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N . .. _._ ..- ...- .. .. .. �-. <br /> FRO�7� I herebz� certifz� thr�t this instrument was entered on Numeri-cal <br /> In,�?ex a».c1, filed for record t,hi,s---------------4------------------da� of-----------T��.�tTCh------------ <br /> -I�e_�is.-.L.�3rar-of f_---- ------- - --------------.�_ <br /> .�[ D. 19.------20 , at, ----------------4_:-�3-4-----------------o'clock---------��_M. <br /> ------------------------T-O - -------------- <br /> ------------------------- �larrantp ' _ _ <br /> �eea. �i��-�� �� <br /> _ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------------------ <br /> Re�ister Deeds, <br /> ---�ha.rle-s----Sche-rer ---------------------------------- <br /> B�J------------------------------------------------�---------------------------------------� <br /> Deput�. <br /> �no� a�YY �.en �p �C�je�e �re�ent�: <br /> That ___ -I,�5N18--I�.-�_�soff, u-r�i_�.cnc�r --------- --- ---- -- -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> of the County of-------------�,��1----------s-------and State of-----------.------------N�1�_x�.ski�----------------'------,--------------------Grantor-------------.�in consideration <br /> o} the sumof_-----------------l�ren-Ly---Fi�te--Thouaan�--E-ight---�Lundrsd__Twe_lY�--b_Q/1G0.--_--.----_--_-_-.-----_—r._-.DOI,L.IRS, <br /> i,n hand paid,do--_-___--_---_hereb� GRd1.N'T,73✓1RG�lIN,SELI,,✓1.�V'D CONVEY'unto-__---------------_Gh�T168;,SCheT�T_--------------. .__,_-------------. <br />'' - -------- - - ----- - - .. - -- -- - ---- -- ---- ---- - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> o the Countr o Ha.11 �iebr�.$k� --_-------., Grantee----------, <br /> }� J f---- ----- -- - --- ------•---- - -- - - _and State of- - - ---------- - - -- -- the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in the Countr� of._______.__________________________Ht�.l-1,-------------. and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br />'I --The ,Nor-t� �"l��t ��.r-ter �N1F�-�) of-S���ion T�renty -���),in-Tov��s��g--I�i�e----�-9-}--�t-a��h���-�ge-���i�e---{-9) <br /> -We-s-t----of--the----Six-th�-�'.�:�i.-,-Ha.11---C-aunt_y_.I�ehx�.sltr�-,-c_on#,�:�,.i_ni-n�---�-ne---hux:d��d--Sixty----acxe-a--mIIrE----ax---lE$�--- <br /> _accordi_ng___to___the__G�ve_rnm�ent__suryey_, the_re__of.___Les__s_____the___Ri_�__ht___of__wdy____of___the__ H�,sting_�__&_Gr�nd______ <br /> ---��_J.�nci---��i_�.r_Q�.d--C o���ws�y_�_�hi_�_h__ri�ht---9�'----v�a��--c�_�.�d.--�.s---xP�a_�de d;--�.n---B o 9k--H,�?ug_e_---7.5 8---4�'----t-��---r�_c_Q xds <br /> _-nf--�i�.11--C_o_un�t3��Neb_r_�s_ka..�---- - -------------------- ---- - ----- ------ -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ---------------------------- -- -- --- ----------------- - - --- ----------------- __..�_��_�-_._�..__�-r_� ---------------------- � <br />, - ----- -- - - � - - -- ---- <br /> ---- - <br /> _��26.0 C I.F2. S t�:m,p-s) - -- <br /> --- - ----------------------- - ------ --------- <br /> C�ncelled�- <br /> _ <br /> _ <br />� -------- --- -- -- --- ----------------------------- --- -------------------_---------------------------- <br /> 1'i�set,�ze,r zvi,t;h a1,1 the tenements, hereditccments, an.d czppurtenan�es thereunto �belon�ins, an� all th,e Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Int,ere,st, <br /> Dou�er, C���tes�, Claim an,d Demarcd what,soever of the said, Grantor____., art,d of eith,e,r of th,em,of, in or t,o the same,or an�� part t,hereof. � <br /> �p �aOp an� tp �pID t1a-e ahove-described premi,ees, wit,lz the appurteruucnces, u,nt.o the sai.d Gran,tee________._.and to.____h�H_____________. <br /> I heir.s a,n,d nssisns forever. ✓�nd._____._Z______h,ereT�� eovenant________..with th,e said Grar�tee________that_________________�____.._________.___hold.____._said pre,mises <br /> - <br />��' bJ �ood and perfect ti,t,le; �that_________.I __�___ha__Y_f�__�ood ri�ht a,rcd Za,wful�authority to sell and co�vey the same; that they are <br /> }'ree and clear of a.11 Ziens and in,cumbrances rvhatsoever--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- <br /> .,4nd_______.__ I__________._`____________covenan,t.________�o war"ran,t and defend the said premises a�ainst the Zawful elaims of alt <br /> person,s whomsoever------ -- ------ - - ---------- ---- - - - --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> - --------------------------------------------- -- --------------- <br /> I Dat,ed the_..----------------1�_t._--------------=------da�J �}�---- ---- - --�_rCh ___..- - -- -./�. D. 19--�Q•-- <br /> W'ITNESS: ----------------I.�e_v�i�--I,.�c�rDf.f----------------------------------------------- <br /> _ <br /> -----------------�.�_J,G,_�?e_dman--------------------------------------------------------- , �------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------------------------------ <br /> --------ST.�4TE OF NEBR.�ISK'.Fl, <br /> ss. <br /> --Htill------------------ Countz , On th,is-------------�8-�--...------------.da o l�arch------------------------�. D. 19----�- ------, be ore me, <br /> � � t--------------------- f <br /> I t,he undersisned, a Notarz� Public.C_UIl�1_s_Sl.Ori6.d_.____.within and for said Courntz�, personallz� came.______.___.__.____................................................. <br /> -----------Le�r.ia---�..-Fiar-a�f,-r�.-wi-do�¢�-r------------ ---------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------__. <br /> to me personally known to be the identieal person_________zvhose name.___________�fl__________________________af�ixed to the <br /> (��j,� above instrument as srarator.__________,and____.______�14________._____severallz� acknowled�ed the same to be._._.____h1s___.... <br /> vobu�ztarz� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN W7TNESS W'KF,REOF, .I have hereunto subseribed mz� name and affcxed my ofj�cial seal at <br /> __..Doni_ph�n_rN�_br��kr�_______._____________ ___._on the date last above written. <br /> ------------------------------C�h�.s_.�1[,_13e_dm�i.n------------------------------ <br /> Notarz� Publie. <br /> JVl� com,mi,ssi,on expires-------------------------�--DE�_e-xFi�€-�'---1&�Yl-------------=------------=---------------19._��•.._. <br />