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� �� <br /> �R ����C���� D��� ���OaD �100 � 6 � o <br /> � (�al�� L�0�J�1��1 <br /> � _ _` � � � - <br /> � �a11�3.i.��P.EE3 P91NL.N2 CO�Il�� �niwtysu�,l�_'__�_ �� ,— �. _ ._.._ ..:. .. _ . .._ _.�._-. . .. ._.._�._�_.. ._ a�_..�_, .___. <br /> __ p._.:�_ .. <br /> --_ _--= _-__� _ _. _.-_ _ --_��__�_.__.�---- �---� <br /> �r.o��1 �F�e �tafe of 'I�ebraska, � <br />' Carl StefPen & wife }88. <br /> �ha[[ ¢ountp> ) <br /> TO I hereby certifv that this instrument was et�tered on Numerical Index, and <br /> filed for Record this �9 day of April 19 l.�j, <br /> at 3�Z� o'clock F�I. �j���� � <br /> Matilc�a F. Snodgras�r <br /> Re�i r of Deeds. <br /> � Deputy. <br />, $1.10 <br /> '(�nov� aYi �IlSen �� these �resents: : <br /> ��tl�c: We, Caxl Steffen & Rosa Ste�'fen (Htasband �; �Vife} <br /> of Ha,ll Count a.nd ,St�te of Nebra,81C3 • <br /> .v, <br /> il� cor�sideration of the szrm of Three Hundred & no/100 DOLLARS, <br /> , <br /> in hand paid b,� �Iatil�ia F. Snodgrass <br /> of Hclll County, aucl State of Nebraska do hereb_y gra.nt, har- <br /> I <br /> �ain, sell, convey, and corlfirm unto tlie said Matilda F. SriOd�'�,SS <br /> the following descrzbed premises, szttt��ted in the Couzity o£ Hall, at�d State of Nehraska, to u�it.: <br /> Lot nt�mber one (1 ) in b1ocK number Porty-nine (49? in Packer & Barr� s 2nd Addition <br /> to the City of �rand Island , Nebraska, as surveye�., platt�@, an� recorded. <br /> Together �vith all the tenements, hereclitaments, and appurtenances to tl�e same belonging, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, <br /> Claitn, or Demancl wl�atsoever; including Do�ver, Curtesy and Homestead Rights, of the said <br /> C�..rl Steffen & Rosa StePPen <br /> of, in, or to the same, or• any part thereof. <br /> TO Hf1VE AND TO HOI,D the above-described premises, wrth the appurtenances, unto the said <br /> Matilda F. Sno�grass andto her <br /> heirs ai�d assigns forever. Ar�d �e herehy covenant with the said '1d3t11d�, F. SriOd$Y'�SS <br /> that We hold said premises by ,�Sood and �erfect title, <br /> , that we 1z�� Yegood riglit and la�vful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens and <br /> rricumhratsces wh�tsoever. � � � � <br /> And W6 coveri�ixit to warra��t and defend the said premises agair�st the lawful claims of persons whomsoever. <br /> SICNF,D thi� 29th day of Ap7'fl A. D., 19 15 � .. � � <br /> IN PRESENCT' OF <br /> Carl StefPen <br /> ( .50 ) <br /> James E. Dill ( I•R. ) Ro�a StePPen <br /> ( Stamp ) <br /> (vancelled1 <br /> �be �tate of 'I�ebraska, <br /> SS. <br /> H321 County. On this 2g u day of AFI'11 1,91rj , <br /> before me, the un�lersigned , �.Z Nota,ry Pub�l.�ie <br /> within ancl for said County, personally came Carl StePfen & ROS3 St�ff P,TI. (HUSban!i & Wii'e ) <br /> to me personally knotivn to be the identical person g u�hose names a,re affixed to the above instrument as grantor� and <br /> severally acknotivledged the execution of the same to be tneir Vojuntary act and deed for the purposes tllerein exPressed. <br /> �tn �ltAitness �Abereof, I have hereunto subscrihed my r���me and a�xed my o�cial seal, �t Gr�nd Island, Nebraska <br /> on the date last ahove written. <br /> (SEAL ) J. E. Dill � <br /> JU1 16-1 1 . Notary Publia <br /> My cornmission e�pires Y q 9 <br /> ,; , <br />