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4�� <br /> `+'-- �Ln���Ln�� Ll � U��L:' ���O�D �l�'JO �� '�Q�� �0���� <br /> __�_ �_ � __.� -_- �_� __ <br /> _ _ _ ____ --- -=- <br /> __ ._ __ .__ .,. ___�._--- ��.---_____._.�__.__�_ <br /> _..slL3:�—AEES P&1WtW4 CD..DIlAH9—L'ount Su➢plles__,_,_ —�— <br /> _ . _ _.. . — —.___ ____� _._ . . .._. _ ___. . __e_� <br /> —�_.._��__,_____._ .—__ ____— .__.�.__�_.___ __� — —_ — <br /> i <br /> rRO�r '�be �t�te of 'I�ebras�a, ) � <br /> j$$. <br /> Arthux Langnan & v��ife �aI[ ¢ountp, <br /> TO I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index, and <br /> filed for Record this 27�h day of TUly 19I,6 � <br /> .73TCJ.88� U,nd Y��.ry Webb at 2 o'clock p,M. � <br /> (///������ <br /> ""�' Register of D ds. <br /> �%L�� <br /> Deputy. <br /> Fees, $1:10 <br /> �nov� aii �tiSen �� these lpresents: _ <br /> Tt,�t We, Arthur L�ngman and Daisy Langman, his wiPe, <br /> of H'ra,ll Coatlty, a1�d Statc of I�TebI'a,Sk3 <br />' in corisideration of the stim of Eleven Hundred Seventy-one nOLLAxS, <br />� � <br /> �n hand paid by James Webb and �ary Webb <br /> of Ha,11 Cni�nty, .�ti�l St�.te �t' Nebraska do herehy grant, har- <br /> gair�, sell, convey, and confirm unto thc said James Webb and �tary W6bb <br /> the folloFVing described premises, situated in the Couzltv of Hall, and State of Nebrasl:a, to wit: <br /> Zots Number Six (6 ) and Seven (7) in �31ock Number Thirteen of �vans Addition to Grand Isl�.nd, <br /> �iebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded. <br /> Togetller with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, <br /> Claim, or Demand whatsoever; ir�cluding Dower, Curtesy and Homestead Rights, of the said <br /> Arthur Zangman and Daisv Langman <br /> of, in, or to the same, or anp part thereof. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOI,I� the above-descrihed premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said <br /> James Webb and l�ary Webb and to their <br /> Iheirs and �ssigns forever. And � hereby covenant with the said <br /> �ames Webb and �ary Webb that Y hold said premises by good and perfect title; <br /> that x h�� V egood right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens at�d <br /> . t� <br /> rr2cumbrances tivhatsoever. <br /> a.C� ' <br /> Ancl �'--' covenant to warrar�t and defend the said premises against the lawful claims of�persons whomsoever. <br /> ,SIGNL'D this 26th day of JUly A. D., 1916 <br /> IN PRESI;NCE OF <br /> 1. 50'_".� <br />' R.R.Horth ( S.R. ) Arthur I,an�man <br /> ( St�,mp ) <br /> Cancelled Dais.y Lan�man <br /> �be �tate of 'I�ebrasha, <br /> SS. <br /> Hall County. On this 26th day of TUly' 19 16 , <br /> hefore me, R.R.HOI'th , � �otary Publie <br /> within and for said County, person�lly came Arthur Langman and Daisy T,angman, h18 W1fe � <br /> to me personally kno�vn to be the identical person- tivhose_name g aY'� affzxed to the above instrumet�t as grantor S and <br /> I� <br /> severally acknowledged the execution of the same to be their voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein e�pressed. <br /> 'Nn '�iAitness 'rl�Abereof, I h�ve hereunto subscrihed my nanle and affixed my of}�icial seal, atGrand Island, l�ebraska <br /> on the date last above written. �S '��+ � ' <br /> R.R.Horth <br /> Notary Pu ic. <br /> My comrnission e�pires �areh 2 9, 1 J17 <br /> : _ l; <br />