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D. 19.--1Q------, at ------------2�4�- ------ ------------o'clock------P_�a.M. <br /> s �� -- ------ ------ ---------- ------ -------- - --------- ------------------------- �larrantp <br /> : ' To �eea. � ����� <br /> .- --.---- <br /> ���a.�-- ------------- - --- ------ --------- <br /> Re�iste of Deeds, <br /> D��r�d--.I'usa-------- -�- ------------------ - <br /> ---------- <br /> . ---- ------- 8�--�--------- ------ ---------� ---------------�---------�-�-------....------...-------... <br /> Deputy. <br /> �no�ro aYY �en �p ��je�e �re�ent�: <br />:. " ;'r That--------�.QXBA�S?-�--�U8-8--�X1S�_�'J�&_.�tl8-S--�.�__1f��'Q --- - -- ------- ---------- ------- --------- --------------- ------- ---------- ------ <br /> ' o the Count o __ ��..:._ __ cznd State o ____ _.__.__�Q�J_r&S�&�---- ________ _________Grantor._8________.,in eonsideration <br /> } ------- f ._._ . <br /> �J ------ �- <br /> - - -------- - ------------ <br /> � of the sum of------ --�"�.4E----HLt21drL.d---sriti--rit9�1.(�Q- -------- --------- - �--- -- -------- ----- -------- ----- ----.DOI,L�RS, <br /> �' i,n hand paid,do___ ____________.hereb� GR.gNT,B./1RG.1IN, SEI,L,.gND CONVEY'unto _..___D�'¢id---Fua-a ----- ------ - ----- --------- <br /> :. af the Count� of ----------- -----�,1,1i. ------- --------- -------and State of -------- -�Nehraska-----,- --- -- -- --------., (�rantee----------� the followin� <br /> . ' ` described premises, situated in the County of_... ______.____�l______.. __.___ ._____.__ ________.and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> ' . L�x--Sia---(-6-�---3-n---Black---£;a�ex�---(-7-�---af--Koe}a-le-�--�l�ct,---an--llcldi-ti-o-n--�o---t�.a----C�x�r----af---�►-r-�---�s-1-�r�----- ---�----- <br /> Bebr.r�sk�--as---au�e3r-e�--pl��tt.e-d--a�d----r-eE-0-�ed.--- ------ ------ - - ------ ----------- ------ ----- ------ --------- ---- <br /> ----•------- <br /> � ------ -- ----- ----=--- --------- -------- ------------j--�.5- -I-.-Ft.-- - ------- -------- ------ --------- - --------- ----- --------- --�----- <br /> ,---- - ----- ----- -------- ----- - 4-- - <br /> ' ° - -------- � - --- --- ------------- ----�--- -- --- ---- ---------- --- ---- --------- <br /> --------- --- ------ -------- --------- ------- -------- ------- -------- -- -------- ------ �&t�------ -- �'----- ---- <br /> '' <br /> . �Cancelled �` <br /> _.� <br /> -------- -------- ---- ------- ------ <br />,..� _ . <br /> ------------ ------- ---------- ---------------- ------- -- ------ -------- ---- ----- ---- - <br /> To�ether wit,h all th-e tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�s, and all, the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, <br /> Dower, Curt,esz�, Claim and Deman.c� wha,tsoever of the sr�id C�rantor.&.,����+�e+'�}'���,of, in on to the same,or an,y part thereof. � <br /> � �o �abr anD to �o[o t,1�e above-described premises, with the appurtenanees, unto th,e said Gran.tee._______and to._.__ �?id I, <br /> , - - --------- -- <br /> ., . , <br /> i <br /> : ' heirs and assi�ns forever. .lnd.___1�� _______hereb� covenant______....with the said Grantee.____..._that_.__.____.__l_►Q_.___ ._._____...hold __.____said premises I <br /> ' . b� �ood and perfect title; th,at___,.__�te _._____haye_..�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are ', <br /> free and clear of a.11 liens and ineumbrances whatsoever_____ ______ . ------- ------ ---- -- -- ----- - ----- - --— ' <br />_. . . --------------- ------ ------ -------- ------ ------ --- --- ----------- ---- - ------ ------- -------- --------- ------ ------- -------- --------- ------ ----- ---- <br /> ,qnd_ .________.qae__ ________ ______ _______ _________._covenant.__.______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lazvful claims of all <br /> persons whomsoever---. -- -•-- ----- ------ ----------------------- ---- --------- ---------- --------- -•---- <br /> --�--- - ------------- - -�----- -------- ----- ------- --------- .. . _ <br /> -- - � <br /> --------- �, <br /> --------- - ------- - - - <br /> ---- -- -- --- - <br /> - - <br /> --- -- --- ----- ------------ ------- ------- -------------- ------- ----------- ----- <br />� ' ------ 25 th __....g. D. 19-1Q <br /> Dated the_-- -----daz� of- ---AUgUSt.. --- ---- -- <br /> u�'zT.NESS --------A-le-xr�ncle-r---�'�sa-------- -------- ---------- � ------� <br /> -- <br /> - ----- I.ena---Fues-------- ------- -- ------- --------------------- <br /> ---------------John__All�r�.---- -------- ----------- ------._-�---- -------- _ <br /> ST�TE OF NEBR.ISK1, <br /> ss. <br /> -----------��.�------- -------Count�, <br /> On this_---- -----._�_�l1 .------�da�J �1"- -----Ala$tl$_�r ...- ------- ------------,g. D. 19_ 3..Q-----, before me, ��, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public___ _________ ________ __.__...._withi,n and for said County, personally came_____.. _.___._ _.__.._ ...._.__.... ._......... ..... <br /> :; ------.A�1a�nde_r._F_tis_s__anst__I�n�---�us-s-.---hi�a---wff_�------- ------- <br /> � : to me personallz� known to be the identical person8_.___zvhose name.___g___.___b1.TC_�'ixed to the <br /> ;, above instrument as �rantor__e____,and...____t�LQjT____ ____.__severally aeknowledsed the same to be._____�Y1�C.ir__. <br /> f��'1 volur�tary act arcd deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN W7TNESS W'HEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and af�ixed my of�icial seal at <br />. '` Gxarid--Island=----in---�.id----C-<�.unx3��----------- -- ---- -----on the date last above written. <br />, ------- -------------,�c�hn_..Allan-----,- - ------- -�--- ------------ -- <br /> , � Notary Public. <br />, .M eommission ex ires---- --------- -----------------------•---------------------_19.----�!�---- <br /> �✓ A r�8�i---5-�---------------- ----------- <br /> ` �� � <br />� �.� ���� <br />