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_ a <br /> . <br /> ��� <br /> , <br /> ������ ������� _�� = ���� ���o� <br /> ___ _ _ � _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ <br /> _ _., _ __ �: _ _._ _ <br /> B$¢¢Q,—STATE JOURNAL COMPANY LINCOLN,N6B.� ��Y � – — .� i _. . . <br /> FRO✓ll I herehr� certif� that this instrument was en,tered on Numerical <br /> . , R:. In,dex �rn,d filed,for reeord t,his---------------21-----------da� �f----------:---�X------------------ <br /> �.ry__�_ohnann-t-(_f�3.--�..a,ry'---Axt-.-.- <br /> a .�?. D. 19.-2Q-------, at_---------------11._'s�------------_o'clock-------A.._.M. <br /> dna--husb�nd,-------- ----------- -------------- �larrantp <br /> �eea. <br /> <%�;�a � <br /> To ------------------------�-------------------------''------------- --------------------- <br /> Re�iste of Deeds, <br /> --.T_Dhri_.Hta.T�Li21�-►------ --- --------- -------------- , <br /> By----- -- ----------_-----------------------------------------------•- <br /> Deput�. <br /> �no�ro �YY �en �p ��je�e �re�ent�: <br />' That ---�'�--��'3�-�ohn�Qn, �.�'qrmer�.y ��'Y- �t, � _and _J_o.�e-�h Z.JoI'�iiso_�._ wif_� _a�r���:l�u,e-bs�nd-------- --------- <br /> o th,e Countz o Ha,11�----------------and Stczte o --------------.----,----------------N�bT�.skt►--�--------- --- -----.__Grantor.-�--------.,in consideration <br /> f .� f-- -- � f <br /> . <br /> o�the, ,sum o} --- - --- --FiV_G_�it.utid_X'�d__F1f ty (55-Q)-&---QO loo--------------- -- - <br /> - -- ---------------------------�---- DOI,L�RS, <br /> i,n hand paid,do_ hn.rebz� CR.FINT,B.,4RG�FILN, SFI,I,,v4ND CONVEY'unto-__-_-____-_JO_h21__Htr.StllTl�--___-__--_--__----__-__-__ <br /> ------- ------- -------------- --- -�---- ------ -- -- -- - - - ---- ---------------------------- <br /> o the Corcntr o H:r.11,--------------------- ------._cz�zd State o .--------------------NQb_�'�.Sk��-.---------._-----., Grantee---------, the ollowin <br /> f .� f--- - ---- f f � <br /> rlescri,bed remises situated in the Courzt� o _____�i�11 _____.,_and State of JV'ebraska, to-wit: <br /> p , � .� f� ------------ r----------------------- - <br /> I,c t---Sev en---(7_�_.i n---Bl o_c__k---�ne----(_1_)_.._o_f__--A?c t---&-Hdgg e_!�,__Add i ti o n---t o---t-he---C i ty_----cc�ff---G r�.n d---I s_�a�d,_N�1��., <br /> �.s___�u rv sy ed,_p l�,tted___r�nd__rec_orded.______ <br /> ����w��.���s��r�a�.���.w� . <br /> ________�_�.___._________�_____.____-____-____________._'-_-_____-____.._�_______ �__________-___�_-____ Q�_�_3�-�- . <br /> (�3.-- �.$ta�s--}- ---------------------------------------------------------- <br /> (C�ncelled , ) <br /> -- ---- ------- - - ----- -- ----- -- ---- ---- - --------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> To�et,hn,r rUith all, the ten,emen,ts, heredi,taments, and appurtenance,s thereunto velonsi,nd, and all the Estate, Ri,�ht, Ti,tle, Int,eresfi, <br /> Dozi�er, Cz�rtesy, Clai,m arzd Dema.nd zvh,a�soever of the said Grantor.s.,'ri7ttl�'j�ttit�"'��1fL,of, irt or to the same,or any part�the,reof. <br /> �o �abr anD to �olD th,r a,bove-described pre,mises, with t,he appurt,en,r�rzces, unto the sai,d Grantee_________an,d to_.,_______�_�_._.__..__. <br /> heir.e �nd �ssisn,s forez�er. .,4nd._._�1tQ_______hereb,y cor>en,a,nt,______.avi,th th,e said Gran,tee___._____that______________�tC___.._____..___.hold._____..sai,d premises <br /> br� snod. and perfect t,i,tle; th,at_.....____V1►Ct______________Iza9.e.___�ood rish,t, arcd lawful authorit,y t,o ,sell arzd convey the same; that they �re <br /> free and clear of a-ll l,iens an,d in,cum,brances zvhatsoeUer--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ✓lred.____._._______W__G______________________:______________________.______coven,ant_...._.___to ivarran-t and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all. <br /> person,s u�homsoever--- -- ------- --- ------- ------ -- ------- -- -- ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------ -------- - ---------------� ---- - ------ --------- --------------- -------- -----------------------------------------------�---------_------------------------------------- <br /> Dated th,e------------------23�---------------------da�J �f---- ----pC�C�ibG-X- --------------..g. D. 19-19------ <br />'I _ W'ITNESS: ` --------��--..Jahns_s�n--------------------------------------------� <br /> _ --------------------..�'o_�egh..I.�_S_s�nn�_on-------�---------------------- <br /> I', ----------- ---------�,,�o--G._�1�.;�n---------------------------------------- <br /> -----------------------------------------------------------�------------------------------------------------- <br /> ST.ifTE OF NE'BI�.�4SKl1, <br /> ss. <br /> -------------------H�11----------- Countz�, On th,is--------------2;�St�-- da�J �J-------------------------December-----------✓1. D. 19__.19------, before me, <br /> t,he zcndersi�ned, a JV'otarz� Public______.___.._..._____________.__:____within and for said County, personally eame....................:..:....:.....................................__.._ <br /> -----�,.ry---J�hns_Qn-�-�f_s�_rr�rlY---]�r3'--Axt�-)-,-�.nd�---�?o�e�}�h_�._J4�C11�_S2t7,�_IN��G---�I�S�---Z1.u�_b�Xld_�. <br /> t,o me persorLally kr�owrz t,o be the ider�tical persorz�______zvhose name__S____�XSt_____________________afjc�ed to the <br /> above instrument as �ra�ztor__$.____,and_.__._____th�t_____________severaT,lz� acknowled�ed the same to be._________xhClr. <br /> voluntarr� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> ����y LN' W7TNESS WHF.REOF, I have hereunto subscribed mz� name and afJixed my ofjEcial seal at <br /> __________G_rdna__z���nna,in___s4�d._Co_unty_;_______._____on the date Zast above wTitten. <br /> --------------------------------------------------L.G._,Al1a�---------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> .My eommi,ssion exp�res-------------------�h---9-a192',�`----------------------------------------------------------�------------ <br />