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<br /> FROM '�be �t�te of 'I�ebraska, )
<br /> �ss.
<br /> Georgia l,. .7ones & riusb. �bail �ot�tttg,
<br /> , TO I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index, and
<br /> filed for Record this 6 day of �arah 1917 ,
<br /> at 9 o'clock A•M. , �
<br /> Edv�in A. Jones Register of eeds.
<br /> puty.
<br /> Fees, $1.10
<br /> '(�nov� aYi �115en h� these lpresents: _ , - _ . �.
<br /> That We, Geargia. I,. Jonea � husband Ed. A. Jones
<br /> ? of Hall Coutlty, and State of N6brd,3k3 '
<br /> � ,
<br /> 'i �n consideration of the sum of One Dollar & other valuable eonsicleraLions ���,�;
<br /> i+ -
<br /> : in hand paid by EdW1ri A. JOri�� , Jr.
<br /> i'
<br /> " of Hd.11 Cvunty, and State of Nebraska do hereby grant, bar-
<br /> gain, sell, convey, and confirm unto the said Edwin A. Jones, Jr.
<br /> the following described premises, situated in the County of Hall, ar�d State of Nebraska; to wit:
<br /> Lots four (4) ancl five (5) in block ninet,y (90 ) Wheeler & Bennett�s 4th Addition to Grand
<br /> Island, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted a.nd recorded.
<br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and, appurtenarzces to the same belonging;and all the Estate, Right, Title, Ir�terest,
<br /> Claim, or Demand �vhatsoever; including DoK�er, Curtesy and Homestead Rights, of the sa�dGeorgia L.J'ones & Ed.A.J011@8
<br /> of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. -
<br /> TO HAVE ANP TO HOLD the above-descrihed premises, with the appurtenances, unto the saidE Cl�lff ri A.Jones,Jr.
<br /> and to h1S
<br /> heirs and assigns forever. Ai1d `Ne hereby covenant with the said Edwin A..Tones, JI'.
<br /> that�M112 hold said premises by good and perfect title;
<br /> that �Ne h�V� good right and lawful authority to sell at�d convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens and
<br /> it�cumbrances whatsoever. _
<br /> A11� We covenant to warrant and defend thc said premises against the lawful claims of persons whomsoever.
<br /> SIG11lED tnrs 5th day of Mdreh A. D., 19 1�'
<br /> Il�i PRESENCE OF
<br /> Georgia Z. Jones
<br /> S. C. Huston E d. A. Jones
<br /> '�he �tate of 'I�ebrasha, I
<br /> SS.
<br /> H311 County. On this �jth day of M�rch Is 17,
<br /> before me, the underaigned , � Notary Public
<br /> within and for said County, personally came Geor�ia L. JOri88 & Ed. A. Janes (wiPe & Husband)
<br /> • to me personally knotivn to be the identical person S �vhose name s are af�Xed to the above instrument as grantor8 and
<br /> severally acknotivledged the execution of the same to be ttzeir voluntary act and c�eed for the purposes therein expressed.
<br /> '�n '�Aitness '�Abereof, I have hereunto subscrihed mp name and affixed my otficial seal, a�Grand Island, Nebraska �
<br /> on the date last above written.
<br /> S. C. Huston
<br /> (�� � , Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires ,7'�ly Qcr�,9],$�
<br /> ;
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