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_ _ �� <br /> ��� <br /> �� <br /> ��JILI��� ���j�/J���� ���� ���eJ J <br /> _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _.. ,_ _. - - _ <br /> �Q.Q��j,-STATE JOURNAL GOMPANY LINCOLN.NfiB. , . ,__,_ _ � � � � �� �- � - ,_,,. _ _ ____,__ �_ <br /> FRO��1 I hereby certif� that this instrument rvas entered on Numerical <br /> Index an,d filed for record this.----------------IQ----------__da� of---------------�y -------------- <br /> I.�r-Qy---��Ellsw�_r_th & 1�if� - ------------� - <br /> - - -------------- - ----- ---- - ---------------------------- <br /> -- �larrantp .�. v. ls--20--, at------�--------3:_�0____--------------.o��ao�k---------��_.�r. <br /> �eea. . <br /> To -------------------��/��__�___J�uJ--���----------- --------- <br /> ---------- <br /> Re�ister Deeds, <br /> ��_�he_r__XQlfe----------- ---- -- --------------------- , <br /> 8�-----��-------------------------------------------------------------�--�----------�------------ <br /> Deput�. <br /> �no�ro a�Y �en �p �C�je�e �re�ent�: , <br /> That ----I.�rQy -Q.�_1_leworth._:�ns�__Bes�.�-�.].l�wor��irHusk��r�d :�n.s�---vr_i_f.e--------------------------------------------=-------------------------------------- <br /> --------- ------------- - - - ----- -------- --- ----- ---- -- - --- --------------- ---------- -------------------------------------------------------- <br /> of th,e County of--------Hi��_1__�-------------------arLd State of----------------.-----------------�Cl,?.Te±.B_�Ci�-------------------------------C�rantor.--�-------.,in consaderation <br /> of the su,m of -- - -- ---- - - ---- ----- -TqFCl�t� H3121dz'Cd----I�tQ�lA-Q---------------------- -- -- - ----------------------------------------- --DOI,L.gRS, <br /> in hand paid, do------.-------hereb� GR.g.N'T,B✓IRG�IIN, SEI,L,./IND CONVF.Y'unto-------------ESLher_ W_0__11'C------------------------------------------------- <br /> of the Cou,ntr� of.------------------��,�-r------------------------and State of---------------------KQ1�T�t8_$ti._-------.-----------., Grantee---------, the follozvin� <br /> �ln,scribed premises, situated in the .C,ountz� of_____________._________�l.li_____._____.____._._..__.________and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> --I.o-t--T-Y�rea---��-�,$1-o�k--Thra-�--�3�.�.-r�--G 3.da ans--B�,di-ti r,n---ta--Den-iph:.r�-,-�Je1��.�a�CS�..------------------------------ <br /> ------------------, . <br /> - - ----------- - --- - --- --- - - - ------------- ------------------- - --- ------- ------- --------- -------------------- ------------ - <br /> t�1.5Q I.R.Str�mpa} <br /> ------------------- - - --- -- --- -- - -- - -(C..r�Ge1��_---------------� <br /> - --- --- ---- --- - - - ---- ---- - - ----- ------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- <br /> To�etli-er with all the t,en,em,ents, lzere.ditaments, and appurten,arzces th,ereurEto beZorc�irLS, ar�d all the �state, Ri�sht, Title, If2t,erest, <br /> Doruer, Cr�rt,e,sr�, Clai,m and Dem,an,d z��h,atsneUer of the sai,d Grantor._8., and of eit,her of t,hern,of, in or t,o the same,or any part t,hereof. <br /> �o �abr anD to �ulD the above-cleseribed pre,m,i�ses, with t,he appurt,enances, urcto the said Grantee_________.and to_______�ler_._________. <br /> li."eir.c a-nd assians forever. .�lnd._____�'C______lzereb7� covenan,t__.____.zvith the said Gran,tee______._that____________�_l�__,____________.__.hold..___.__..:said pre,mises <br /> �z� sood u�zd perfect t,itle; that________WC____________ha.9_�__�ood risht and lawful auth,ority to sell and convey, the same; that ther� are <br /> free and clear of°all liens and incumbrances wh,a,tsoever------ - -- --------- -- - ------ ------------ ---------------------- ---------- ------ - <br />�, -- - ---- - ----- - ---------- ---- - -- -- -- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> .gnd____________________11�C__________________________.____._______._._____coUenant________to zvarrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lar,vful claims of all <br /> personswhomsoever-------- -- --- -- - --------- --- --- --- -------------- - - ------ --------------------_..--------------------------------------------------------------------•--------------------------- <br />' •------------- -- ----------- ' --- ---------------- ------- ------ -- - --------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Dated t,he_------------------4.� of--- ----Esbr_u�ry-- ---- --�-�. D. 19--2Q---- ' <br /> W'ITNES�S : -------------------Ire.�oy---.Q._�1��.1l0��'rk1------------------------------- <br /> I ----------------------��_°l.?�C__�1].�lf_����------------------------------------- <br /> ------------------C._Y.Radmxr�,------------------------------- --- > <br /> ST�TE OF NEBR.,4SK�, <br /> �ss. <br /> -- - - - �� <br />� ------------------Fis�ll-----------------count,, on thtis_------4-th----------- - <br /> -------------da�J �f--------------ebru�.- ------------------------�. D. 19---2Q-----, before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notarz� Public_Co�.,m:ssiened__._.___,within arad for said Cour�tz�, persorzallz� came...._._.____..________________________________________________________ <br /> ---7��_�Qy--4.�11��!Qrth--:�n.�.--8_a_s_ae__�lls_KQr_�h,Huah�.nd--an�---lQ'if-e---------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------- - --------------------------------------- ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> to m-e personallz� known. to be the identical person g____r�;hose name._�_____;i���ixed to the <br /> ¢bove instrument as �rantor�______,and_______t�Cy__.______.severall� acknowledQed the same to be.______thC�._Y:__. <br /> voluntarz� �ct and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN NrITNESS W'HEREOF, I have h,ereunto subscribed my name and af�ixed my of)ieial seal at <br /> �SEAL� � ----------D�-?f�-ph�+-N��?-x�3-�:4�---------------------------------------.---on the date Zast above written. <br /> ---------- ------------------------�21+�,8-•----Yi��D�i�miri------------------------- <br /> Notary Publie. <br /> ✓YI� eommission expires--------------DCCtmbeT----�&�'.�---------------------------=--------=-----------------19------�.3�•. <br />