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D. 19.-1-5--- -, at--------_----2:-15---- --..o��ao�k-------,__�_..�r. <br /> To �eea. - �- <br /> ����� -�/-����- <br /> ----------------------------- -------------------------- -- ----------- <br /> - ------- - ---------------- <br /> Re�ister o eeds, <br /> -------------Hnra._ti-o--E,_�zi rt_is----- <br /> 8�9---------------------_----�-----------------------�--------------...------------------------ <br /> Deputz�. <br /> �no�ro aYY �.en �p ��je�e �re�ent�: � <br /> That. W�, -N-i-e-�.�--�i...Txos.ls_t.rul�-&-�Q_�e -�,..�_r.o�_ls.'�_xup.,--h�$-wife------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> of the CourLt,z� of------------------�itill-.- and Statn, of-----<----------------------------N.@b�'�a,$�Ca--------------------------------Grantor.8---------.,in corzsideration � <br /> o}'the ,sum o}----- -- -Ei_f�3�-Entu'- Hu�dre� &-nn�10-0-------------------------------------------------------------- .._ - --- - --------------------------------------------DOI,L.�1RS, <br /> irz hand pai-d,do_______________Ttierebi� GR.RNT,13.�1RG.gIN,SEI,L,.f1ND CONVEY'u�zto__�O_�'e�,t�Q_._F.C1��t�$_______.___,___. <br /> . <br /> f � f ta,g f ----------------., Grantee--------.., the followin� <br /> o the Countt o _- - - --�0_ 1c.3 -- -- - _�znd State o .- - ---2i1Gb2'ti.gki�------------ <br /> cle.scribed premises, sr,tuated in the Countr� of___________________________________�'sa.11 ..______..._.__and State of ��'ebraska, to-wit: <br /> �i1-1---tha_t_-��r'�---Q f---the--�_Q_u�h��.�-t--c�ua_rt_�-�--q f_--t=�e---5 o u thw�s r----(SE 4--o f_SI�i.4-)--o f---Se c�i o n-------------- <br /> To ur_��_en----�-14--)----in__Tnv�nshi�-�leY_�n---�-11-)---N_Q r_t h--Q�----R�.t�;�___N_�ne----��_)__��_�t---o f----the---fi th__;U,��.:__��i c Y�__1_�,_�_� <br />'' �_outh--Qf----th�---Ri�--n�---�f--�1-�r----an�l-�r_QUn�s--_�f_----the---.�hi��go-.---Buxl_��ton---a.nsl---Qu_i�c�t----R��.1r�ad---�_o�ugdny_� <br /> _�_on�ainin�,---2-2-,---a�rs�---mQr�__._�r---1�_s-s-,---�,nd---being--b oun��si---on--t-h_e_---ri-o-�t h---by_.._d__l�.ng--pa��.11�-�.--t o---and---- <br /> _4n�_-��tnd_��d---.f�et---�-outh_-of---�he---�entex---�._�ne---of---.the___r�.ilro�.d---tracFc=_-of---$�id_ com�dny_-�---r�s-_s�,r�e---i�---_ <br /> _r�.�v�--1_o��t�e_�i�------ ---- -_-------------- <br /> - --- -- - ---------- <br /> - -- ------------ <br /> - ---- <br /> ( �5.5 0 I.�. ) <br /> I -- ----- - -- ----- --- ----- --- - ---- <br /> ( -S�ta,mps -)-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ( Cancelled ) <br /> -- - --------- - --- --- - ----------------- <br /> - ------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> T�sPth,er zvith all the tenements, hereditam,en,ta, and appurtenanees thereunto belon�in�s, and alZ th,e Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, � <br /> Dorver, Curtesz�, C,laim arzd Demand, rvhatsoever of the said Crantor�__, . ,of, in or to the same,or an� part thereof. � <br />' �0 �abC �ri0 t0 �Or� th,e rx,hoUe-descri-bed premises, u�ith the appurtenances, unt,o the said Grant,ee________and to._____h��_.._._._____ <br /> heirs a,nd �rssisns forever. .,4nd___Ylt@-_______herebt� coz�enc�nt_._____zvith the said Gran,t,ee__.___.__,tha,t____________�?!�_____.____________.hold_________:said premises <br /> b� sood and perfect title; th-at_.__._._'�t8______________hczYE'_._.5ood risht and lawful authority to sel,l and con,vey the same; that th,ey are <br /> free ¢n,d clear of a.11 liens and incumbrances whatsoez�er------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------------ ------ <br /> ./lnd._____________________..___W�__.________________.______________eoven-ant___.__._to warran,t and defend t,he said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all , <br />', person,c whomsoever-- - --- -- - ------ - - --- --- ---- --- - -- - --------------- - ------=----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , . <br /> Da,ted the_�_----------1_Qth..------------------da?1 of---- - -OC_tObeT ------- - .<!. D. 19-1g --- <br />'' W'ITNESS ---------_----_Niels H.Trqelstru_p_-------------_ <br /> John Al lan ---------------------------�----Ros e---I.._T r oe 1 s t rup-------------------- <br /> ST�TE OF NEBR.i1SK.5t, <br /> ss. <br /> -------Hall----------- Countz�� On this-------10 th------- -------------da�J �t-------------Oc tobe r-------- ----.�. D. 1919---------, before me, <br /> t.h.e undersi�ned, � Notar� Publie____________._______________ ' f ' y, p J <br /> -----------._wathin and or saad C,ount ersonallz eczme------------------------------------------------•------•--------------- <br /> ---N i e 1 s._H._T ro e_1 s t ru�p-an,d_._I�o��_._L.T x o e�.s_t r s�p,----hi s.._w i f e-------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personallz� known to be the identical person8___whose name.8_________�.T_�._________._.._.....affixed to the <br /> (S�AI,� above instru�nent as �rantor._�_______,and__________th��.�._:_.____._severa,lly acknowled�ed the same to be.______the_i.r_._. �� <br /> vol,untary act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN W7TNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed mz� name and af�ixed my o�`Lcial seal at <br /> G��,nd___Z_s_l�nd_ in__�l:�.id___�a�zn�,y ___on the date last above written. <br /> r--- --.------------ -- , <br /> John Allan <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> Notary Public. <br /> .Mz� commission expires----------------------J�n.5�----1924 ---=��------------ <br /> ---------------------------------------=----------- <br /> , <br />