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<br />_ 62442 STATE JOURNAL COMPANY LINCOLN,NEB. _ __ - _ __ _
<br /> . _._,_ ..._._ ...::._. . ....._ ,__.. ___..__ , .._ _ .._.._ _._.__.-_ ._....___ ..._�_.__ .__'�__'.�_ _..___��
<br /> :..:- - :-.,_ :__._. ..._ .. _ _...
<br />_�_. .____ .. .. . . . ..
<br /> FRO✓1� I hereby certif� that this instrument was en.tered on Nume,rical I
<br /> In.dex an,d fil,ed for record t,hi,s----------------2"L------------_.da9 of----------�TisriLl�try-------.
<br /> --.__T_homa�---�h�,3�en &-�f-------------------------�
<br /> --- - --------------------T�-.------- ---------- -----------
<br /> �larrantp �r. z�. 19_��--- � at.----------------14--�-------. o��ao�k-----�._._.M.
<br /> �eea.
<br /> ----------------------------��z�__�_____�-___-_------------:��
<br /> �----�----
<br /> Re�ister of Deeds,
<br /> .
<br /> ----J,xPSla,--�ec�.ATI�'s,tT_1.---------- -- ------ --
<br /> --------- ----
<br /> BZJ---------------------------------------•------------�-------�--�-�---------------.........-••-.
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> �no�ro aYY �.en �p ��je�e �re�ent�:
<br /> That.--------- -�e_,Thom�.� 5���],pn �nd-�na =�t._�Pha.len-----"Husband--dnd---��f e"------ ------------------------------------------------------
<br />' - ----- ----�------ ----------------- -----�-- -- --- - ---- ----�------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> o}' the County of___---_---Hd.11,--_---------------_-and State of.--__-_-_-----.- Ngbr�sk��----_-_---__---_-._. .Grantor.�----_---.,in eonsideration
<br /> o}the sum o}�- ----- ------ -- -------------T�r�1v�--HundrP�.__�_�ev�n-t�'--��.Y_�------------------------- - - -- --------------------------------_...--�-----DOI,L.�RS,
<br /> i,n hand paid,do---------------.liereb7� GR.�4NT,B.gRG.,4IN,SELL,.gND CONVEY'unto--------.--L�rii�.--I,�.Y.ii�riri ----------------------------------------------------.
<br /> --_ ----------- ------------ ----- ------- --- -- ---- --- - _ - - - -- - -------------------------- --------------------.__..._.._---�------------------------
<br /> ----
<br /> �f the Countr� of.____._..__________�ic�l._1 f _.._., (�rantee_______., the followin�
<br /> ;-- ----- -- -- - _cznd State o .----- ---- ------2�7_6-b_zc�.8kii------ -----
<br /> c�escribed rerriises, situated in the Countr o _Hc,11_ ______________and State o Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> P ,� f---------- r----------------- -------- f
<br /> ---�,_Q_ts---Une �-7-�--T�o �_2-)---�.nd._T_hre_� t 3-�--;�n-d -��,�t--��v��tY-#°iv�_.�'���---�_75_ft.-)--Q-�---Lo-�----�aur----�_4-�---�1_o_�lt
<br /> -----g�n---(2�---I��_._C_c,ll---<,nd--L�f_lan�s_Ac�di t_i-c�n--tn--�►n_od--Iiiv_ex---a�---�-1��_�ed...and---s_�c_�rd�s3-•_-------------------------------------------
<br /> -- ------------�--- - ---------- --- -- --- ---
<br /> ...�_::��.,.-�_�-�-�-v_�.-_..._�_..-�---------- -- �------------------------------------- ---
<br /> (�:1.50 I.R. Stu�ps j
<br />' ----- ------- ------ - --- --- ---- - -- -- -- ----- ---- --------- --------- ------ -------------- - -------- --------
<br /> -- - -- ------ -
<br /> {CG.ncelled _ _ �
<br /> - -------- ------- ------------- ------ - --=-- --------- -- -------- - ------- - ------------------ --- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> To�et,he,r u�iLh all th,e tenemer�ts, hereditaments, and appurterzarLCes thereunto belonsins, and all, th,e Estate, Rr'�ht, Title, Intere,st,
<br /> Doz�,er, C,zcrte.sy, Claim and Demand ���h,atsoez�er of the sr�id Grantor.__8, arr�da-rr�'-e�r�ref-bdee�n,,of, in or to the same,or anr� part. thereof.
<br /> 1rL
<br /> . . .
<br /> �o �abe anD to �oYD the al�or�e-described premise,s, witlz tlte �zppurtenances, unto th,e said Grar2tee_________and to____��T__._�_______.
<br /> lr,ei,r.s an.d assisns forever. .Flnd.____�I_�__.__.hereb� eoz�enant_______with th,e said Gra,nte�_______._that_______�1�_._.____._._____.__hold___.__..said premi.ses
<br /> bz� �%ood, arzd perfect t,i,tl,e; th,at_____________1�1�__.___________lza_Y_g.�ood rish,t and lawful authnrity t,o sell arcd eonvet� the same; that the� are
<br /> free r�nd clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances whatsoever-----,------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />' -------- ------- ----------- -- ------- ---------- ----------------- ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ---
<br />�I .
<br />'� - - ----------- ------------- ------------ -�------------- --- ---------- - -------------- -- -- ------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
<br />, .�nd._______________________�'s�_____________________________________covenant.____._to warran.t arcd defend t,he said premises a�ainst the lawfud claims of all
<br /> person,s tr�homsoever-- --- - -- -- ----- --------- - - - -- -- - -- --- ------- -- -----_� �--------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Dated the---------------10-th.. ----------dat� of --- - Jcs.2]y -- ------- �. D. 19--2�---
<br /> W'ITNESS: � ---------lhO�ictB--_1�Ihu:l�21-------------------------------------------------------
<br />' ----------tinna__��._�h�l�n---------------------------�------------------------
<br /> --------------------.__�.?�_I?�_�JK�n�-------------------------------------
<br /> - -----------------------------------------------------
<br />�� ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ST.,4TE OF NEBR,RSK,4,
<br /> ss.
<br /> ---- ---Hall---------------. Countz�, On th,is--- ---------1(1.�h_.--------------da� of_.--------_��----�TG�.X2y.--------------------------�2. D. 19--�-�------, before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Publie_..............._________..____________._within and for said County, persorzallz� came.. ...................._.___._._.___:.._._...__:_
<br /> ------Tk�4��.�--Wh�,_�.�r, -�n�l---�n-r��,--�._�l_h��.�n_,_!►K��o�nd----�►nd---��f P"-------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -------------- - --------------- -------------------.._.�_.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•----------
<br /> to me personallz� krcown to be the identical person__a___zvhose name.__B_.______.AZ'�f;__.___.._..___._..__afJixed to the
<br /> above instrument as �rantor_$.__._,and____________T__��St_________._severally acknowled�ed the same to be._____����_.__.
<br /> �`�-'���'� voluntarr� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> I��� W'ITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subseribed mz� name and afj"ixed my ofjEcial seal at
<br /> _.�'0_o3__I�i__v__e�.,�_�n___sa�.d;_Cou,nt3!_�,______________ _____________,__�ore the date last above written.
<br /> ----------------------------D._D.-O�a,n e-------------•------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> .My commission expires--------------�'i�T13t---19_�h---1.�24-------------------------------------------------------�--�-------
<br />