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<br /> !A ��[������ D��� �C�C�0�3D �oo �
<br /> � Q � ��ldC� G�o�7G�1��1
<br />� _.___ __� _: :__ _ ____ __- - _ _�-
<br /> —= - _=- - -- _ _ _ _—
<br /> a 5��—REE.�3EINTIN9 Cb.DMAHA L'-iimitv SuLPLes-.. . .___ _.,._ .-�_ �_. ._. . . ._.__---- -._ �
<br /> ----_ .-_-----...____....._.__ _. ___... ._. .. ... _ _..�._._.__ ..__._.,_ . _. _ -. '-_._ ._,._
<br /> �� FRO�� �he �tat� of '�ebraska> � �� '
<br /> �ss.
<br /> 1ha[C ¢ount�,
<br /> J. E. Dill & wife Qt al
<br /> TO I hereby:certrfy that this rnstrument was entered on �'�umerical Index, Znd '
<br /> filed fo{, Record this 6 day of OCtOb@I' Ig l�j;
<br /> at '* o'clocli P•M, / ,� �-
<br /> C. P. Binkley �,/����
<br /> � Register of eds. '
<br /> Tees, $'1.10 put�y�.
<br /> 'I�nov� air �en h� these lpresentss -
<br /> z,1�<zt we J,E,Di11 & wi1'e Jessie G,Dill, & S.C.Huston & �ife Anna A Huston
<br /> of H311 Cotznty, and State of Nebraska,
<br /> il1 eonsideratiorl of the sum of �ThreE HLl21dI'@d & Twenty Five & no�100 nOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid by C� p� �3 j,�,klgy
<br /> �f H111 County, and State of Nebraska do hereby grant, har-
<br /> gain, sell, convey, and cors&rm unto the said C ,P ,B1rik1Ey - '
<br /> the following described premises, situated in the Count�� of Hall, and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> A11 that Fart of lot One, (1 ) of Section Nineteen, (lg ) Township Eleven, (11 ) North oP Range Nine, ;
<br /> (9 ) west o�' the 6th P,M, which lies north of the north. line of the right of way af the Union
<br /> Pacific Rai1 Road Company, as now located & used by said company, & soutri aP the south line of
<br /> the north two thirds, (2�3 ) of said iot one, (1 ) whatever the area ma,y be. Subject to the said "
<br /> Rail Road right oP way.
<br /> To;;etl�er FF�ith all the tenements, hereditamelsts, and appurtei�ar�ces to tlze same belonging, and all the Est�te, Right, 2'itle, Interest,
<br /> Claim, or Demand tivhatsoever; incicrdin� Dower, Curtesy and Homestead Rights, of the said
<br /> J,E,Dill & wife Jessie G Dill, & S,C ,Huston & wife Anna A, Huston.
<br /> of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO H�VE A1�ID TO HOLD the above-described prenzrses, �vith the a.ppurtenances, unto the said
<br /> G. P. Binkley and to his
<br /> herr� r�ancl �ssi�ns forever. Ancl We hereby eovei�ai3t with the said C• P• Bi�1k1@y '
<br /> th�t we hold said premises by good and perfect title; ''
<br /> that �e lia vebood right a11d Ia�vfUl at�thority to sell and convey the same;-that they are free and clear of all liez�s and 'j
<br /> irictrrnbra.nces whatsoever. EXGe�t a2'l,y' a,ssessments Of every nature since All�°�'USt 1913.
<br /> And We coveri.zrit to warrant a.t�d defen� the said premises agairist the lawful claims of persons whomsoever.
<br /> ;
<br /> ij Except as above.
<br /> SIGIv�r� th�s Fifth ��y of October A. v., 19 15•
<br /> IN �zzESE1VC� oF J. E. Di 11
<br /> Jessie G.Dill ��
<br /> Bayar�. H. Paine ( .50
<br /> : � I•R• ) S. C. Huston
<br /> � ( stamg ) ? �
<br /> (cancelled ) Anna A.Huston �
<br /> ' �he �tate of '�1ebrASha,
<br />��� ��' ss. � ��
<br /> Hr'�ll County. Oi� this ,�j�h day of October 19 15,
<br /> hefore me, Bayard H. Paine , G� Notaxy Publie !
<br /> t��zthirz and for sard County, personally came J.E.D111 & wiPe Jessie G.D111 & S.C.$UStOri & wife Anna A.HUSt021�i
<br /> to me personally knou�n to be the identical person S whose name S 3Z'e afl�ixed to the above instrurnent as grantor g and
<br /> severally acknowled�ed the execution of the sarne to be �heir voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein expressecl.
<br /> �fn '�Aitness '�tbereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affxed my official seal, at�r�,nd Ieland,Nebraska
<br /> on the date last �bove tivritten. �SE� � $ay3TQ x. Pain�
<br /> Notary Public. '
<br /> Mv commission expiresNOV.. 10-1916. '
<br /> ,
<br /> ,
<br />� ii _ __----__ i
<br />