<br /> ��G�G°���1�� DC�'C�� .G��C�OoG°�D o . �
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<br /> — �0535—REES PA1ATfN'3 CO„OMT�AA�`,ciitY�ly SuPPr�� _=="'_—"'_'_= ___._.__ �.--------'--_— —..__. _. -____. __ _ __._ _ .._—_.___.__.__
<br /> __. _—_ ---—___.----- — ---
<br /> �.r _�.�..�--- --------
<br /> �, rROM ZGbe �tate of 'I�ebras�a, �
<br /> j$$.
<br /> Harriet V.Seerley �: hu�b. �aI[ ¢ountp,
<br /> TO , I hereby certify that thrs znstrumer�t was entered on Numerical Index, and
<br /> filed for Record this 1b day of April 19 17,
<br /> at � o'clock P.M. ��
<br /> ���.ti-zf UJ�t��
<br /> �
<br /> H6rix'y 1�OYl l�71P; Register of eeds.
<br /> Deputp.
<br /> Fees, ,�'1..1T,
<br />,
<br /> 'I�nov� air �en h� these lpresents: ,
<br /> T�»t Harriett V. Seerley (in ner otitiTn ri�rit ) �.nd O.M.Seerley her riusband
<br /> � �f Hd.11 County,' and Sta�e af N�br3Sk3
<br /> in considcration of the sum of �'1Ve TtlOUSc�,rit1 DQLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid by Hen.ry R0111�T1�,;
<br /> of Hdll County, and State of �Tebraska �10 hereby grant, har-
<br /> �ain, sell, convey, a.nd confirm uz�to the said HEriT,Y �Oh11riF
<br /> the following clescrihed premises, situated in the Count}� of Hall, and State of NeXiraslfa, ta wit:
<br /> The tiVest;erly Sixty (60 ) fe�t of fractional Lot �"our (4) of Fractional }31ock One (1 ) o�' Arnold
<br /> & Abbott �s Audit ion, and it s comglement the West erly Sixty (60 ) feet o�' Fract ional Lot Four ( 4)
<br /> of Fr�:�ctional �lock Twenty (20 ) of Rollins Addition, both additions to tne city of Grand Island,
<br /> Nebraska.
<br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest,
<br /> Clairn, or Demand whatsoever; including Do�ver, Curtesy and Horrtestead Rrghts, of the said Ha�'T'12t� V.Seerley� a,T1,d O.Pd.
<br /> Seerley (nus�anc� dn� wif� )
<br /> of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, tivith the appurtenances, unto the said Hetlry Rorilin�
<br /> and to hiS
<br /> heirs �-i.l�d assi�ns forever. Aud We hereby covenant with the said Henry Ronling -
<br /> that �'� hold said premises hy good and perfect title;
<br /> that �'� h�'� good right and lativful aufhority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens and
<br /> it�cumbrances whatsoever.
<br /> And W� covenant to w�rr��nt and defend the said premises against the lawful claims of persons whomsoever.
<br /> �SIrNTn thi� Twenty Tnirc� ����y �f RRarch A. D., 1s 17
<br /> IN PR�S�NCis OF
<br /> HarriEtt V. S�erley
<br /> J. E. Di11 0. �I. Seerley
<br /> '�be �tate of '�lebrasaa,
<br /> SS.
<br /> � Ha.11 County. 01� this 7'w�rty Thiz'd day of M�z'CYl 1917 ,
<br /> before me, trie undersi�;ned , a notary public • �
<br /> within and for s�fd Coul�ty, persor�ally came Harriett V. Seerley and 0.2�[. Se�rley wiFe and husband
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical personS whose name S ar� af�Xed to the above instrument as grantor S and.
<br /> severQlly acknowledged the execution of the same to be thelr voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein expressed.
<br /> �fn '�Aitness 't�Ahereof, I ha��e hereunto subs�rihed mp name and-af�ixed my official se�l, at�ra.nd Island, N6bx.
<br /> on the date last above written.
<br /> .r. E. ��1�
<br /> (SI�:"1L � l�lotary Public.
<br /> My corrimission eYpires JUly 16tC1, lyly.
<br /> �: _ _ . u
<br />