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<br /> �� 6`L44�-sTAT�.IOURNAI COMPANV LINCOLN.Nfi6..�. ... ... . ._._.�.. . _ . ..'- _. �. �:�, ��:�.� __ -._ . ..... ._
<br /> FR0��1 I herebr� certif� th,at this instrtcmen,t Tvas en,tered on Numeri-cal
<br /> . In-�lex an,d fcl,ed for record this.-----------�4----------------da� of---,,5�- t�IDh�T- -
<br /> ---- P- �-------
<br /> 0 t t o T.Baxte 1 s,--unmd rri_e d-----------------
<br /> --------------- -
<br /> ----------------------------------------- ----- ------- -- ----------
<br /> �larrantp .R. D. 19_19------, �t_------------ ------�._��- ---o��ao�k---------�..�r.
<br /> �eea �- " � � ��
<br /> TO ��- � ��—Y
<br /> ----------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ --------------�---
<br /> Re�ister Deeds
<br /> -l�t�g��-t--,u.ai�.ue�ka,mp.------------ --- -
<br /> ----- 8�---------------- ---------------------------------------------�-------------------------
<br /> � Deputy.
<br /> �no� �YY �.en �p �C�je�e �re�ent�:
<br /> That - ----i s--Dtto-T.Bdr.t.e-ls, uruna.rriE d -- -- - -- ---- -- - ------=-----------------------------------------------�------------------------------------------------
<br /> of the Countz� of-----------H�.11-r---------------and St.ate of-------------l�Te_bru.8k�.,------------------------------------------------------Grantor.------------,in consideration
<br />, of the sum of----- ---------.�iy�_ �iLiridred--Fli ty-�-ri0/1QD---------- ------------- - - - -- -----------------------------------------.DOLL�RS,
<br /> in hand paid,do---------------.herebr� GR,✓1NT,13.gRG�lIN, SEI,L,✓!ND CO✓Y'VEY'unto------------1it1�-U,g-�--i3,_HciVE-rka.mp---------------------------------------�
<br /> of the CountJ of------------------Ha.11 --------------_and State o}----------------------S�Iebrask2.--------------.. , Grantee--------, th,e folloavins
<br /> a_- --
<br /> clescribed premises, situated irr, the Co��.n,ty of_ .___t'It3,�.�,.____.___________________________and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> Lot Nine___(91_in__:u_lock Seven_ty_-five____(__7__5_�.___in___�Iheele.r__�C___�3ennetts__,Thi.rd__Addltion_._to__.th�___C�ty_____of__.
<br />�'' -Gr�,n_d_I_slandi_N�_b���k�.-f----�.s---s_u���'-ed---gla-t-x-e-d--�nd---re_c_nrsie_d.�------------------------------------ ----- -- - ---------------------------------------------
<br />' - ---- --�-'-��-��-04---I.R..-------�--- -- - ---- ------------- ------------
<br /> ---------------------- ----
<br /> ,
<br /> --�S��:.w� - y' ---------------------------- - '
<br /> ------------------------------------ ( --------------�--------------- --------------------
<br /> - --------------------------------------- ------ t C�.nc e lled �
<br /> ------ - --- -- --- ---- - -- ------- ---------------- -------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> To�e,ther zvi,th all the, ten,ement,s, lzereditaments, and appTCrtenances th,ereunto belonsin�, an,d all th,e Est,ate, Ri�h,t, Title, Irzt,erest,
<br /> Dou�er, Cu,rtesy, Clairrc and Demarzd wl�atsoever� of the .said Gran�or�____., �ied-e�—ea�lr����l�e�x�,of, in or to the sam,e,or anz� part, th,erPOf.
<br /> �o �abe anD tu �oCb �lze a,bove-describe.d premises, with t,he appurterzances, unto tlze said Grantee________and to__.___._�ig___________.
<br />��, h-eir.s and assi�ns forever. .11r�d.____I_._____hereb� covenant________.zvith t,h,e said Crc�n,tee_____.that __.___I__.__________hold.,_____,said premise,s
<br /> br� �ood arad ��erfect t,itle; th,at,.___._____�__________________ha._S_e._�ood risht and lawful aut,hority t,o sell and eonve� the same; that they are
<br /> free and clear of all li,ens and irzcumbrances whatsoever- -- - ------------- --- ------ ------------ ------------ ---------- ----------
<br />, �nd___________________.______T______________________.______________covenan,t._____.___to warran,t and defend the said premi.ses a�ainst the l,awful elaims of all
<br /> person,s whomsoever- ------ - --- --- - ------ -- ------ ---- --- --- -- -- ------- --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ---------------------------- - ------- ----- _ --- - - - -— ---- - - - --- -- ----------------------------------------------•---------------------------------------------
<br /> . .
<br /> Dated the--------------------�4_th------------------da� �f ----- - S�}�-'#'.embe T --- -- --.�. D. 19-1!� --
<br /> W7T.11"ESS : -------------Q_'�r.�O---T.�sc��'.�_531�-----------------------------------------------
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -------------------'--Q n-- - �----------------------- -----------
<br /> -----------------------------------------------------------•-------------•-•----------•----------------------
<br />, --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------� '
<br /> ST.�4TE OF NEBR.gSK'.g,
<br /> ,._.
<br /> ss.
<br /> ,ti�,],j,-------------------------Countz�, On th,is------------��-th-- --------------da�J �f-------�8�_t�]11�E2'-------------------------.1. D. 19.1�--------, before me,
<br /> the urcdersi�ned, a Notary Public____.__ within and for said Count�, personallr� came_.__.__.._._______.._.._.___........_.___........................
<br /> ------4�t�a---T_.B�.rtsls_.---�.n--unrr�axxie�i.---man. - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> --------------------- -------- --------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.._.
<br /> to me personally known to be the iden.tical person_.______wTiose name____________j,g_.____.___________af�'ixed to the
<br /> a,bove instrumertt as �rantor____.___,and___.___��.._______.___..____severally acknowled�ed t,he same to be._______�,�._S_._._._...
<br /> t��� voluntary a,et and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN W7TNESS WHF,REOF, I have hereunto subseribed mz� name and c�fJ`ixed my of�"icial seal at
<br /> _��siYld__I9lia�I1�1____1ri__S_�'1L1__G_Q_llrit _______on the date last above wTitten.
<br /> i �-s----------
<br /> _ �_Q�'321--1�1_1811-------------------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> .My eommission expires---------------J�.x1.---5--i-�.-9-24�----------------------------------------------=--------------�39.------------
<br />