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� <br /> ��� <br /> �� <br /> � �L������ �����i��l�'� �J,��� w�/J� ����0 <br /> _ . _ _ , _. _,_ � ,. _._ � -= -_ _ _ _ _ — _ _ _. <br />_.. 82+442. `TATF JOURNAL COMPANY LINCOLN.NE6. . .. . . .. :.. .�._ ... ._- ... _. ." " <br /> . ._ . _ :.. _ :: _ .:., __ , ._ ' .___.- .._ ._- :.__=:' -:_-._ . ..-_.. '.._ . ._v_�_._:_=- _ .._-_- <br /> .. . .. .. . . . -� . . .... ....:. . ..... .._. � .7�. .. �--___. . ....._. " '-.. _' <br /> FRO��.� ' I h,erebz� certifz� that thic instrurnent �a�zs en,tered on Nu.m.r,r�cal <br /> In,dn,x �cn,d fil,n,d for record this.-----7.---------------------daJ of-------Atig1�8�.--------------. <br /> - -------Alvin.-$ager &--wife --- ---- - ------- <br /> �arrantp .�. D. I�Q ---- , �t_----- 9:--3-0---------------------�'�ao�k---------A�r. <br /> - -- -- - - - --------- ---- ------- ---------------------- �eea. <br /> To ------------------��,�--�`-------------- ---------------- <br /> Re�ister Dee,ds, <br /> -------------Da�i_�_s�---�_._0tt -- -------- - <br /> I8�-------------------------------------------------------�----�- ----------------------- <br /> Deput�. <br /> I ` <br />� �no�ro arr �:en �p ��je�e �re�ent�: <br /> That-------We,.--Alv,in_S�ager..and--Julia_��er,- -his--wife-,------------------------------ <br /> ------------ --- ----------- - --- -- --- -- ---- - _ ----- -- ----- - - --- --- ----- -_----------- ------------------------------------------------------ <br /> of tTin, Cou,nt�� of----------------I�i,311-------------.-.and State of---------I�16bTEiSk�i-------------------'-------------------------------------.Grantor_$--------.,in coresideration <br /> of the sum of --- FU.T��-nine--hundred 40/1Qt?_-- ------------------- ------------------- ----- -- ---- • -- ------------ --------------Dor,L✓1RS, . <br /> i,n hand paid,do----------------_hereb�� GR�.NT,13.,4RG.,4I.N, SEI.,L,.ELND CONVEY'unto-----�Yl�_C_Z_�:_C1��i----.._---------------------------------------------------- <br /> ..------------ ---- ------- - -- - ---- - -- -- - - - - - -_._--- ----- ----- ---- --------------- ---------------------------------------- <br /> of the Count� of- ---- -- - --I�i�ll--- --- - - and State of.------ N6bZ't38k�--- -- - -- --- ------., Grantee__�.----•� the followin� <br /> c(escribed premises, situated ir� t,he Courntr� of._____._._____._____._____________I3811________..______.____.__________and State of .Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> -----------Lc�-'�---.�igh�----(-&-�--in-_�1 ock_ �ight--C&_�--in--�-he---o_ri gin�il_x_�v�n---Qf---�rand---Is l�,nd,_.��bs�sliai--a�---------------- <br /> _----_sur¢_es�rad� -P-l�t-ted---an�l -rec_ar�ied,_.----------- ---------- ------ - - ---- ------------ ---------- <br /> ------------------------------------ <br /> ���sw����� . . <br /> ��� <br /> '_'__'__-'_____'__.________'_______-_____'__________'___-___ <br /> __________'_-______-__-�____'_'__"_�_�� . <br /> -,pp--- .�.- -- --- ------ - �- ---------- ---------- ----------- --------- - <br /> St�s-------- <br /> -- ---- ---- ---------- ---- - - - ------ --- ---- - - ---------- - - - --------------- -------- ---------- -------------- ---------- ----------------�------ <br /> Cancelled <br /> --- --- _ - --- - - - - - - -- ------ --- ---- ----------- -------- ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - <br /> ------ --- ----------------------- ---------------------------- - -- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------_�------------------------------ <br /> � TosPther �r�ith all the te�a,em,ents, hereditaments, and appurtenan,ces th,ereunto belonsin�, an,d al,l the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest,, <br /> Doar�er, Curtes�, C,laim arzd Dem,and avhatsoever of the sa�d. Grantor.$_.,�rr,e��er,��,cr�rof-iGTi,eTw,�of, in. or to th.e same,or anr�p�:rt th,ereof. <br /> �q �a(1P attD tp �p�� t;h,e, al�ove-described, prem,i,.ees, zoit,h the appurten.�nees, unto the said (�rante�_______and to___21iB-_____________ � <br /> 1�-ei,r.c a,f�,�l assi-sns forei�e,r. �qnd._____�@_______hereby eovenant________.with the said Gran,tee_______tliat,______.________�Q___.________..__.hold____.____:said pre,mises <br /> � h� �ood, a�zd perfect LitZe; that___._____Wfl___________ha4_�1___�ood ri�ht ar�d Zawful aa�thoritz� t,o sell an.d eor�vey the same; that t,hez� are <br /> free and cl,ear of al,l liens arzd incumbrances whatsoever----------------- ------ ------- - --- --------- -------------------------------------- ------- - <br /> ------ ------- ------------------ ------------- ------ ----- --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> .grzd___________________�8_________._____________________________________coUen,ant______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all <br /> persons zvhomsoever - - - ----- - - --- ------ --- -- - --- --- ----- - --- <br /> --- ---- ---- --- - - �- -- -- -.. -- -- ------ --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - <br /> Dated the_�_--------lf?t►kl-----------------------da?l nf--- ---- - -��ha- - - -- -..g. D. 19-�Q------ <br /> W7TNESS AlY].ri 88g e r <br /> John Allan -------------------------------�'uli�--Esg�er_------------------ <br /> ---------�------------- <br /> ------ --�--- --------------�--------.. -----------------�----------- <br /> ST.,4TE OF NE13R.�4SK'�, <br /> �ss. <br /> ------------.�3kill----------,. County, On th,is,-----------1�.Lh. -----------da� �t--------�--------�rc-h.-------�---------------�. D. 192�-------, before me, <br /> Ithe, undersi�ned, a Notary Public______.___.______._________________withirL arLd for said County, personall� came_________________ .______.__..._..._..._________._....__.. <br /> -----------Alv_a�_�_�age_r_�z�s�--Ju�ia--Tag-e-r,---J�i.�---�i�e, ----------------------------- --------------------------------------- <br /> ------------ ---------------- --- -------------- ------- -------- - - ------ -------------�---------------------�------._-�-------------�----------- <br /> t��} to me personccllz� known to be the identical personB__.___whose name.�_________SrB.__________.___.._.afjixed to the <br /> abo��e instrument as srantor_$_____,and_.__.___'�h6�_____________severallz� acknowled�ed the same to be___�h@.�.L___.._. <br /> voluntarr� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> I�'' W7T��'ESS W'HEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and af�"ixed my of�'ccial seal at <br /> �sand__I�landt___in__said___�_auAt3�,,_ ____on the date last above wTitten. <br /> --------------- -------------------------�'ohn___Allaa_.--------------------- <br /> .N'otcarz� Publie. <br /> .M� commission expires----------tT��-�--a--1924------------------�------------------- --�9------------- <br /> -------------------•---- <br />