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(j$¢¢�j,-siATE JOURNAL COMPANY LINCOLN.NEB. . � � ^ � M � _ _ � �� _ <br /> FI�O✓1'1 I herebr� certif� that this instrument was entered on Numerical <br /> Index an,d fEled for record this-----------�--------------------daz� of-------SB_ _'��121kl�r.-----. <br /> --- ��;�.�r:dc_�f__Lwurs en- & wf---- ------------- P <br />� . i�larrantp .�. z�. 19._2i-----, at-- -----------4:_��-------------------o��ao�k--------P�,Rr. <br /> - ------ ---- --- <br /> . --------------------------- � <br /> T� �eea. � � <br /> -------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------------------------- --------- <br /> ReQister of D ds, <br /> �il.lia,m Ross <br /> ------_..------- ---------------- ------ -------- ---- --------- <br /> 89--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �no�ro aYY �en �p ��je�e �re�ent�: <br /> That ------ -----�lz,i.�n�.nsf--Lwurs_e.n -an-d--I,e onora Z�:urs en,hu�b�.nd .�nd�:�i�fe----------- ------- ----------- ----- --- ------- ---------. <br /> of the Courttz� of�---------�IG.J.-1-a---------------and State of------------------- <br /> -----N�1��G.�li_c1�----.------------------------------------Grantor.$--------,in consideration <br /> o} the .sum o}'--- - --- --- ---- - ---- --T_�i_rt�---��o--nun�3re-d--and--nQf 1�4--- --- ---- ---- - - -- -----------------------------------------DOZ,L�RS; <br /> in hand paid, do-_-__---__-__.Tiere,br� GR.l1.N'T,I3�RG.,4IN,SELI,,.,4ND CO,NV�Y'unto-__-------�'iI l_li_�:�Tn__.R098---_---_--_----_-__---_----__ <br /> -------�--------�------- <br /> o� the Countr� of_----------- 1�i�1-], ---------------and State o}-----------------------NEbres�8kc1----------------------., Grantee-,--------, the followin� <br /> - a--- - - <br /> described premises, situated in the Cozcntz� of.____________.___I3�i,la..,_._______________.______.._______.___________.and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> ____Lot___F�ft�_�n__(15__)_a_��c�ip___Subdi_vi_si_Un___of___that___�art____of___ti�e___N orthw�s_t_,_�uartpr___of__��ct�..o_n___�_,_�.n___.._:____. <br /> ______�'_Gwns r�i.p____11_,_No rth_Rdn�A_ 9_�West__of___t hP___6 th__P.�._,�vrli c n___li_es__wes t___of__Whe Pler__Avenue.,____Thi s___�so_- <br /> -----�_�rt�'----i-s--�_�nv-°�--ed__'s_ub i-Q�-�--t-a---�.--m-Q-r���g-s---Q-f---�282E�-+-5-4---=.r---fay_or--a�---.L�hn.__Kindig--s;.n�--M�,.r�r---Kin_d.ig., <br /> ----x►hi_c_h-mQSt�-a,g?----t�A--�-r�.n�A�---hP-x�i-n---as_�u�ea---�,nd--agre_ea---t-�---��'-----a.s----��.r_t�--nf---�hQ---�:ons-ider�.ti-o-n---above ' <br /> . <br /> --m P n-t-�-a-r ed_ - ----__-�;�� ______.....�._...,_ ------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------ - ------- ------------ --- - -------------- ---- ----- - ------- ---------------------- <br /> (w:.50 �.R. St�!ps � <br /> ---------- --------------------- -------- ---------------- - ---------------(Cc�rrc-�3l�ct------- ------------ <br /> �,r ------- -------------------= ---------- --------�-�-------------- - <br /> �......,�.��_.__._�.....� <br /> -- - ----------------- --------- -------------- ----- ------ - ------- -- -------- ------- ----------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------- <br /> Tr�setl2,er �ruit,h all, �h,e tenements, hereditaments, a�zd apprtirtenances th,ereunto belon�i,n�; and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, _ <br /> I)o��?er, Cr�i�tesy, Claim and �ernand zr�lzatsoever of the said Grantor___., c�-e�-e��lee��e��l�e��of,in or t,o the same,or an.y part thereof.. <br /> �o �abe attD to �oID tlae above-described premises, witTz tlie appurtenances, unto the said Grantee__.______and to:____,_______Y1�$-______ <br />' heir,s arzd assisns forever�. �1nd.______1N_�____her�eby coz�enant._______with t,h,e said Gran,tee___.__that_________________W_�____________hold__.____said pre,mises <br /> bz� ��od arzd perfect title; th.czt,.._________W_�___________h,a__Y_�_.sood ri�h,t and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that ther� are <br /> frec and clear of all liens arcd ineumbrarcces avhatsoez�er�----------SXC-e�'G--<a,S--i:i.boY-S---B_tc.�L?-d------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ----------- -- - ---- -- --------------- ----- ------- - --------- -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ,Ind,________________�Y�_______________________________________________._covenant__.__._to warrant and defend t,he said premises a�ainst t,he lawful claims of all <br /> persons r��homsoever-- -- exCei�t--a�s -u.bov.?._stu tAd ----- -- - - - - -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> I�a,ted the_..-------------°�Y2---- ---------rZa� of---� - - �egt?7(ib.ez'-------- - --.g. D. 19---2,1�__. <br /> � <br /> W7TNESS __Ch��,ndorf___La�rs.en.____..__________._.__.__. <br /> _.� <br /> zz ,. , ----------- I,�or�o��."�ux$.�r----.. <br /> -------- --------- <br /> -------� �'._�kc���r ----- ------- -----. <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•-------- <br />�I ---� <br /> ST.gTE OF NEBR.RSKd4, <br /> ss. <br />� ----------- ------Hu.11-------------- Count�, On this--- ---9th.----------------da�J �f--------------SGp_tgmb�T----------------..1. D. 19_.��----�-, before me, <br /> the uredersi�ned, a Notart� Public____.__._.___.._____.____.:_ f � ,�, p � <br /> ----------within and or saad Countr ersor�all came.:------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> I ---���i��Qxf--I.�.uxsEn__and---Le-annr�,-I.��.u�s�nrh�,zahan3---�.n�_..�if�------------------------------------------------------- <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />��, to me personall?� known to be the identical person__8____.whose name.___________ck_�-_-_________________afJixed to the <br />' (��,y� above inst,runzent as �rantor 8___.___,and._.__._._�YlBy_.____________severally acknowled�ed the same to be._____��ir----�. <br />; voluntarz� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> I IN W7TNESS WHEREOF, I have hereurcto subscribed mz� name and af�ixed my ofJ`icial seal at <br />� ___Gr�.n�___Is_�az��_,_�_n___��a_�_Cpula�y_.__________________________on the date last above written. <br /> --------------------.HQ x.nwx�__�`._Bu�lc�r----------------------------------------- <br /> � Notary Publie. <br /> .M� com,mz,ssion e,xpires-----------�rr-1-1---26-+-1926�---------------------------- -----------19--------------- <br />� ----------------- <br />� <br />