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<br /> •� �� � �/�°0�,��QCfI! 100793 03/13/1997 � :� ��.-'.•��c-
<br /> � BO�T VOII4RASSANtY NOY VQNGRAS3AM7i . .,` ' —
<br /> �---
<br /> �.•�:_
<br /> . , � UNtFORM CovENaN'cS. Barrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: . -
<br /> `! 1. Paymeffi of Ftinc[pal an� Iat�3. Botmwer shall prompdy pay when due the princiQal and interest . . • . .
<br /> ..I �tedness evide�ced by the Nou and lau chargss as provided in the Note. • .` .. �
<br /> � 2.�ds for Texes and Instuaare• Sub}ect to applicable lsw or a writcen waiver by Let�er,Borrower shall pay to
<br /> Y,ender on the day montWy�SaYments of principal aad iaterest are payable u�er the Note.nnril the Nate is paid in fWl.a . ` _��
<br /> sum(herein "Fun�s�) eclual to one-tv�elfth of the yearly taxes and ass�(��8 condominiuut and plannecl unit . , •:--�
<br /> dev�lopment assessments. if any)which may att�in prio�ity over this De�d of Tmst. aad ground rents on the Property.if ,_ �. . `tr_:T.
<br /> anY.Plus one-tweltih of yearly premium installments for�arard ins�uance.Plus one-twclfth of yearly ptemium install�nts . . :.�,y�--`.a• t
<br /> for mortgage insuiance, if any. all as reasonably estimated initially and from dme to time by Ixnder on th�basis of . _
<br /> t
<br /> �� assessmenrs and bills and masonable esumates thereof. �orrower shall not be obligited to make such paYmeats of Funds � : . ' .:
<br /> . to Ixnd.°r co the ea�tent that Borrower makes such payments to she holder of a prior mortgage or deed ef uust if such floider �.:,:,� .__
<br />� ' is an insdurtional ler.�er. �� _ .. , ;-_-
<br /> � . �
<br /> If Borrower pays Funds ro Lender. the Fuads sl�all be held in an insritarioa the deposts or ascannts of w}urb are . � '. ':'�
<br /> insiued or guaianteed by a Federal or state agency (includin8 I.ender if Lenster is such an instiuuion). Len�r sl�all apply i' t . <z--- , '-_
<br /> � [he Funds m pay said taaes.assessments.insurance Pnmiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so holding aad � .__ _-_�-- .:
<br /> � ,, agplying the Fau�s, analYzwg �id account or verifying and comp�ing said assessments and bills. unless Lender pays �.� ... ,.����.:
<br /> Borrower interest on the Fnnds and applicable law permits I.ender to make such a c6arge.Boaower and I.ender maY a8� � `'��—�_=-' —
<br /> IIII : ""�'-.—
<br /> in wating at the time of exeartion of this Deed of Tmst that interesc on the Fimds shall be paid w Bonower.and unless . ;� -�.�._y,;
<br /> � such agreement is made or applicable law requites such interest to be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Bou'ower �.
<br /> ` .� `�:_---���
<br /> a�r inierest or earnings an the Funds. Lender shall give w Borrawer.without charge,an annnal accountin8 of the Funds � „�
<br /> ' showing credits and debits to che Funds and the purpose for wluch each debit w the Fnnds was made. 'Ihe Fwids are .,�'�—�;=-- , - :
<br /> " pledged as additional seca�it3+for the sams s e�e d by t b i s Deed of Tzust. ' ''.� ..
<br /> If the amount of the Funds held by Lender.wgether with the funue mnnt�ly instafln+�of Funds gayable prior to . r,,r . ,.
<br /> • ;_._w. �_'
<br /> the due dases of taxes. assessmenrs, inmr��n_�•plemiums 3nd gcouBd IpIIts. shall exceed the amonnt re�aired to pay said r= �
<br /> taxes, a��-*�,inrn.a.�p preminms and ground rents as they fall due. snch excess shall Ife, at �orrower's opuon, ��----=- ��
<br /> either pmmptiY�id to Boirower or credited w BoaoarPr on monthly instal�+++e�!*�of Funds. If the amonni of the Funds ..•��-_:f` -- �---��' -F.,�-:�';
<br /> . -�.�:�_Y�--
<br /> � held by Ixnder�hall r�s be sufficient co pay taxes.assessmenss.inenranrP premiums and gronnd rents as they fall due. „-,,,,"""'*��
<br /> . gh ,r:1.: ,
<br /> '':• Borrower shaU pay to Ientter any amauni necessar�+to make uP the deficiencY in one or moie payments as L.ender m�Y ^���..a,.= .
<br /> ., -��. �„�
<br /> IL'9tI1TC• ^'::1.`.i
<br /> - Upon payment in fiill of all sunos secared by Wis Aeed of Tmst,L,cnder sha11 PmmPfly refund to Bomower anY Funds
<br /> ,'�:t held by Lender.If under paiagraph 17 heieof the Praperty is sold or the Properry is otheiwise acquiied by Len�der.Lender •
<br /> . �11 a p Pl y, tto later tl�imm�ediately prior w the sale of the PropertY or its acqm�tion by Lender. anry Fnnds held by - ` ' :
<br /> . Lender at the time of aFplicadon as a credit agains�t the sums seaued by this Deed of Ttust. •r: '. ,"
<br /> ` 3.�l�i c a t ion of Paymeate. Unless applicable law pravidQS othe�wise.all payments received by Legder�der the :.��x�;,"_-
<br /> ; Note and��a p h s 1 and 2 henof sball be applied by lxnder�ist in payment o f amaunts pa y a b te w l.e n d e r b y B o a o w e r •
<br /> � under pa�g�h 2�f.then w interest payable on the Note.a�c�n to the principal af the Note. ��:��,�k ,;� ;�l'�
<br /> , 4. P e ior M+o�t p�a s a n d D e e d s o f T r u s t; C h a r Q e s; 1 1 e n 3• Bn�ower s�al1 P���of Boaower's obligations ••• . �' �,
<br />� � ' e � of tiust or othcr secuxity agreement with a lien�sh has psiosity over this Deed of Ttust, Y- t!�.; _
<br /> undes aIIY moTtb�aB • _-"M`;. _
<br /> incladin8�uaawei s covenants to sake payments v�hen due.Boaower shaall pay or cause to be paid aU taxes,A��c P•,� , , —.
<br /> ll
<br /> and other c�arges.5nes and impositions sun'trutable to the F'�e�etty wtuch may suain a gmu�ty over this Deed of Tmst. �`�� . ,:.
<br /> . r rents if an .��' ^$=ry.;.
<br /> . and te�sehoid payments o groand . Y• .:�: r� —
<br /> 5. Ha�ard Iasmanse. Botrower shall keeP the imFm�rements now existing or he�ftcr erected a�the Property �g-��-
<br /> insaied against loss by fuc,hazards iacluded arithin thr term°extend�ed coveiage'.and such ather hazards as I.ender may ;�;�=::�'-.
<br /> R-.
<br /> require a::a!ia such amaunts and for such periods as L e n d e r may requir e• ,�; ��„��,,,�.--:
<br /> � '(�.rncm3.�:catrier pravidln8 the insa¢aace shall be ct�c�by Boaower sabject to agpmval bY Ixader:Piovtded. o�=;�.�—
<br /> . sLall not be n�easonabl witbhetd. All i:�ce policies aad renewals thereof shall be in a fom �-�._
<br /> that such�pta�►al Y �
<br /> acc�mble to Lender a�d shall include a staudard mnrtgage clarse in favor of aa�in a foim accsptab2e w Leader. Lender -�° :•_—
<br /> shall l�aave the right to Lald the policies and renewals tve�of.s�bject w the te�s of a�r mongage.deed of mjsi or other - _
<br /> �ty a�nt with a lien which bas prioriry over t4i3s Deed af Tiust. �•° �
<br /> . In t�:event of loss.Boimwer s�ll give prompt n+otice us dre ins�c�nier and LeQd..�r.I.ender may m�lce piue�f -__".�,:!..;_• '�,�`""'
<br /> : ,f of to�s if a�t mzde pmmptly by Borrower. .'��1� _
<br /> If the ptoperty is abandoned by Bormwer. ¢s if Homnwer fails to respond to Ixnder within 30 days from the date ��3y-��. �y .,-�.�� .
<br /> � , ./f.1T��•r'%�i���Fl•�.C
<br /> • aotice is m�iled by Lender to Borrower that the i�,s,*a•,�cazrier o ffers t o se t a le a c l a i m f o r i n s u r a n c e b e n e fi t s. L e n d er is ,-i�.��. —
<br /> . . , a��iz�to collect and apply the insurance procceds at Lend�r's opaon eithec w reswradon or m�air of the Property or �:� � .
<br /> m
<br /> � to the sams sec�ued by tbis Deed of Trust. ;��.`'.�: .•'�•
<br /> CondomWwnsi � Unit Devdopmeafs. ''�?�''"^���-_ '�
<br /> ' 6. Pr�eivstdon � Matntea�ance oY Fioperiy: 1.eps�4t^�..s'. - ;�:�.;��;s.-.,�. -
<br /> , � Borrower shall keep the Propsrty in good rePair aad shall not commit waste or pelmit impaizment or deterioration of the . .f,:�...- : • . _
<br /> .
<br /> ! propeny a�od shall co�ly with the provisions of swy lease if this Deed of Tr¢.,�is on a te�sehold.If this Deed of Trust is , � � ___
<br /> on a ardt in a co�omimnm or a pla�ed unit developmeat.Eormwer shall pe�rm all of Boaower's abliguion5 under the __'�'._' _ _� -
<br /> declarati�n or caven�nts creatin8 or govamin8 the condom;n�,�+c:planned�it developmezt.the hy-laws aad Yegulations �_._._.. [
<br /> .[ of the oar�omiuinm or planae+l nnit develapment.and consdtuent documients. . '- •,-,'
<br /> � 7. Proteition o!Lmder's Sec�itY. If Boaower faiLs to pedozm the cnvenants and agreements contained in t�is �:.,,•
<br /> ' Deed of Tn�st.or if any acdon or piaceedin3ls commenced ahich mateiially affoc.ts Len�ei's interest in the Praperty.then . .
<br /> ` I.ender, at Lenda's opdon, upon notice w Bonower. may m�lce such appearances. disburse such sums. inctuding . '—
<br /> i rezson�ble attorneys' fee.v. and tske such acdon as is necessary w protecc Ixnder's interest. If Lender req�rired mortgage ' . �-,
<br /> '• insurance as a condidon of makin$the loan secured by this Deed of Tn�st.Bomnwer shall pay the premiums reqadred to � .
<br /> m�in�ain svch insurance in effect until such dme as the requicement for such insurance tem�inates in accordance with
<br /> m mat
<br /> Bnirower's aa� Le�ctei s wriuen agreement or applicable law. • �'
<br /> . Any amouats disbwsed by Lendet pursuant to tt�is paragraph 7.wlth intetest thereon.zt the Note rate,shall become � �'
<br /> addidonal indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Deed af Trus� Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other teTms of . • �:
<br /> paymeni� svc6 amounts shall be payable upon nodce feom l.cnder to Barrower requesting payment thereof. Nothins � •
<br /> ' i coatair�d;n thi�yaragrap�7 sbal!:�yaire L_cxs so i�c�i*�y expens4 ar tatce any acunn hereunder. _.• . _. : _ ,a,:-
<br /> 8. Iaspe�ton. Lender may moake or cause to be mzds reasonable enuies upon wd inspectioas of the PropenY. f - - '-• �--:-
<br /> f �-
<br /> . i provided that Lender shall give Borrovru notice prior to anY such inspecdon specifyeag reasonable rause therefor related to � —
<br /> � Leader's interest in the Property. � �":
<br /> �: �
<br /> � �...
<br /> �--��-:�_�-
<br /> Nebraska 26876) 11l96 Originai tReeorde8) Copy lHraach) Copy(Cuitom�rl Paga 2 ots �� : �'
<br /> . ,
<br /> ---- --- • �
<br /> . (:. . . , ' •� • ' • . , , : � • . , .. .'.f; � : .. � . . • ' . , � ; ` • . '., ,
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<br />