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a <br /> ��v"��1 , <br /> �. <br /> J�����1 ������_��.� ���� ��� <br /> _ . _ _ _ _ , _ __ _ <br /> B`LQ¢2—STATF_JOURNAL COMPANY LINCOLN,NfiB.. ... . � . . . .� .� .v . _. ..� �� � .. �_ .. <br /> :-.._ - . � .. . . . . . . ... . . . ._ .... . �...,. ..:.,.- :._.�r . �._ -...�- .__�_ _.�.... �.�:._ _ a.._. <br /> ._ _.__..._.._..___=—"_ "'___. _ _.—_.. ____-..._..___'.... ."._..._._�.�.." <br /> „/. ... _'._'_ ... __ <br /> FRO.M I herebz� certif� that this instrzcment was entered on Numeri•cal <br /> > In,clex an,d l,ed or record thi,s_-----------_----� ' <br /> ----�r�es---T,:Rre tt---------------------------------------�_---- � � --------------da?I of---------A�T12----•---------- <br /> ' �1. D. 19_�;U---- , at- -11�-��------------------------o'clock---------�-=✓YI. <br /> - ----------------------------- - ------------- - -------------- �larrantp <br /> � �eea. � -� / <br /> To �ll�r���r__1==-�.���- <br /> ----------------------- --------- -- ------------------------------- <br /> Re�ister Deeds, <br /> A. J. rr�ke <br /> -------------------------------------- -- - ------------------------ <br /> B�✓----�--------------------------------------------------�---------------._...---------------------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �no�ro aYY �en �p ��je�e �re�ent�: <br /> That -- -----I_. J�,,._r�,es_ `T.�:;re_tt ��A �i n�le--P=`�n -"------- <br /> o the ('ountz o Hi�11�_ -_---__ and St,aLe o PTebxu.skA.,,__-----------------_----___....__-Grantor--_=---------,in eonsideration <br /> }� � J } -- ----- f- - - ----- --------- <br /> of the sr�m,of----- ------ -rlF��1V�--I�I�,�dZ'�'ci---- --- -------------------------------------=------------- -� ---- - -----------------------------------------.DOI,L.gRS, <br /> i,n hand paid,doe-s----------h,ereb7� GR✓1NT,I3.F1PG✓LLN,SEI,L,.,4.ND CONVEY'urato---------------�._J._D�'��-------__.-------------------------------------------------- <br /> nf the Count� of. 1�wll, --- - ---- -- - and State of.------- --- ---- T�1eb_z'�..ska --------------- .., Grantee---------� the followin� <br /> described remises si,tuated in the C,ount o ________riall� and State o Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> P , �J f- - -- - f <br /> Lots Gne (1) 'Two (2) Three (3-)---�_our_ (4) riv-e--(5 )--`"r.-d-- `'ix- (6-)--E1ock--Nine----�9-)--l�.cCa�l__wnd---------- <br /> -Ze f i�.n�s---ud cj i-t i_o_r_:---t u__lE,a o d--�iv_e_r_�iwl_l____L_'_o u r-ty---Ne b rwska--------------------------------------------- <br /> -------- - ---- ----- ��� -- - -- <br /> --------- ---- f,�:1.5 0 T.R. S t�ui:�;-s--�----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - <br /> - --- - -----=------------ - - --------(C�,nce llsd _�,._. -�---------------------- <br /> - -- -------------- - -..- ------ --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ <br /> ----------------- - -------------- -- -- ---------------=-------- - --------------------------------------------------------=----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> To�ether wi,th, all the t,en'emen,t,s, h,ereditaments, a,nd appu,rten,c�n.ces thereunto belon�ins, and al,d the �state, l�i�ht, Title, Interest,, <br /> Dozoer, Cu��tesy, Claim an,d Demand avhatsoer�er�of the said Gran,tor•.____., rtr�-�of-�e�biaeref��lee�we;of, in, or to the same�,or ar�y part thereof.� <br /> �o �abe ana to �olo t,h,e aboz�e,-described prn,mi,.ees, wit,Iz t,lie appurtenances, unto t,h,e sai,d Grantee__________a�id to.___xi�=______.____._ <br /> heir.s a,n,d assi�ns forever. ✓lnd___I__________hereb� coaerzan,t________%vith th.e said Grant,ee.�,at_____________I____.____...__._.hold._______:�aid premises <br /> b� �ood and perfect t,it,le; t,lzat_______________I______._________hay�_.___sood ri�h,t arzd lawfitil auth,�rit� t,o se7,l arLd convey t.he same; that the� �re <br /> free an,d clear of a,ll li,ens arad� in,cumbrances whatsoever- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ---- -------------- - -- --- -------------------- _--------- -- - ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ,gnd__________________I_____:____.___________.______:___________________covenant_.____to warran,t and defend the said premises a�ainst the lazvful claim4 of all <br /> peTSOnszvhomsoever-- --�--- --- -- --- -- - -- - -- -- -- ---- ---- ----- -- --------------•= - ----- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . <br /> Dated the-------------�5_th----------------------daJ �}�---------- ---- TuIU._T_�Y1 - ---- - ---_.�1. D. 19.uQ------- <br /> W7TNESS: � T�,�.rnes T.l�rett <br /> r Tl *' --- -------------------------------------------- <br /> D��,r?-� ---------------------------------- <br /> ---------------------------------- ------------------�------------------------------------- <br /> ST.�4TE OF NEBR,.gSK.g, <br /> ss. <br /> -,.. �• <br />''', - ----------r�u1.7.._-------------- County, On this---- - ------��_�h-------------da�J �?---=----------'Jis�_��h-------------------------.g. D. 19._2Q------, before me, <br />� the undersi�rLed, a .N'otarz� Public_____.________.______...___._____._.._within and for said County, personallr� came._ ___.__._____._____....__.____........................ <br />�' ---------�udTt@S--�l'_.��B�t------------------------- . <br /> ----------- --------------------- ---------- ----- ------------------- -------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------• <br /> to me personally krLOU�re to be the identical persort_.______zvhose name_____.______.tiC______________________af)ixed to the <br /> above instrzcment as �Srantor_______.,and___._HC__.________________severally ackno�vled�ed the same to be._______=n�s._______. <br /> ����L� volun,t,ar� act and deed for the purpose th,erein expressed. <br /> I✓1'' W7T��'ESS WHF.REOF, I have hereunto subscribed m� name and afj"cxed my of�"ieial seal at <br /> �' ='� � � __.on. the date last above written. <br /> J '� <br /> ------�TDUC�-=`�lr_41._�_,�T!--s�ii�_---�'-r--tt-�"-`'.-fidj-�---------------- ----- <br /> � D.r.OKane <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------�------------------------------------------ <br /> Notary Public. <br /> .Mz� com.mission expires--------=---------�-T�n�`----19_th-------------------------------=------------------=----------�-19----F�----. <br />