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<br /> In,cl,e.r, un,d fiT,ed for recor� thi,s---------...._.29-------------da9 �f----------l�p-Y'31-------------_
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<br /> of the Count,z� of-------H;�.11a----------------------_and State of.---------------------------X!T6�2Su-8-�,----------,----------------------------Grantor.----8-----.,in consideration
<br /> of th,e sum of- ---- - -- - ---- -----------------------------------DOI.L.gRS,
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<br /> of the CozUn,tr� of------------------------Ha,ll-a------ _----------------and State of.--------------------NCbSca.�B�C�.�------------------------------ Grantee---------, the followin6
<br /> described premises, situated in, the Count9 of______.______I�3�,1],_�________________._____._______.____..._____arzd State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> Lot_.Numl�e�--N.ins----�9-�----��d---�-�n----(-�.Q-�---i_n--B�fl�_k__N_umb.e_r---T�n_---�_1Q}---of,_fic_himme_�s--l�d3iti.on____L.a---the----Ci�ty----
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<br /> To�e,�th,e,r 7��ith, all the, t,en,em,ents, hereditaments, and appurtenances th,e,reunto belon�i�zs, an,d all f;h,e. Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Tnterest,
<br /> Do�ue.r, Cz�rtesz�, Claim and De�r�a.n.d what,soe,ver of the said Grantor___., cr,r�,d-vf�sa,��rea�-s���e,ew�of, in or to the same,or arzz� part t.hereof.
<br /> �0 �abP ariD t0 �AYD t,h,e above-described premises, with th,e czppurterr,ances, unto t,he said Grc�nt,ee_______arad to__________,____1�7.�_8._.
<br /> h.ei,r.s and �ssisn,s forever. .Flnd.____i�!�_______.hereU� co��erzant_____._wilh the said Cran,tee.____._th,at___________?�YB______.._________.hold.__.___:said pre,mises
<br /> b�� �nod �znd perfect ti,tle; t,hat,___________�'�______________ha____V__C_�ood ri�ht and lawfu,l r�ut,h,ority t,o sell and conver� the same; that t,�Cez� �re
<br /> free cznd el,ear of a.11 liens and incumbrances whatsoever------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -- -- - - --- -----------
<br />' ✓ln,�_______.__.___1R►�_.___________________________________._._______.___covenant___.____to u�arrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful clai.ms of all
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<br /> i persons rvyiom,soer�er- - - - - ----- -- --- --�---- - -- - ----- - �------- ---------------------------------------•----------------------- -
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<br /> Dated t,he_.------------------�9th--------- --�a?J �}�-------- -��?.xll - - -- - - --.�1. D. 19-----2_��
<br /> W'ITNESS � ---- ---- -----R..N..�eQSl�t��e�----------------------------------------
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<br /> -----------------I�i�a.11 ----�-----._ Countz�, On this-------------�--�_�_�r.�------------.day of-----__�.----------_ti�2Pi1---------------------,1. D. 19--�1------, before me,
<br /> th,e und,ersi�ned, a Notary Public_.______._._____.________.__._._..____.within and for said Count�, personallz� cczme.
<br /> --R.,N.Longm�t�---�.�ld--G�_r.t_x_�d�---I,,_Qn�,m�.t�_.r�u8�dx�a----�a__�_�._�'�-.--------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to m,e personally known to be th,e identical perso�2__S____zvhose name___S____._aT�__._._____________._czf�ixed to the
<br /> ����'� above instrument as �ran,tor_�______,and___________�h�y_________severallr� aeknowled�ed the same to be._____._:�h�lr_.
<br /> voluntary act and deed for� the purpose therein expressed. �
<br /> I�V' WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed m� name and af}'ixed my ofJ`Ecial seal at
<br /> _______G_r_�ns�___I�l�rid .in._.e��.d___Count _ ___on the date last above written.
<br /> a �r--------�-
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<br /> Notary Publie.
<br /> ✓1�� commission expires-------------=----F"eb.,-��?+-���-��----------------------------------------------------------19---------------
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