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<br /> � . U1JL;���L;]lJ� l� U rU��LJ ��UOIJUD IJUOO � �� �ad� G�O�J�l�t�l
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<br /> -- ��`3•1=6EES.PEI}lI�N�.Q4U 2�.AHA �(iiilli� Si� Ties �` _ �. _�---- --- __._ —
<br /> _.3 PP—_ �======_- _--- --=_
<br /> rno��r �be �t�te of 'I�ebraska, �
<br /> �ss.
<br /> Chaxles F.Karr a,n� wife �ha[[ ¢ount�,
<br /> TO I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index, atld 1
<br /> filed for Record this 3 day of JUly 191�j'
<br /> at j:35 o'clocl�_ P.M. �
<br /> c��=���O�
<br /> Fre� T. SCOtt Regi r of Deeds.
<br /> Dep u tp.
<br /> Fees, $ 1.10 '
<br /> 't�nov� aYr .�tl5en �� these lpresents:
<br /> ��Il�r Charles F.Karr and E11a L.Karr (husband an� wife ) .
<br /> of HO1'� Cor.tnty, and St�te of Nebraska
<br /> rn consideratiozl of the sum of TYiirteEn Hundred a,nd Twenty Five DoL�AnS,
<br /> in I1and paid by Fred T. SCOtt
<br /> of Ha,ll County, arsd State of NebrasKa do hereby grant, bar-
<br /> 6ain, sell, convey, and confirm unto t�ie said FreQ T. SCO'�t
<br /> tlie following descrihed premises, situatec� in the County of Hall, and Statc of Nebrasl�.^�, to wit:
<br /> fractional Lot Number Two in fractional Block Number �'wenty in H.G.Clark�s Ad�ition to Grand
<br /> Island, Nebraska an� its comFlement , to v�Tit , fractional Lot Number Two in fraetional Block
<br /> Five in Rollins Addition, to Grand Island, Nebraska both as surveye� glatted and recorded.
<br />�
<br /> Togetlier �nith all the tenements, hereditarnet�ts, atld appr�trtenances to the same belonging, and aIl the Estate, Right, Title, Interest,
<br /> Claim, or Demand whatsoever; incltrding Dower, Curtesy and Homestead Rights, of the said
<br /> grantors or of eitrier of them
<br /> of, in, or to tl�e same, or �zny part thereof.
<br /> TO HAVL AND TO HOLD the above-described prernises, �vith the appurtenances, rrnto the s�id Fred T.SCO'�t
<br /> and to h18
<br /> heirs ax�d ��ssi�ns forevcr. t�ud ' We hereby covenant with the said Fred T.SCO�t
<br />�'II
<br /> that W8 hold said pretnises h�� gsood and perfect title;
<br />! that W2 11�1 V2 good rigl�t al�d lawful authority to sell at�d col�vey the sarne; that they are free and clear of all liens atsd
<br /> ;r��rrml�r��r���s wh�tsoever. exceFt. one mortgage in sum of �1000.00 to Edward Dearing which said �rantee
<br /> assumes and a�rees ±o pay as part of the above �onsideration,with interes� thereon from July ls�
<br />� �lnd W� correnarit �to warra��t an�l clefend t1�e s�id premises against tlle laNrful claims of p�rsons wllomsoever. 191�. �
<br /> except as �.bove stated.
<br />� STt�lVr� �t��� Twenty-Second �1a.�� o� June A. �., ls 15. `� _ �
<br />� IN �nr;srNCr; ���
<br /> Charles F.Karr
<br /> John A. Robert son �50 —� Ella I,.Karr
<br /> ( I.R. )
<br /> I�dr s. H. 'Nr i�Yrt ( S t amp )
<br /> ( cancelled )
<br /> �be �tate of '�lebrask�,
<br /> ss. 2 2 nd
<br /> �OS�T� County. �n this day af JLiri@ 15Z5 ,
<br /> t�efore me, the undersi�ned , � Notary Public
<br /> within and for sard County, persot�ally came Charles F.Kc�.Y'z' c3,T1d Ell.c.`L L.K3I'Z' hUSb3rid and wife
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person S whose name s are afFi�ed to the above instrument as grantor $and
<br /> sever�lly acknotivled�ed the execution of the same, to be ' ���iz' , voluntary act at�d deed for the purposes therein expressed.
<br /> �tn '�(Aitness '�tbereof, I h�ve hereur�to subscribed mp name ��r�d affxed my o�cial seal, at JOy, Nebr.
<br /> on the date last above written.
<br /> (SEAL ) Johri A.Robertson
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commisszon expires J�e 6tr1, lglc�. � �
<br /> � ,_ ���� li i
<br />