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� � <br /> �c�� <br /> ��J?J1� ���JN�,�J�� ���J� ������ <br />--__ _ _ .>. -= -= - <br /> 62442—�rnrFf�URNALCOMPANYLtNCOLN.NEB. i � �~ .V -� _ <br /> FIiU..12 � � I herebz� eertifJ thaf; this irastrumerLt was erttered orz Numerical � <br /> Index crn,d filed for record t,his. _--2$----------day of------A-Li�-UB-�--------------. <br /> �toh�-r-t-B�awr� & ti�-ife - - ----- - -- --- <br /> ----- --- ----- -- -. . _ --- ------- -- ------- <br /> ----- �larrantp �. D. Is�-�--------� ar._ ----���-�-----------------------o��ao�k------a�--,�tir. <br /> �eea. �� <br /> ro -----------------��-���------------.���- <br /> - -------- -------------�-------- <br /> Re�ist of Deeds, <br /> --Te-nnrin�--Ir._Ri�cka.rd- ------ --------------------- ' <br /> 8�----- --------------------------------------------------�------------------�--------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �no� aYY �en �p ��je�e �re�ent�: <br />' Thut, - We,----Rahert Br-own and--A�nes--Brawn-.- his �ifE-�- ----------------------__ _-----------------------------------------•-------------------------------- <br /> o the (,oun,tz o xt�.11------------ and Sta,te o ----------------_��bT,�isk�----------------------------------_.----...._...--------.Grantor.�---------.,in consideration <br /> }� � .� f--- --- a- - } ♦ <br /> III, of the sz�m of------�--- -�lght--hLiridx'L-d--40�1.OA -------- ------------------------------------------------- ----- - -- -----------------------------------------DOI,L�IRS, <br /> in hand paid,do--------------.herebi� GR✓INT, P>��PG.�II✓V, SEI.I,,.q.N'D CONVFY'unt,o-----------TCrii3isri-'�---Ze.Rf_Ck�Td-------------------------------------------- <br />' ---------- --------- ---- -- - -- ----- - - - - --- - --------- ------------------------ ---------------------------------�------.. .----- <br /> of the C,ount�, of_ -- -$�.1.�-- -- ------,-_and State of - - ----IiT�bS���t,-- - -- -- -------., C�rantee--------� the followin6 <br />', �ln,scribed premises, situated irz the County of__.______.__.___.__�ti,.l�_...__________......___________________.__.and State of .N'ebraska, to-wit: <br /> --A:11--of--Block--Ei�rs__-�5--)----�f--B-rflvsn-!� ,�c�c��tian-t-a--A�-da, Nek�r�sk�,.r---a�s--��a-�a-�3r-ed-,---pl�.t-tye�i---�nd----�$co-r-ded. <br /> --------- - - ------------ -------- ------- -- ------- - _-_=_�a�,�r-_�=- - ---- ---- -- - -- - -- ------------------------------------------ <br /> -- -- - - --- -- - ---- -- - -- --- --�-�1._QD: _I.-F�. - � ----- --- -- --- - -- --- -------- --------- <br /> _ -------- ----- - ----- - ----- -- _-- - -- ( St"�-- - --� ; <br /> ---------- - --- --------------------------------------------------------�--------- <br /> �C�.ncelled � " <br /> -�--- -------- - --_. - ---- -------- --- . -- --- - --- --- ------ - - ------------------ --------------- <br /> - -_ _ -- . _ -- -_ _ - _ _ -- --- _ - - ----- --- - - --- ---- - ----- -- ------- -------- ----- ----- , <br />� -- -- - --- - ---- - - ___ _ - _- - ----- -- - ---- --- ------------ ------ ----------- -------- ------------------ -------------------------------- <br /> - -- -------- ----�---- - -- � - ---- - - ---- -- ------------- ------- - - - ---- --------------------------------------------------------- - <br /> '1'o�et,lzer zvith all tlze tennments, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�sin�, and all the Estate, Risht, Title, Interest, <br /> Dnaver, C.,'urtes9, Claim and Demand zvhatsoer�er of the .said GrarLtor_8, �red'rof�zbltTref t�terr�,of, in or to the same,or arzy part thereof. <br /> �a �abe anD ta �AIb ttae above-described prem,ise.s, zvith the appurtenarzces, unto t,he said Gra»tee_______and to._________�_$_,__________ <br />; hei,rs czrtd assi�'rZS fore,ver. .F�red_,___Y4�____.__Iz�rebz� eover�ccrzt______zvith the said Grart,tee..______tha,t_________________i9[!!___________hold_._..___said prem,ise,� <br /> i bz� �oocl and perfect t,itl,e; that______._W�______.________ha_y_e__dood risht and lawful authori,ty to .sell and convey the same; that they are <br /> frec and clear of all liens arZd irtcumbrarzces whatsoever-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> E <br />�� __-______."""'.___________'.'.'__'__'_________________________________"__'_'_______________._."."'___�'_�__�'_______'_'___"'_'_'__'_""'_________"_____""._-__'__._""_""'___'__""___'____'...'__'."_'_�_-_'_'___'_____""""'"""""""'"'"'"'_'"'__"'"'""""_"'__________'_____'_'_' . <br /> I <br /> ✓�nd___________________________S9�__.._..__._____.______________._____________coven,ant..___..__to warrant and defend t,he. said premises a�ainst the lawful cl,aims of c�ll <br /> personszt�liom,soever -- - -- -------- ---- --- -- -- - - --------- ------------- ---------------------------------------------- --- ----�--------- <br /> Dccted th,e_--------------------��rS� --------------�a�J ��------ - - +���t t - -- ---- --.q. D. L919-•----- <br /> W'ITNESS \ ------------�3Qb�.T�---BrD3ArY1-------------------------------------------------- <br /> John Alldn ------------�ne�--�ro�rn-----------�-------------- ---------------- <br /> ST✓1 TE OF NEBR�SKg, <br /> ss. <br /> H�tll------- -----._ County, On this-- ---------�3Td., of-- --------�1�gl�t�.ti-+�--------------------------g. D. 19--�9-------, before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notarr� Publir,.____________._____________.__._______within and for said Cou,nt�, persorLallz� came___._..____________...._.. ..___�................. <br /> . --Rob-e-r-t--B-ra�r�--�:.z�d-,H{;n��---�3�own-,-----��-�--wi f�t-t--------------------�---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personally knowr� to be the identical person�g______zvhose name_8______,_iL,TC_.....____.____._.._affcxed to the <br /> (SEAI.) <br /> a,bove insttu,men,t as �rantor_B______,arLd______'���,+�__________.__severa,lly acknowled�ed the same to be.____�h�j,X'____. <br /> volur�tarz� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> I��� W7T✓Y'ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and afJixed mr� ofj"ieial seal at <br /> ____.�rr�nd___Isl�.nd_r___in.__s.��.d___�_Qt1T1'� .____on the date last above written. <br /> �i--- <br /> --------------------------------•----JQ�I1---�1�._��acl--------------------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> ✓Ylz� commission expires------------=,�cLri.---�-y-19,24----------------------------------------------------------------19.--------------� <br />