<br /> ����c��l�� D��D ��C�OG°�D �oo �� �a�� �o����
<br /> _� _ ______�.�._—�_�_ _ _� _ _____ _ _____ _ _ _ _ _______ ___ ._____
<br />�_ .._.._;crs�=-�s vmArrpa co,�ur�Ae�in v unn�Es
<br /> — _ ._ __ .------- _____ _--_--- -. _..._ _ _._.�.__� ._—�
<br /> rnoNr �be �tate of 'lldebras�a, �
<br /> �ss. '
<br /> Charl�:s ,T. Goouri�;�z & wife 'Iha[[ Qount�,
<br /> Tp I hereby certifp that this il�strument was entered on Numerical Index, and �
<br /> filed for Record this 2b day of A�.�T'11 I9 37 ,
<br /> at � o'clock AM. ��si:� `.l�-u
<br /> ��'red N. Goodrich <I�
<br /> Register of D ds.
<br /> Deput��.
<br /> Fees, �' 1.10
<br /> 'I�nav� aii �IISen �� these �resents:: -
<br /> 7'1��t Cn�.rles 7. Goodricri ana Effie Gooc�rich, huab�,nd a,n� wif�, oi' L�ne,
<br /> of — -- — — �oiznty, and �St�te of Oklanoma,
<br /> it� consideration of the sitm of TWO Tn�usana F�ur HUYIdz'2d 'drid 00�100- - - - - - - - - - - - - DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid by �+'r�C1 �V. C�COdI'1Ch
<br /> of k��,11 County, 2nd State of 1V�br�Skc3,, do hereby grar�t, bar-
<br /> �ain, sell, convey, a.t�d collfirm ul�to the said �'r�a 'tU. GOOCiY'1Ch,
<br />� the follo�vitlg descrihed premises, situated irz the County of Hall, and State of Nebraska, lo wit:
<br />' All of our undivided one-
<br /> fifth (1�5) interest in and to trie Sou�rieast �,ua,rter ( S.E .� ) of' Section Ntunber Twenty-ei�ht (2g �y
<br /> Townsnip Numb�r Twelve (12 ) Nor�h, Range Numbar Twelve (12�, West of the SiX�n P.1+�2. , in Hall
<br /> County, Nebr�ska, consisting of tnirty-two (32 ) acres , a little more or l�ss, bein� th� interest
<br />, and share of tiie said Cnarles .T. Gooc]rich in and t� the Estate of Calvin A. Goodrich, cieceased;
<br /> a,nd of the l+;state of Lorinda D. Goodrich, dece�sed; the saia Charles .7. Goodrich bein� a son and,
<br /> h'eir-at-law of tile ���,iu Calvin A, Goodrich, c�ece;�se�, ana Lorin�la D. Goodrieh, decea.sea, and be-`
<br /> ; in� entitic;d to ar� unaivideci or�e-iiftti interest in each of t:ne said �states.
<br />,
<br /> Togetller with all the tenemet�ts, Izereditatnents, and appurtenances to the samE belonging, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest,
<br /> ' Claim, or Demand tivhatsoever; includin� Dower, Curtesy and Homestead Rights, of the said Charles 7.GOOCII'1Cll and EPfie
<br /> Goocirich, .
<br /> �f, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �
<br />, TO HAVE �1ND 20 HOLD the abo�e-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the saie��'r@(3 1�. GOOC�2"�Ch
<br /> and to h 1 S
<br /> heirs �nd assigns forever. And W@ hereby covenant with the said FY'@d W. Goocirieh,
<br /> that We hold sazd premises by �sood and perfect title;
<br /> that Vye h�� �ood right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of aII liens and
<br /> ' iricumbrances whatsoever.
<br /> And W� covenant to warrant aud defer�d the sa.id premises against the lawful claims of persons whomsoever.
<br /> ,SIGN�D thi,r 21�t day� ot' April, A. D., 1,917
<br /> IN PRES�NC� OP �
<br /> Charles J. Goo�ricri
<br /> J. F. Pe�ler,T,�ne Okla,
<br /> Effie Goodricri
<br /> M. R. 'i'urFa.n,l,�nz Okla
<br /> Okla
<br /> "�be �tate of�'I������
<br /> ss.
<br /> AtOka. County. On this 21St . day of ApI'�l A.D. 1,917
<br /> �
<br /> hefore me, W. G111 , �� NO��.�'y Pt1b1fC
<br /> within and for said County, personally came Charles J.GOOt�'1Ch �.21C1 Eff ie GOOCLT'f Ch, husbar�d an d 'N1 f e , OP
<br /> Lane,pklahoma,
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical persori S �vhose name s are affiXed to the above instrument as grantor S and
<br />. severally acknowledged the execution of the same to be tn�ir voluistary act and deed for the purposes thereir� expressed.
<br /> �fn '�tAttness '�lrAbereof, I have hereunto sUt�scribed rny n��me and af�'ixed my official seal, at AtOkc�,, Okl3
<br /> on the date last above written.
<br /> w. G�li
<br /> ( SEAL ) Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires 2_p7_�y21�
<br /> V - - _.. — -- -____ _ _ �;
<br />