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�..a'�,.�i � <br /> f� �������> >°J������ _����� ��� <br /> --� <br />: _ . _ _ _ _ _ W , _ _ _ _- <br />-_, .__.._.. 8�442i-sThT'F.JOURNA.L COMPANY LINCOLN.NHB, . . . .. ... . . .... _ ..,. `� ._ . ' -:-.: __-._....,__._ ._ __..___"�_._._.__'-_'.,._._w <br /> FIi O.h1 I hereb� certi,f� that tlzis instrument was entered orc Numerical <br /> In�lex an,d fcled for reeoTd t,his. ..._._17.-__._______day of____._.Ap.Tf l.........:....... <br /> ---BnY�ert--�3.--�a_t_s_on-&--w3fe----------------- : <br /> --- ---- -- - -- --_- -- - - - ---- <br /> ------ �larrantp �. D. 19---1� ---, �t -- ----�-2Q ------- -- -._o��ao�k--��-------�• <br /> �eea. /�—/� ��-�-) <br /> To \�/f����.� �l6-y�e�-n- <br /> -------------------------------------- ----------------------------- <br /> ---------------- ------- Resi r of Deeds, <br /> ------Har-x°3r--,�d.---Ballenger------------- --------------------- <br /> � 8�--------------------------------- ----------------------�--------------------------------------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.noiro aYY �.en �p ��je�e �r��ent�: <br /> That ----We-.---Robe_rt�-R-•-Wat�s_on--and--�ar3T- ---]it..--�at�_Qn.-._k�i.s_.w_i_�'�-�--------------------------------------=----------------------------------------------------------- <br /> of the CountJ of------------�I8.11,- --------------and State of--------,----AT��?_xB.Sk�------------------------,----------.,-- ---------.Grantor.--�9-------.,in eonsideration <br /> o}' the sum o}.------This_t_y__-f iv-e_hundxed---D�O -140------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ,- ---- ------ - -------------------------------------------.DOI,L.gRS, <br /> in hand paid,do---------------..herebr9 GR�1NT,B.�4RG./�IN, SELL,�qND CONVEY'unto---_H8TT3t_-�.----$8116T1gAS-------------------------------------------------- <br /> - ----------------------- -------- -------- ------- -- --- - - --- - -- - - --- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- <br /> of the Count� of_-----------H811----- --------------.--.-and State of.------------NBbTr'18k8-------------------------�----------., Grantee----------, the followin� <br /> de.scrr'bed pre,mises, situated in the Cortint,y of______________.____H&,1,-1_________.__________________________..____:_and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> ----Lo-t---,�az�x----�4--)----i�---B1ock--Seue�ntee-n,--{-1-7-�---of--�r-nald--an-d--Abb-o-�-��-s--AddiL_i�n---�n---�rand--Island,------------------- <br /> ----�elare,.ska,---as---surv_e�e_d-t--�laL-�-e-d--and--re�_Qrd�d-�----_-------------------------- - ---------- ----- <br /> - -- - - -- ---- - - -- - - - ---- --- ---- ---- ------- --- ------ - ---- ------ --------- - ------------------- ------------�--- ------------------ <br /> ----- -- --- - -- -_ _ - --- -= --- �--- ------ ------- ----------- -------------------- °., <br /> --------- --------------------�------ .t <br /> , <br /> . <br /> .. <br /> ,�;;, <br /> ---- ------------ -- -- - ---- - --------- --- ---- - -------- ------------------------------------------�- - ------------------------------- -._.----- ,, <br /> � ,:.�: <br /> - ---------------------------- ------,.- -------------- ----------- -- - ------- ----- -------- --------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> To�ether with atl th,e tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances t,h,ereunto belonsires, ai�d all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, InteTe,Rt,, <br /> D�zuer, Curtes�, Claim a�ad De�nand r��hat,soez�er of the said Grantor�__., ' ,of,in or to the same,or any paTt thereof. <br /> �4 �abe an� to �o[� tlz,e ahove-descri,be,d premise,s, zvith the appurtenances, u,nto the suid Grantee________and to_____________}�j,g___..___ <br /> hei,r:'s and assi6r�s forever. .Rnd.._�Sr'________hereby covenant______..zvitlt the said Grantee._________that___________�if_8_____.____________.hold.________:said prefriise,s <br /> br� �ood and perfect t,itle; th,at__.______yYg_____________ha__qg_.�ood ri�ht and lawful authority t,o sell and conve� the same; that they are <br /> free and clear of a-ll liens and incumbran,ees whatsoever, _________________________________________________________. � <br /> ✓1�cd_____.____________..YPB____'_.--__._______________.________________________covenant_._______to warrant and defend the said premises a�uinst the la7vful claims of all <br /> persorzs whomsoever ---- - -- --- - - ----- - - -�- - --- ----- ---------- --�-------------------------------------------------------------------------------• <br /> -------------------------------------------------• <br /> ------ - - - - ---------- - -------- ---- -- -- -- ----------- -------- -- --------------�---------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Dated th,e_.--------------l��h- -------- --da�J o�-__ -- -Apr31: - -- --- -- - .✓1. D. 19----Z-g-�-- ' <br /> ' ------------- <br /> , W7TNESS -------------RO_b_6_r'�---I�-•---?�B�H_Ori. <br /> E�3.5 0 I.R. � ---------------------------------�---------� <br /> � Stam s y ---------�--��----�•----W.a�sr�n-------------------�-------------------------------- <br /> ---------------Sohn---Al1an---------------------------------------------------- �C�nc e�le d � <br /> ST.fl TE OF NEBR.-4SKg, � <br /> �ss. <br /> - -------_H811 --------- --- Countz�, On this_----------1`�_L_h_---- ----�---------da� �r_.�-----._Ag_x�.1.---------------------------=----�. D. 19--��-------, before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notarr� Public__________________.._._____,_.____.__....___withir� and for said Countz�, personallz� came____RQl�es.t_..R.....�C�tB_pri_...._.._�.2�d <br /> -------��---�d.---l�[at_aan-,--his---�ifs-,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> to rrze persorcall� known to be the identieal person__8____whose name.__a_______BTf;__._____..__________ccf�ixed to the <br /> �S�AL� above instrument as �rantor_S______,and....____.___��t��_.___..____.severallz� acknowled�ed the same to be._..____��1T_. <br /> voluntary act artd deed for the purpose theTein expressed. <br /> I✓V W'ITNESS WflEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed mr9 of)"icial seal at <br /> ---------------�rand---IslantL--__in__„s�.id__c_ounty,_ ____._._on the date last above written. <br /> -----------------------J Qk�n,__.�l�.an--------------------------------------------------- <br /> Notary Publie. <br /> ✓1Iz� eommission expires_-----JBri�--•-�-r----15�24-.-------------------------------------------------------------------Z9--------------- <br />