to hold the poliries and renewals. If Lender reyuires,Borrower shall promptly give to Lender all receipts of . ��'�I :
<br /> paid premiucrs and renewal noticeti. In the event of loys.Bonower+hall give pmmpt notice to the inwrance carrier and Lender. s�t;.� :.
<br /> l.ender may make proof of las�if not made promptly by Bonowrr. ,;, � i��
<br /> Unless LenQer and Bc�rrower othen��is�agrce in writing,insurance proceed+chall be applied to restoration or repair of the '' �-��• '� ' _
<br /> Properry damaged, if the re+wration ur rcpsir i.eronomically fcasible and Lender'��e�:urity is not lessened.If the restoration or ��� -
<br /> � repair iti nut economieaU�� fcasible or Lender'� �ecuritv would bc lesseneei,the inwrance pruccxd,,h311 hr applied to the�umti � �'•• . . i;.� :
<br /> +ecured b thi, Securit� Imtrum�nt. whrther ur not thcn dur. with an crcc�� aid tu Borruwcr. If Burruwer abandon+ the �'=
<br /> Y Y y p� �.r��+�u�-
<br /> ' Property,or doeti not answer within z0 day+a notice frum I.ender that thr in.urance��rrier hati uffered to tietQe a claim, then
<br /> l.ender may collect the in,urance proceeds. L.ender may utie the proceed,tu repair ur r�yt�+re the Propert�• or to p�y +ums '�"��
<br /> �'���..._.., �:,_
<br /> tiecured by this Security In,trument,whether or not then due.The 30-day periud will begin when the natice i�gtven. ,�,,,�
<br /> Unlesti Lender and Burrower othenvise agree in writing. any application of proceeds to principnl tihall nnt extend or �`°�
<br /> c�st one the due date of[he munthl a mentti rcferrcJ to in �rd�r h+ 1 anJ 2 ��r rhan�e the amount of the a ments. If ��'=`
<br /> P P Y P.Y P" b 3P • � P Y a__�_
<br /> under paragraph 21 the Property iti acqu�red by Lender. Horr��wer'y ri�ht tu any m,urance policies and proceed�re�ulting from �-=--'°=" ----
<br /> damage to the Properry prior to the acqui�ition�hall pas�t��Lender to the extem of the wms secured by this Security instrument ---=
<br /> � immediately prior to the acyuitiitian. -��,.—,--_
<br /> 6.Occupancy, Preservation, l�laintenance and Protectlon of the Properdy:Borrower's Loan Application;Leasehotds. ���.��:�_=:-
<br /> Bormwer shall cucvpy.establi5h,anJ utie the Propeny a� Bortuwer'ti principa� re�idrnce within sixty days aher the execution of
<br />., � this Security (nstrumcnt and�hall wntinue to occupy the Pmperty as Borrower'ti principal resiJence fi�r at Icast ane year after ..::;
<br /> .� the date of orcupancy. unle�+I.ender othenvi.e agrees in wrinng. which consent.hall nut be unreasonably withheld, or unle« ��—,
<br /> � extenuating circumstances exi.t which arc beyond Borruwrr":. control. Borr��wer shall not destray. darrwge or impair the �-- --�
<br /> Property, a!Inw the Pmperty to deteriorate. or rnmmit wastc �m ti:� Property. Borrower �hall be in default if any forfeiture t'•-'_
<br /> = action or roceedin whether civil or criminal, i+hc;<un that in l.ender's ooJ fauh �ud�ment coutJ retiult in f�rfeiture of the � � �
<br /> � p �. r S J E -��:-�-
<br /> .a Pmperty or otherwi�e mulcrially impair thc lien crcated hy �his Seruriry in.trument ur I.�nder'.��urity intcre,t. Borrower may •
<br /> ' cure>uch a default and rein.rtate.a+proviJuJ in pararraph IR,h� c�u,ing the action cir proceealine t��be di.mi..ai with a ruling • ' � . .'"'`" _
<br /> . ' that, in L.er.der'�boad faith detcrminatiun. precludeti forfeiture nt ihe Borrower'. interc�t ro thc Property ur nthcr material ,. ' ..�• : '
<br /> . t impairmer.t of the licn cr.ated by thi. Security In,trumcnt nr I.cr.d�r'. �e<urity interetit. B�ermwer shall altio bc in default if �.��•��.�-• •��.�� ' -
<br /> Borrower.d�ring the luan appltcatiun pr�uc.,,gavr materially fal�e or inaccurutc mf��rniatior,or statemcnt�to I.cndcr lor�ailecl �'"*�''''Y'1``�``.. _,
<br />, . ' to pmvidc l.endcr with any material int��rmatiun)in �unnectiun with the I�+an eviJencrd by the N�ne,inrludin_+, but nut limitui . ��Y
<br /> u�, reprc�entatiom conccming Horruwcr',�urupanc� .�t the Prupcny a���princ�pal r"idcnrr. If thi�Soruri�y Imtrumcnt i�un a ���-, �y�.;;..
<br /> Icaarhuld. Borruwcr shall romply with all tlie pruvi.iuns ��f th� Ica�r. 11 Horrowrr acyu�n� ►er titlr to thc Pr�prrty. �hc ,-
<br /> � Iea�ehold a:.d the fee tide shall not merae unless L.ender agree�to the merger in writing. L�'�'��'��:"f-� _
<br /> 7.Pro2ection of i.ender's Ri�7rEs in the Property. If Borrower fail�to perfom�thc covenants and agrecments rnntained in �� �;•�-
<br /> •i this Security lnstrument, ur there i.a legul procttiding that may tiignit`icantly affect Lender'� rights in the Property t�u:h.�.�a ���''�
<br /> � � proceeding in bankruptcy,probate. fi�r conJenmation or forfciture or to enforce la�v�ur regulatiun�), then Lender may do and ' � � -� -'
<br /> pay for whatevcr �ti nccctisary tn protect the value uf lhc Proprrty and L.cndcr'ti right� in thr Prupeny. LenJer'�aUion�mey �-�-
<br /> ' include paying any .um, .ecureJ hy a lien which hati pnunty uver thiti Serurity In,trument, appwring in court. paying . . • �-
<br /> rea�onable attorneyti' fcc�anJ entering�m thc Proprny to makc repair�. Although Lrnder may take arti��n under this paragraph . —
<br /> 7. Lw'nde�J��e�not hace t��do�o. . .
<br /> Any an�i+unt� di.bur�ecl hy Lender under thiti paragreph 7 ,hall hecumr aJdtUun�d drM uf H��rrower ��cured hy thir . - � , • . .
<br /> Suurity In.trument. Unle« Rurru�vcr anJ L.cnder agrcc tu uthcr tcm��nf paymrnt, thctie am��unt. .hall hear imrrr�t fr��m thc • .
<br /> date ��f di.bur.ement at the Nutr rate and .hall hr payablc, with interetit, upnn notic� frum Lcn�cr tu K��rmwrr rryue�ting .
<br /> paymcnt.
<br /> S.titort�aRe inyurance. If IAnder reyuircd m�.rtgage m�urance a�a condition��f makin�±thr Inan �crurcd hy thiti Srrurity � ��
<br /> Intitrumrni. $orrnwer �i�aii pay i{�r pre�uiw�i, �tquir�u tr. m��ntam thc t:a:t�:a�;. :••.•,•ar.e� :r effec:. !f. '.:�;a^t rCar�:n. ' '-� - - -_— -
<br /> ,i.� ---------
<br /> � mortgage imurance c�n•erage reymrrJ hp l.ender lapseti��r rea�e,to hr in effecl. B�•rti���rr .hall �a� the premfum.nyuircd tu ' . _
<br /> ohtain ruvrragr,uh�r,�nti.illy ryui�.alrnt t��thr mon�:agc in,ura��r:prrviuu,ly �n ctfcrt. at a r��•t wh+t:�ntiully cyui�alcnt tn thc , �
<br /> ci,.t to Bnrru�crr „t thc tnongagr imuranrr prcci��u.ly in cflcct. ln�m an altrrnatc nu,rt�agc inwnr uppn�v��1 hy l.c�nder. H� .
<br /> �.,,..r.;� Form 3028 9�90 =_.-�_--
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