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<br /> 9���3��'0 100743 03/13/1997 �,., � ;`„�'`�.�` �
<br /> • �OU11i�� VQTIf3R,�SSAM3[ NQY VOHt3RA5SAL�l .
<br /> 18:&dvza�v��r's 13�2 to �Ex. Notvrithst�adin� Lend�r�s axeieration of the svms secured by this De�d of , ' `:,
<br /> T t u s t,d u e t o Horrower's bmach. Bosxovrer st�aall have the tight to have anY P�BS�bY��r to enforce this , Y. ;. . i,t•=,
<br /> De�of Tmst dissonanue�ae any t�ase prior to the eazlier to oaur of r)the Sfth day be foie t h e s a le o f t h e P m p e rt Y . ., r .. . . ;
<br /> !as
<br /> . puasuai►t to tht power of sate conraix�d in this Deed of Tn�ss or(i�enn'q of a judg��ea€o�cin8 tms Daed of Tn:st if: (a) �` . . :^�
<br />•s Borcawet pays I.eudsr all sums wbich v�ronld�be then due und�r this Deed of Tn�st a�d the Note 1�ad no acxeleration . ;�,-�
<br /> acxuiied; (b) Bomawar aues all bma,ches of any oth:r coven�ts or agrez�nts of Burroa�er conta.ined in this Dexd of -
<br /> Trusc: (c) Borrower pays atl �easonablg expeases incurr�d by I.en�er aad Tmssee ia enforcin8 the covenanLg a�d .. _�..�
<br /> agceements of Boaower coa�.ined iu this Dad of Tzast and in enforcing Leader's sud Trusut's remedies as provided in . . i . `;"�° .
<br /> p�ph 17 hereo� includin8� bnt not limited to. ieasomble aao:aeys' fee.s: and(d) Bormwer takes �ush acdoa as . . .
<br /> Leades asay reasonably reqiura m assvie th3t the lian of this Deed of Ttust, I.�der's in�est ia the Pmgertl+ and , , .. : ': �.
<br /> � Boaower's obliga�on to pay the sums sec.-uied by tbis Deet!of'hust shail conrimie unimpaimd.uFoa snch gaya�nt snd . _ _
<br /> S;� ffiS n m •
<br /> c�ue by Boaower. this Deed of Trust and rhe obllgations secuied h�raby shall renoaia in fuU force a.nd effect as if no . __
<br />• acceleYation I�ad accnrred. - ----,- ,- -
<br /> !9. �siSamenY of R�tsi APAoSnbment of Reoeiver; I.end�r [n �nsses�lor�. As additional secarity heceunder. t , I�
<br /> ` Botrower heeeby assigns to Lender the rents csf the Pro�. Pmvided tbas Bonower sl�all. prior w accelecadon nnder .
<br />� paiagaaph 17 hereof or abando�ent of the Pm�enY.bave the right to collect�nd retain such rents as dcey bexome due aIId • _ _ -
<br /> ' - payable. ..,... ... '-_
<br /> - Ugon acceleea�ion under paiagtaph 17 ht�eof oi abamdnnment of dte Pmperty. Lender. in g�son. by agent or by ` . .
<br /> jud{cially appointed receiver sLall 6e endtlQd to enser up�n.ta�e possessian of and manage the Proporcy and to co�lect the ;.•:i,���_�_--=°�.
<br /> e •
<br /> renss of the Property includin8 those past due. All rents col2ectod UY I.ender or the reseiver sball be appliod fust w �.,�;,.�<.�:,.__ �
<br /> . and collec.tina of mnis.inctndin8,isnt nnt limited to.receiver's fe�s. . � . ,�. -
<br /> . payment of the oosts of management of the Property }`'"'
<br /> . piemiums on meiver's bo�s and reawu�able attomeqs' �es.and th�n to the svms seatred by dns Deed of'Tmst.Lender ��.-
<br /> and the zeceiYer shall be liable W accouni anly for t�ose rentv aeta�llp�eueived. '� ?�- _ - ,_
<br /> Z0. Reo�n v e yance. Llpon payment of all snms seaued bq tbis Deefl of Trnst, Lender shall request Ttustee w ���;
<br /> Reo ttns D e e d o f -�,;- -
<br /> � recomrey the Pmperty and sbaU suaender this Deed of Tmst and all notes evidencing indebtedn�s secvred by . ;,�_____�
<br />,� Ttnst w Trastee.Tn�stee s h a l l tecom e y die Praperty vqithant waaantY and without cbarSe w the pe�son or persons legally ••:.- , ;_---
<br /> '� eIItitte�thereto.Sbch peison or persoa5 s�all pay all costs of recordation.if a�►Y• [':�'°.��-��-� .
<br /> � � � ?l. Sub�[t�rte'YY+�stee.Leuder,ai I.ender's option. may from time to time remove Tmstee aud appaint a successor -:--,-�"-�;-.
<br /> uostee to any Tiastee aPPoi�ed h�der bY an ias�amena �ecorded ia ths caunt9 ia arhich this Deed of Tmst is :�� ,�_��
<br /> reoorded. Without comeyance of t� Property, the succes�or m�ssee shall succeed to all tLe tide, Power and duties t....:�°-:.
<br /> � confeaed upon the Trostee heIein and bY aPPlicable law. �;:�;� 7'=
<br /> ` -s�:.
<br /> ' 22. Reqae� for Notlo�. Bouower requests tbat oopies of tbe nodce of dsfanit and notice of sale be sent to _ ,�
<br /> +� Boaovrer's addiess which is the�e+opetty Addres�. �_
<br /> 23.Hs�rdon9 SubsPances.Boaower shall not cause or gesmit the presence,use,disposal•stora8e.or release of anY . :.� � -"`�
<br /> Harrrdon�Snhstances on or in the Fmpenp. Borrowea sball not do,nor allow a�yone elss to do,anqt�in8 affecting t1�e . _'.d::��
<br /> tWD SeIItenCeB s1�11 not Spp1Y w t�e P�+�• � ,. �.' _
<br /> • Pmpe:ty th�t is in vlolatian of any Bmiironmental Law. 79ie piecediai8 w be appmpntate to
<br /> P t9 N: �'� _
<br /> or storage on ttue Property of small qaanuides of Ha�ardons Substances d�at are ge�uecally recognized �,�,�_
<br /> • numral residential uses and w r�izien�nce o f t�e P r a p e r t y � �-�
<br /> :.,;;-:..
<br /> �3ouower shall psomptly give Lender written notice Q�any imresd�ation.claim�.d�.^...anc1,laarsmt or other�on by y��;. �� •;:,;,;.. '...::
<br /> � any gpuemment� or regalatory agency or private Pazt9 im�olving t�e PmpertY �d anp �a�•�,�•,,c S u��n c e o r +�.' _�.�;: ..
<br /> Emimamenml Law of wbich Boaower l�as acd�l knowledge. If Boaower leams.or is n+ntifiecl L�suy govemmeatal or �. ,
<br /> n of Ha7ardaus Snbstance a'�`�S � �Pe�Y �S `".�,�..
<br /> re8��19 �O�itY, tt�at anY removal or other res�ediatio �►Y �"'�"^�'`�.......
<br /> ��.r�.. .
<br /> . �ry,Boaower sl�all pmmpdy take aU aerxssary�emed�al acaonv in accordance with Em►itonmenml Iaw. -;;.�_..__
<br />� As used in this paragcaPh 23 'Har�rdaas S�bsrances are those subst�nces defiaed as o�atc or harardat�s sabstances �;;�
<br /> � '.�--,_:
<br /> � by Hmdio�easal Isw aad the follawing subsmaces: gasoli�e,kerosene,osLet 8ammable or waic petmleam pmduas, 4`.�:�^�
<br /> tosic pessic�des aad heibicldes,volarile solvents.materiaLs wniainin8 asbesws or fomntde�yde.aad zudioatdve mzterials. ----- ° ., _
<br /> � As ased ia fl�is p a a g�a p h 23. 'Emrlmnmental I�w'means fede�l taws au�laws of the j�uisdicdon where the Property is ,,..:�_�.._,�.:
<br /> . locau�l tbat relate to health,sa6etp oz emrironmental pmtecticn ��,��°�:_-
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