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<br /> __:;n.�.�_.�ESpstx,�:._ame� -�t'�i�fy�upare5_ _ _ �.
<br /> rr�o�1 �he �t�te of 'I�ebras�a, �
<br /> Chas. J. Humghrey & wife �SS.
<br /> 'I�aIC dount�, "''
<br /> TO I hereby certify that this instrument was ei�tered on Numerical Index, and
<br /> filed for Record this 15 day of JU21g 1915 ;
<br /> at 3;�j.5o'clocl� p,M. � �
<br /> A. J . C lark �/�-���-d � J����.�-
<br /> Regrst�f Deeds.
<br /> Deputl�.
<br /> Fees, $ 1.10
<br /> '(�nov� aii lll�en h� these lpresents:
<br /> Th�zt we, Chas.J.Humphrey and Florence A.Numphrey, husband and wife,
<br /> of H�,11 County, and ,Sta.tc of Nebraska
<br /> in cot�sideration of the sum of Ori2 c`�rid 210�100 DOLLARS,
<br /> zn hand paid by A. J. Cla,Y'k
<br /> of H�,11 County, at�c? State of Nebl'a,Skc'� do hereX�y grant, har-
<br /> �ain, sell, eonvey, ancl eonfirm unto the saicl A. J. Cl�,T'k
<br /> the follo��ing described prernises, situated in the County of Hall, and Slzte of Nebraslca, to wit: All Of' OUI' undivided 0218
<br /> half interest in a,nd to trie East one acre of Lot Seven (7 ) of Norwaod Subdivision of part of the '
<br /> West half of the NortYi West quarter (Wz of NW�) of Secttion Ten (10 ) , Township Eleven (11 ) North,
<br /> of Range Nirle (9 ) West of the 6th P.I�. , being a rectangular piece of graund, 2g0. 5 feet long,
<br /> Nortri ar_d South, and 155.3 feet wide, East and West , of'f oP the ea�t end of said Lot Seven (7 )
<br /> and being �Tithin tne corporate limits of t'rze City of Grand Island, Ne�;raska.
<br /> Subject however, to one lzalf of t��e unpaid pertion of' a mcrt�age for Eleven Hundred Dollars
<br /> (�1100.00 ), to trie Nebraska State Buildirig and I,oan Assaciation, of Fremont , Nebraska, which the
<br /> gr�.ntee herein assurnes and a�rees to �ay.
<br /> Togetl�er with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all the Estate, Right, 1'itle, Interest,
<br /> Claim, or Demand ��hatsoever; iricluding Dower, Curtesy and Homestead Rights, of the said
<br /> Crlarles J. Hum�hrey �,nd Florence A. Humphrey,
<br /> of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLI� the above-descrihed premises, wvith the appurtenances, ur�to the said
<br /> A. J. Clark and to Y11S
<br /> heirs rand assi�ns forever. At�d t�,+e hereby covenant with the said A. J. C13z'k
<br /> that y�g hold said premises by ,�c�od a.rid perfect title;
<br /> that V�r2 Iia V8 �SOOd rigl2t a�1d laFVfu1 authority to sell and convey the same; tl�at they are free and clear of all liens ar�d
<br />�
<br /> rr�cumhrances whatsoever., exeept aS above stated.
<br /> And W2 covenant ta warr�nt and defend tl�e saici premises against the lawful claims of persor2s whomsoever.
<br /> i�
<br /> ,sr<�NEn thJr 22nd. �1,.�y of September A. D., z�14.
<br />� IN PRI;S�NCTs OF � � � � �
<br /> Chas. J. Humphrey
<br /> T. P. Boehm Florence A.Humghrey
<br /> '�he �tate of 'Iwlebraska,
<br /> Ss.
<br /> Hcl,ll County. On this 2211d. day of Sept��ber Ig 14,
<br /> before me, ThEO. P. BO�hm , a NOtdry PUb11C
<br /> ��rhirz and for sard County, nersonatly �ame Chas . J.Humghrey and Florence A.Humphrey, riusb�,nd and wife,
<br />�
<br /> to me personally known to be the identieal person S whose l�ame s are af�ixed to the above instrument as gral�tor� and '
<br /> sei•erally acknotivledged the execution of the same to be their ��oluntary act and deed for the pUrposes tlierein expressed.
<br /> �fn '�titness '�Abereof, I havc hereUrito subscribecl my n�me and a�xed my of�'icial seal, at Grand ISland, Neb.
<br /> or� the date last above written. '
<br /> (SEAL ) Theo. P. BoeY�n�
<br /> I Notary Public.
<br /> My commission espires��7��r'CYl 26 , i�lg.
<br /> �
<br /> „ -. li _
<br />