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� �� <br /> � >d <br /> ����f��l��- D��D ���0[�D �Joo �� �a�� �o���� <br /> : _. __ _ _ __ _____ _ <br /> ___ ___ ___ _ <br /> __ ____ <br /> _ _ _ ____ <br /> .. . _ . .._ .. .P P.'_._ .. ... <br />_.__._._ —_..._ __.__.,�� ��-REE3 PRIHT1NiG9u�GA}je—,o1�II . __.___� "_.___. ._ ___— _�._,...— __'� —__ _�__� _—__' __—"_�� <br />� � rnoM �be �tate of 'f�ebraska, � �� <br /> ��. <br /> Charles T. Young & wife ��It ¢ount�, �$$� �j <br /> j� <br /> TO I hereby certify that this instrument t�as entered on Numerical Index, and �j <br /> filed for Record this 18t day of �� 19�5 , II <br /> at g;3Q o'clock:'A.117. r�/� ;f <br /> Ri char!� L�. �;RCM1�.11 in and �/������` j� <br /> Regis r of Deeds. �i <br /> FI'2d Hd.Trell Deputy. �i <br /> Fees, �' 1.10 �� � <br /> �I <br /> 'i�nov�o aYI �en h� these lpresents: �,; <br /> �, <br /> T1�at Cnarles T. Young and Carrie Young, Husband an�i WiPe i' <br /> ii <br /> of HS1I County, and ,�t��te of Nebraska ; <br /> ;� <br /> in consideration of the sum of Seventy Two Htindred (�7200.00 � DOLLAR,S, �I <br /> � <br /> �n haMd paid by Rick�ar�1 L. ?�cl�t,illin and Fre�i Harrell !i <br /> I, <br /> of Ha,ll County, and State of ATebraska do hereby grant, bar- ii <br /> '� <br /> �ain, sell, convey, and confirm unto the said Ricriard I,. MCMLi11121 and FY'6d H3Y'Y'@11 �I <br /> the following described �remises, situated in the Cout�ty of Hall, and State of Nebraska, to wit: � <br /> The Soutri Ha1f of the South East Quarter (S.� of S.E.�) of Section Thirty Two (32 ) of Town- �� <br /> i; <br /> snig Ten (10 ) North, of Range Nine (9 ) West of tne Sixtn P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska, sub- ;; <br /> ;� <br /> �ect �o trie Ri�nt-of-way oP tne St. Jos��n & Grand Islan� Railway Company ac-rasa tne same, !; <br /> � <br /> as it now exists, and to a lease tnerefor expirfng Marcn lst, 1916, sai�i grantees to receive '; <br /> tr�e rentals Por 1915. �' <br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditame«ts, and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all the Estat+e, Right, Title, Interest, !; <br /> u <br /> Claim, or Demand �vhatsoever; including Dower, Curtesy and Homestead Rights, of the said I� <br /> i� <br /> Cnarles T. Young and Carrie Young ;� <br /> af, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. - il <br /> i� <br /> , TO HAVE AND TO HOLI� the above-described prernises, Fvith the a.ppurtenances, unto the said !I <br /> i; <br /> Ricriard L. McMtzllin & Fred Harrell andto Their li <br /> ';i <br /> heirs and �ssigns forever. And we hereby covenant with the said Rier�ard I,. MeMtillin � <br /> i� <br /> and Fred Harrell - that we hold said premises b�� �ood and perfect title; �i <br /> ���; <br /> that W@ l�a V2 good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free at�d clear of all liens and !i <br /> _ ,, <br /> �� <br /> , incumhrances whatsoever: j; <br /> �i <br /> And W@ coven�nt to warrarit and defend the said premises against the lawful cl�ir�s of persons whomsoever. 'i <br /> I� <br /> �;I <br /> �i <br /> i� <br /> � SIGNED t.liis 2�d da.y of AFrIl A. D., 1915 �j <br /> i� <br /> �! <br /> IN PRI;,S�NC� OF 'i <br /> Criarles T. Youn� ii <br /> ,� <br /> H. F. Funk �7. 50 ) Carrie Youn� i� <br /> ( I.R. ) i <br /> ( S t a1�n�S ) ' <br /> , (cancelled ) ;', <br /> !; <br /> ' j� <br /> �1 <br /> �! <br /> ' �, <br /> - II <br /> �he �tate of 'i�ebraska, i; <br /> ss. ;: <br /> H311 County. On this 2jd day of ApI'11 . 19 l�j I <br /> before me, H. E. FuriK , �� Nota,ry Pub11C i <br /> i. <br /> � withil� ancl for said County, personally came Ch�rles T. YOlil'ig c1Y1�3 Cc1T'T'16 YQUrig �I'; <br /> �I <br /> '. to me personally known to be the identical persoM S'�hose name s are affixed to the above instrument as grantor s and i� <br /> ;! <br /> severally acknowledged the execution of the same to l�e tneir voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein expressed. ji <br /> Doni nan Nebraska �; <br /> 1fn '�(Aitness '�Abereof, I have hereunto�subscribed my n��me and affixed my ofl"icial seal, af F . <br /> � <br /> u <br /> �; <br /> ' orn the date last above written. � ;' <br /> ;i <br /> g H. F. FUrik– – –Notarg,Public. �I <br /> ( FAI, ) <br /> My commission expires A�ril 17, 1919. I� <br /> ! <br /> , <br /> ;i <br /> �— <br /> i �i ' <br />