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- a <br /> n <br /> ��.�� <br /> �_,�_�J�_'�_�_'�� �__��_����_��� �,��IJ�� ���o <br /> _ .__ _ - _ __. _ _ _ _ — _ — _ __ _ _ _ — <br /> 8'a¢¢2,—STATF_JOURNAL COMPANY LINCOLN.NF.B. ._ . __ . �� - , — _ _ . _ _ ,__ <br /> FRO✓19 I hereh9 certifr� that tlzis instrument �vas entered on Numeri,ca,l. <br /> In,clex an,d, fi.led for record this.-------------------$Q------da� of-----AU�US t----------------- <br /> _�����,.__whi��:��aa-�--�iao�---------------�---- <br /> .�1 D. 1.9.19------, at,.------------2-�--'.�4------------------------o'clock---------P_�_.M. <br /> ---- ------ -�----------- ------ -------- - ---------.. �larrantp ' <br /> �eea. <br /> To .._,ti���=�-- <br /> ---=-���--��"� � <br /> ---------------------- � ------------------------ <br /> Resisten of Deeds, <br /> __Yyxt_i�e__��g_tot_�.__he_r__d�.ughte__r,__�.nd <br /> 8�-----------------�-------------------------------------�-------------�---------------------------- <br /> Robe rt J.Al 4 t c t, he r husbdnd DP,�ut�. <br /> �no�ro arr �.en �p ��je�e �re�ent�: <br /> That.-----I,---�3aain�._�thi�ehe�.d,--�ri dow, --- ----- ---- - - - --- - --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------�--------------------- <br /> ----- ------ -------------------- --------- ------- - --- --- --- --- ---- ----- - - -------- -------------------------------------------�----------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> of tTae Countz� of----------�ia.11-----------------------�nd State of------------------IIebru.SkF�. ----------------------._--------------Grantor.------------.,in consideration <br /> , :-�----: <br /> o}'the sum,o}---------Dne--Dall�.r-_(and--natu-ra.l---lova--�.nd-._rxf-fe-c-ti�xz- ----------------------------------------- <br /> -------------------------------------��xx <br /> in Ztand paid,do.________.____herebr� GR./����T,I3�RG.lII.N,SEI,L,.�.�v'D Co�v'v'E�'zl,nto_______��r r_ti�---Al-�tot,----my--d��ghte-r--,--��+.r�d--R�bert <br /> ----,J_.Alsto�.--�_'-�usband, - - - - - - - - - -- -- ------------ ---------------�----------------- <br />'' of the Coun,t� a� - -�---- - Hctll- - - - -------r ----and State of.. -- ---N��?S'�S_��---------- -- --------- _----., (�rantee--8---•� the followin� <br /> �lescribed premises, cit,acat,ed in the County of.___________..___H&��,______;__________.._____.___._._________and State of ✓Y'ebraska, to-wit: <br /> -�o-t-�in�-�-��-i�-�1oc� �leven ��1)----�r�--H.G.�-��.r1�'�-Adc�i t�-ar� ta----�-Y�e--Git�--a�'---�-r-�crid---Is]:�r���-�te1��-�ska� <br /> --�.s--sur�-ayetl.r glat-�ed---��nd -x-�c o-�ded�--- ---------------------- ------------------ ------------- -------------- -------------------------------------------.. <br /> ------- -------------------------------- ----- ------ ------- - -------�----- ------- -------------- --------- -- --------------- -------------------------- --------------------- --- - <br /> Tosether rvith all the tenem,ents, hereditam,ents, a,nd appurtercances th,ereunto bel,orc�sin�, and all the Estate, Ri�h,t, Title, Interest,, <br /> Dou�e,r, Cu,rtesy, Claii�z and Dema�7d avhatsoeaer of the sczid Grantor.___., are�lro�-er,�[rlr,�reffrine,�rz;of, in nr to the same,or ariy part thereof. � <br /> �o �abe anD to �o[b the al�ove,-d,escribed premises, witlz the appurtenan,ces, urzto tlze sai-d Grantee_S_______and to______th��r______ <br /> l�-eir.s a,n,d assi6ns forever. .,4nd__.,___�________herebr� covenant_______..z��ith th,e said Cran,tee._8_____thaL_______________I____..__________hold.._.____:said pre,mises <br /> I - <br />� br' Qnod and perfect t,i,tl,e; th,at_._._.__j_.________________ha..Y�.sood rish,t, and lawful aut,h,orr'ty t,o sell and convey the same; that t,he� �re <br />'i free an,d clear of all li,ens an,d. in,cumbrances whatsoever----- --------------------------------- -------------------------- ------------------------ ----- <br />� <br /> I <br /> ------------------------- ---------- ------- ------ ------------------------- ----- --- ------------------- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> .gnd.__________________.I_________________________________________________cove,�aant.________t,o warrant and defend the said premises a�sainst the lazvful claim.4 of all <br /> person,s whomsoever ---- -- - - - - ---- - ---- --- --- --- - ------- ---- ------------ -- ------------------------------------------------------- <br /> --------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------ ------ ----- -------- ----- -- - --- ------ ----- - ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> Dated the--------------2�.5.�_.._---------------------�a?I �f------ I�C_emb.e.z'� _ -- -- -----.g. D. 19-18 ----- <br /> u�7T.N'ESS -----_._Ros_ina---�Ihi�.e.h�z�,.d-------------------------------------� <br /> --------------------ohn-Al--�.n-------------�-------------------------------------- <br /> --------- �------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> ST.gTE OF NEBR.qSKg, <br /> ss. <br /> ---Hu.11--------------------- Countz�, On this_------,---------21B.t.-------------daz� of----........DElu�Crilb.e-rs-------,--------------�. D. 19_.18.-•--., before me, <br /> t,he undersisrced, a Notarz� Pacblir,_______________.______.____...._.___.__within arzd for said Courztz�, personall� came_____________________.____.:__.__.___.__.....___._.____________._... <br /> --------�a81nr�.---W-hitelu�d-.----a--vai-do�ar-,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•-------------•-----•--- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_______wh.ose n-ame._, ig.............__._afJixed to the <br /> above instrument as �rantor________,and______...._8Y1C„___________s�aage�ddy aeknowled�ed the same to be._.__._hC.I'.....__. <br /> (SI£�iI�, Uoluntarz� aet and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN W'ZTNESS YVHEREOF, I have hereunto subseribed mz� name and afJixed my o�"icial seal at <br /> __�r�nd__Is1�nd,____in__sai�__G_o_unt�r_,___________________.____on the date last above written. <br /> -----John_.All�.n------------------------------------------------------ <br /> .N'otarr� Public. <br /> �.'.M� eommission e,xpires----------------��,n,---5-r�-924--------------------------------------------------------------r91-`--------- <br /> � <br />