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��� <br /> i�, � <br /> ��J?J�� ��L�J������� �51�V��� ���eJJO <br /> _ . :_ _ _ _. - _ -- — -- <br /> _ _ -- -�- -�� --� t -- - �- - _ ._._ _ _ <br /> g`��tjQ,-STATG JOURNAL COMPANY LINCOLN.NEB. . . _ N . , � �� � � � �� <br /> FPO.M Z hereby certifz� t,h,at this instrument was entered on rVumeri,eaT � <br /> In,clex an,d file,d for reeord this.--------------`.�--------------da� of----S��.�_6ffib-e-r--------. <br /> -----A1.v-�� Tag-e-r-- aaa.d- vui�e-.---------- -------__. <br /> ----- -- ------------- ---T�-- ----- --------------------- <br /> �larrantp �. v. 1�9-------, at--------------�-------------------------o°�io�k--------p�r. <br /> �Jeea. � � <br /> C� ����.�� �������-. <br /> ----------------�---------------------------------------------------- ------ <br /> - --- --------------------� <br /> Re�ister: Deeds, <br /> -----�L�__��,11a..�.X1SS------ --- - - ------ - -- <br /> 8�------------ ------ --------------------------------------------------�---------------•------- <br /> Deput�. <br /> �no� aYZ �.en �p ��je�e �re�ent�: <br /> Tizat.--- �te-,- Al�ir. �_er--aris� Juli�. ��r-. his�--wi.fe�--- --------- -_------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> - --- - -------- ----------- ---------- --- ----- ---------- ----------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> of tlze Couf2ty of---------H�31�._ artd Stat,e of---------------------�ebT�Bk��-----------------------------.----------._Grarztor.-�--------.,irz consideration <br /> -. - -- - <br /> o} the sumof-------------Thi_r_�y-th�Cee---hundred--OOf100------------------------------ <br /> -------------------- -- -- --- --- ----------- -----------------------------.DOI,L✓IRS, <br /> i,n hand paid,do----------------.lLereby GR✓1NT,B.f1RG.f1I�',SEI,L,.�4�N'D C,ONVEY'u,nto_..------�,Z'y---��_ril�I1Q-------------------------------------- ----- <br />! - -- -------- ------- --- -- - - -- -- -- - - - ---- ---- -------------------- -- ------------------------------------- ------- ------�------------------- <br /> of the Count� of--.---------- �I311 --..------------- -u,nd State of.----------NC-brd8k`ct�----------------------------------., C�Xrantee---------� the followins <br /> -- � ---- <br /> de,scribed premises, situ,ated in the Coacnty of.___._.____._.I'�A,I,.X. _____and State o .N'ebraska, to-wit: . <br /> •-�------------------------------------- f <br /> --�o-t---T�o----(-2-�---in__Bl�o�k. One--hundread---T�cen t�r--=��ur----�124-}---of---Uni�an._P�c_ifi�---.F3uil�ra�----�ampan3�-'_-s---Se-c-e.nd 'i <br /> -----A�id�t�ra�----�o--��and-�$-lr�nd-,-�iah��s��----as--aur-3r-e�ad,� ��.att,�d-dnd r�co-r-ded..--�-Gr��Br-s---�e-�rve--�asses9- <br /> -----i cn--of.--said---pr_e__mises--until___Saptembar_23,1919.-�------------------------------------------------- I <br /> ----- ---- ---- -�----- --------- --------- --- <br /> . ��.�w�.�.�.�.���s o�+.s+� . <br /> ------------------------------ --------- ----- -- -- -- ---------------- -�3.-5�--I-.-�t, ----------�----- <br /> --------- -- --------------------- - <br /> ------------ ---------------- - ---- --- ----------- -- -- ------------------- -------- --- 15-t�r.�tpa----- ------- --�1 ------------------------------------------- <br /> I <br /> -- - ---- - <br /> -- ----------------- ------------ - ------------------ ----------- - --------- ----:��cel led ----------�-�---------------------------------- ------- <br /> a....�...�.�. .__.�..� <br /> - - - - - - ---- - ------- - ---------- --------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------------- ----------------------- - ------------------------------- -- -- - - --------- --------------------------- ------------ -----------�_---------------------------------------------------- <br /> To�ether zvi�th all the tenements, hereditamen,ts, and,ees th,ereunto belon�i»d, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Irtterest, <br /> Do���er, Cu,rtes�, Claim cznd Deman,cZ 7��h,atsoever of the .sadd, Gr�anbor.�_T��do�+ei��.er.,o�'.tl�em,of, irc or to the same,,or anz� part th.ereof. <br /> 2�a �a�e anD to �ala�th,e avove,-descri-ved premises, tuit,h the appurtenances, unt.o th,e said Gran-tee________an,d to._._.___��.►r__._________ <br /> Taei,rs and nssisy�s forever. .F�nd.____�e___._laerebr� covenant_________.u�ith, t,he said Gran,tee_______._tha,t____________�e_.___.___________hold____.___said premi-ses <br /> � hz� �ood, and perfect, t,itle; tha,t__.._________1Pe_______h,a_4e---�ood ri�ht and Zazvful authoritz� to sell and eonve� the same; that ther� are <br /> free r�nd cl,ea.r of all liens and incu,mbrances whatsoever----------- - ---------- - — - - ------ ------------------ ---------- ----- ------- <br /> --- ---------------------- -- --------- -- --------------------- - - _---------- ----------------- ---------- --------------- -- ------------------ <br /> .,4n�1 !Re___.____________________________..______________coven,afzt________to warran,t an,d defend the said prernises a�ainst, the Za,wful elaims of all <br /> persnns �vhomsoever - - -- - - -- ---- - - --- - -- -- ------ - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ----------- --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Dated th,e_-----------232"d--- ---------------�1a9 �f -----AUg�i8_��. - - - ---- - -..q. D. 19.-15�. - <br /> W'ITNESS � ------._--�Y�._�1__��g!4.�-----------------------------------------------------------� <br /> ---------------------�s�hn__A3.l�n------------------------------------------------ ---_..------Julia-Er�ge-r--------------------.---------- <br /> . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------•--------------------------------- <br /> ST.FITE ()F NEBR.RSK.�1, <br /> ss. <br /> -------�A�.-1----._.._------------------.._ County, On this_------ -- 2'�5-T(�..- -�------..dar� of---------------A.Ugtl�tes-----------------------✓�. D. 19---1$------, before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notarz� Pubtic______________________________________.._._.within and for said County, personally came.._.._____.______._._._____.........___........._______...._.._._.__ <br /> ---Alvi�-Eag-�r-��i-�u�ia��ge-r--;-----Y�i�---�r#-�t-, ---------------- <br /> ----------- - -- - - - - ---- --------------------------------- ------------.._.. --------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------�-------------- <br /> to nze personally Tcnozvn to be the identical personS____whose name.__S_._____g�______________________a�"ixed to the <br /> al�ove instrument as srarztor__fl___.,arzd_________�hl�_____________severallz� acknowled�ed the same ta be.____..t��..x___. �� <br /> ��'��'� volunta,rz� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN W7TNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed mz� name and afjixed my ofjicial seal at <br /> ______G_7cq�s�__��l�nd,___in__�a3s1_G_s�unt�ri_w._____________.on •the date last above written. <br /> ------------------John._A�.1��A----------------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> ,Mz� comm,ission, e,xpires--------------JgA---S�tl-a24..----------------------------------------------------------------�------------- <br /> _ _. __ _ <br />